
Beast Guardian

Jin Rou had nothing to say. Indeed, the princess had already done her best to give him time in the pond. And the most she could give was just an hour. It maybe too much little if Jin Rou wanted to roam around. But if he would go directly towards his business, then it might be enough.

The gate was still far away from the pond, so Jin Rou and the princess needed to walk towards it. After all, flying wasn't allowed here. It didn't matter anyway, as long as they could reach their destination then it's fine.

The way was filled with different kinds of ancestral trees. They were so big that your vision wouldn't fit in to get a full look. Not just that, each tree was giving a powerful vibe that could keep any enemies away from them, people included. Jin Rou didn't mind it at all. The business here wasn't with these ancestral trees so he wouldn't bother himself with them.