
Speedy Blue and White Uniform

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"At…" Ye Jinwen's expression was pretty weird as he recalled the location of the blinking signal. "The estate near your house."

Xiao Qimo was in deep thought, as he stood up from the couch and conveniently picked up his suit jacket.

He gracefully shifted his spectacles. "Let's go."

Lu Mian only spent three minutes to find Sui Yuan's whereabouts, which was a thousand times more effective than the whole group of people checking the school surveillance cameras previously.

She gave her answer directly. "She's at Yun Xing Bar, two kilometres away from school."

Lu Xinnuan and Su Jue, who were getting scolded, were shocked. When they turned around, Lu Mian had already kept all her equipment and was standing there coldly with a phone in her hands.

The short three minutes was only enough for them to speak a few sentences.

"You found her?" Su Jue was beyond shocked.

Lu Xinnuan's mouth was also agape, as she looked at the time in disbelief and felt that this was too unreal.

"How did you find her? Are you sure Sui Yuan is there?" Lu Xinnuan doubted.

Lu Mian was not in the mood to talk nonsense with them, as she waved at Elder Su and walked towards the school's entrance.

"Mianmian is so capable. She found the person in no time." Elder Su was too old and could not catch up with her, so he could only patiently remind her from behind, "Mianmian, be careful. Su Jue, you little brat, hurry up and follow her."

Lu Xinnuan was very unhappy, but she suppressed her emotions and sweetly called "Grandpa Su" to try and stop him.

Elder Su did not have the time to care about her as he answered superficially.

"Grandpa Su, why did you ask Su Jue to follow Mianmian? He still needs to give a speech later…"

"What's the use of going through that formality?" Elder Su strongly disagreed and did not forget to rush Su Jue.

Lu Xinnuan was beyond embarrassed as she opened her mouth towards Su Jue to say something, but he was already way ahead and did not even look at her.

She looked at the far away Su Jue, before turning to look at the crowded pep rally and orientation hall, and swallowed her saliva.

How ironic!

She had her parents' love, the honor of going up on stage to give a speech and countless halos. She thought she was the main character today, but Lu Mian ruined everything.

Lu Mian did not go to the main entrance, as there were guards who would check her leave form, student identification card and even teacher's verification.

She directly jumped over the wall behind. Not far away from the wall, there was a motorcycle that was the same black as her handphone.

It was a cool exterior exuding a cold aura.

She turned on her handphone and tapped on something, which made the motorcycle blink and unlock.

The motorcycle sped forward, and one could only see a blurred figure of a blue and white uniform.

Su Jue, who chased after her, did not even see the corner of her clothes.

The blue and white figure sped rapidly, attracting passers-by's attention and screams.

How handsome! So cool!

Lu Mian found Sui Yuan in the dark alley of the bar.

The moment she got off her motorcycle and took off her helmet, she squinted her eyes.

Her soft short hair casually flowed to the wind's direction.

She stood there quietly but had a murderous aura around her.

A few pesky hooligans were in the alley with ill intentions. They turned around and saw Lu Mian.

The bunch of them was suddenly energized.

"F*ck, this girl is hot."

"She's still a high school student."

"Two high school students today… We're on a roll."

The screeching voice laughed unpleasantly, too loudly and in a very disgusting manner.

With a wave of her hand, the helmet landed on the rear mirror of the motorcycle stably.

She walked towards Sui Yuan, step by step.

At that moment, the stunned Sui Yuan's mind was completely blank.

She collapsed on the floor and was neither able to move nor talk.

Her eyes only had Lu Mian's thin figure that came with the wind.

Just like a heavenly savior.

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