
Down The Chocolate Forest

They set off into the chocolate forest trotting along the long peanut road. The road led off to the Card Palace, which was basically in charge of the entire continent they lived on. Anyway, PaperBoy and PencilMan trotted along and spotted pretty little flowers that smelled like white chocolate. PaperBoy leaned closer to smell the wonderful flowers, when PencilMan snatched him up, farther away from the flowers.

"PaperBoy you've got to be careful, because Mr. Origami told me those flowers are very dangerous." PencilMan said with caution.

"How do you know, Mr. Origami might be wrong!" said PaperBoy angrily

PaperBoy tried to smell the flowers again. PencilMan pulled him back.

"Look I know what happens I was just like you." PencilMan said.


PencilMan then picked up a piece of peanut road and threw it at the flower. The flower then opened up its petals and leaves revealing its hideous teeth, its eyes, and a goey tongue. PaperBoy flinched and backed behind PencilMan. PencilMan then slashed the flower beast with his Pencil sword, killing it off.

"Sorry for doubting you," PaperBoy said feeling regretful,

"It's fine, as I said I was like you, and you know curiosity gets the best of us," PencilMan said chuckling. This would be the first of many creatures they would encounter. It was very tempting for PaperBoy, because everywhere he turned it smelled like chocolate, the trees, flowers, even the animals smelled like chocolate.

They soon rested to eat due to the tempting smell of the chocolate. The boys ate honey, cranberry, with bread and peanut butter. The two were about to feast, when they heard a low voice coming from the trees. Out from the trees came a shadow, a figure that had two ears at the top of their head, a round head, and black button eyes. It was a stuffed bear, wearing a pair of sunglasses! An animal that didn't smell like chocolate.

"Yo what up, what's happenin here?" The stuffed animal asked.

"Were having lunch, want to join us?" PaperBoy asked politely. PencilMan wasn't so fond of this being coming out of nowhere. He put his hand on his sword ready to strike if the bear ever striked them.

"Yea sure, if I had a bid of dat honey of yo's," the bear said, licking his lips.

"Okay" PaperBoy said. He grabbed the jar of honey and tryed giving it to the stuffed animal. When suddenly PencilMan slashed at both of them missing both of them and the jar of honey.

"Yo what's da problem dawg?" The bear said confused.

"Don't play these games," PencilMan said, "tell us what your up to!"

"Alright, Alright you got me," the bear said, "I was planning on eating all yo honey."

"Wait," PencilMan asked with surprise, "That was all you were planning."

The bear nodded and looked at the honey gloomily. PencilMan thought of what his actions and apologized to the bear. They all ate happily and got along quite well.

"Hey, sorry again about my brother's insecurity, but do you want to join us our adventure?" PaperBoy asked.

"Yea, I could use a little adventure in ma life," the bear said.

"Oh what's your name anyways?" PaperBoy asked.

"Da name's Mr. Teddy, but you can call me Ted," Mr. Teddy said confidently.

They walked along the path again and showed Ted the flyer for the Inkwell Factory. He smiled and was with them on going there, he was also excited for the trip ahead. They finally got out of the chocolate forest, and stopped.

"Oh wait, why were you in the chocolate forest?" PencilMan asked.

"Long story short, I was being chased by dees black goey creatures, for some reason, I finally lost them when I ended up here." Ted said nervously. The two looked confused, and looked at each other. They shrugged it off and continued onto Card Palace, Ted joining on their adventure.

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