5 Chapter 5: Freshman Class of 2-B


[Host I think you should-]

'Shut up.'

Ray's eyes that where glowing golden and looked slightly reptile-like where filled with unbound rage, but they held sadness in their depths. He looked up towards the man in front of him and spoke.


Calahan already knew he would ask question, so he already prepared to answer.

"*sigh* Well, he had to protect a secret far bigger then you can ever imagine. And now that that secret left his hands, he decided to tie up the loose end. Because he never wanted there to be a day when anyone forced him to reveal that secret."

He sighed once more and looked at Ray again.

"And if you haven't already guessed, that secret is you. He was protecting you this entire time and you probably have never realized. He was a loose end that didn't want to be exploited, he knew this so he made sure to prepare accordingly."

Ray had a sudden thought, and his eyes widened.

"So thats why we moved around so much…."

Calahan smirked.

"Correct, you attract constant pursuers from darker powers. And even some from the light who wish to claim you as their own. You see Ray, you are someone extremely important, and because of this noone will pass up the chance to come after you. Never forget this, even after you enroll, never forget that you are special no matter what. And never forget what Bastion taught you."

Ray blinked one more time, his expression was sad but his eyes held extreme determination.

"Then for me, and for him… I will show everyone how 'special' I am… I will show them all that even if he was not my father.. The things he taught me are billions of times better than anything they've ever learned before."

Ray said in a determined voice, and Calahan smiled at this.

'Commander, you truly have.. Raised someone extraordinary.'

"Great, then make him proud from wherever he's watching you in heaven. You don't have to be the best, but at least try to have fun."

Ray smiled at this and his mood was improved as he thought of Bastion praising him for doing something amazing. Memories of their happy life flooded in, and his vision became blurry. His eyes stung, and tears fell one by one, but he refused to let out a noise. And cried in silence, because he already made a choice, to be the best and make his father proud.

» The rubble of the ranch.

A shadow appeared amidst the charred wood.

"It appears he realized our intent. Notify HQ, it seems the boy has fled to 'Calahans school of swords & magic.'"

Another shadow appeared kneeling behind the first. It raised its head and and stood up, it saluted and said.

"As you command."

Then as silently as they appeared they disappeared. But that was not the end, this scene occurred numerous times throughout the day. As numerous factions where searching for the same boy.


» Calahan school of swords & magic.

"We've arrived, Ray."

Calahan said as they where descending onto a marble landing pad, with a blood red carpet on it.

Once they landed and dismounted, Calahan gave Ray a basic tour and led him to his new class.

The door swung open, and the teacher turned to look over with a slightly angry expression. But then that expression quickly faded away and was replaced with one of reverence.

Calahan walked into the classroom with Ray in tow and stood in front of the students who where currently seated.

"As you all know you will be receiving a new student today, and it just so happened that I brought him with me."

He turned to Ray, who got onto the stage and bowed to the class while he introduced himself.

"Greetings classmates I am Ray, from the House of Cress."

As soon as he said this almost all of the students were instantly confused, and the whispers started.

"How is that even possible, wasn't only one child of the Cress family enrolled here? Why is there a second now?"

"I don't remember him saying he would have any siblings or servants attending, well not like he talks to me much so it could be different."

As all of this gossip was going on a particular dirty blonde boy who had a muscular physique stood up and yelled.


The boy who yelled is actually a member of the direct line of the House of Cress. Klein von Cress.

Ray looked up at the boy with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Interesting.." He muttered.

"Well I am for a fact a member of the Cress household, I was just never dubbed so by your current house head."

Ray said in a calm voice, while still staring at Klein, Klein glared back angrily and then suddenly paused. His facial expression froze and turned to pure shock, and then disbelief.

"W-wait a minute, if you weren't dubbed by the current household head… Then does that mean that… No, that trash Bastion was ran out, so it is not possible. Who gave you my last name, brat?!"

Ray's eyes instantly went cold, he unsheathed his sword, his killing intent reached its peak. He did not even seem like a 10 year old at this point, he seemed like a god of death strolling towards his next victim.

While everyone was frozen by the level of killing intent a mere child possessed the victim, Klein, had cold sweat dripping down his forehead. Ray's steps echoed through the classroom.





Finally he stopped in front of his victim and leaned closer to look him right in the eyes.

"If you insult my father again…"

His killing intent went up tenfold, at this point you could practically smell blood in the air. Logically speaking it should not be possible for a child to possess this level of killing intent. But Ray's bloodlines amplify his emotions, especially when it comes to kin and treasures. And to Ray, Bastion was his most prized possession, and only kin.

"I'll kill you."

Ray said with a glare that could freeze fire itself, he then turned around and walked away. And as he walked away his killing intent was slowly disappearing and the smell of blood was gone. And everyone could breathe, they all stared at the child in front of them with looks of awe and fear.

"Ehem, I apologize for my rude display, my emotions took over me for a bit there. I hope you all could forgive me."

Ray said with an embarrassed smile that instantly made all girls want to pinch his cheeks and spoil him. And as for the rest, and aura of calmness washed over them as if everything that just happened never did.

Calahan who was already expecting something like this to happen was a bit worried. Not for Ray but for the other students, mostly because Ray had the highest combat power of all the freshman and an insane amount of untapped potential. He was even debating whether he should move him up a grade but quickly dismissed it.

'Mmmm. It seems like their awakening at a faster pace than anticipated. I should probably talk to HIM about it, after all he knows more about it than me.'

Calahan then gave a short speech which took the rest of the classes time. And he gave Ray a list of his classes to memorize, he then left to go about his day.


» Cafateria

Inside the seniors cafeteria a boy was there looking at the menu, he was supposed to be in the freshman Cafeteria but disregarded it, due to the fact that their food was not good enough.

"Hmmmm, what to eat… What to eat.."

As the boy was choosing his meal a man walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, are you sure your supposed to be here kid? Are you someones child or something? This Cafeteria is for students only."

The man said in a polite tone which made the boy consider turning around to respond, but he was too busy choosing his food.

[Host you should probably respond to him, he's being sincere after all.]

"No. Food first."


Ray's eyes had a slight golden light in them, as he looked over the food one last time. He walked forward and ordered all meat dishes, more than enough to fill 30 people.

[Host are you okay?]

There was no response.

[System 12-4367A to HQ, something has appeared to have gone wrong with my Host, and my settings have not updated accordingly. Requesting immediate assistance.]

A few moments later the golden light in Ray's eyes disappeared completely.

[Bloodline Possession has been neutralized. Updating status settings..]

"Wait… how did I get here..? Wasn't I just in the classroom..?"

[Host, your bloodlines seem to have activated due to your constantly fluctuating emotional state. I suggest you do your best to calm yourself in the future.]



[» Name: Ray Cress

Race: Human?

Bloodline(s): White Scaled Sovereign Dragon, ????.

Level: 12

HP: 103

Strength: 100

Defense: 200

Speed: 120

Mana: 200

Intelligence: 200


Mana Pressure: 50

Killing Intent: ???

Influence: 1

????: ??? «]

"W-what the?! My stats jumped up!"

[I- I believe this is due to one of your bloodlines being related to dragons, as I have heard dragons are naturally born with immense strength.]

"B-but I don't feel any different- Well I an extremely hungry-"


{ Daily Bloodline Quest Acquired:

Devour 100 Pounds of Meat.

Devour 20 Gallons of Red-Wine.

Devour 50 Flame Crystals.


All stats +5

Bloodline Unlock (.0000001%)

Dragon Scales, Skill. }

Next chapter