

Meep and Jeffy ran over to the road where kermit was laying on the ground motionless. Meep said Kermit wake up dont die on us...Jeffy said well you know what this means... Frog legs. Meep yelled hell no he is our friend why wouild we eat him you cannibal. Jeffy said well sorry im hungry. Meep yelled YOUR ALWAYS FUCKING HUNGRY! Jeffy said i know! Meep punched jeffy and jeffy punched Meep and they began to punch eachother and it turned bad instantly. They fought and they both came out with some bruses mostly Meep he came out with a bruse on his leg and a black eye because jeffy threw him at a trash can. Jeffy came out with a couple scratches and 1 bruse on his arm where meep had bit him. They looked at eachother and then looked at Kermit and began to run around like maniacs they didnt know what to do Meep ran face first into a parked car and i think that knocked some since into him. They rushed kermit to the hosbital and luckly he was still alive we got him their just in time. Kermit had to stay in the hosbital for a couple weeks and jeffy and Meep knew exzacly what they were gonna do...😈