
Chapter 3

The little green insect was gliding down back to Earth, getting some much needed rest.

"So, what do you think of this one?"

"I can't even begin to describe my confusion, this soul seems so weak, why would he give his remaining power to such a weak individual."

"We never could understand Breeze, he was a somewhat...ECCENTRIC...individual."

"He only ever did as he wanted, all play, no work, he barely even acted the way he was supposed to."

"And how do you believe he was supposed to act?"

"Strong, capable, diginified, and all he was, was a goofball."

"That GOOFBALL helped us become what we are right now, and those charachterisitcs describe you, not him. No one is more proud of their job than you."

"Well of course, we are elementals, proud holders of-"

"Yeah yeah knock it off, before i knock some sense into ya, I think I'll lend him my power next, once he gets stronger though, definitely"

"You know my requirements..."

"Yeah, you sicko"

*The two balls of light, one blue and one gold, float off towards their buisness*

*Back to my bug boi*

"Ah so peaceful"

*He's floating down towards the water, all 6 wings spread out, letting him float-glide like a leaf*

"I'll call this Leaf Dancing I think, this is fun"

*Before his wings touch the water, he flies up, and darts around like a hummingbird*

"Okay, now one problem: What the hell do I do now?"

| System Integration Complete|


| Welcome, New User, to the World of @&$%#!|


| Status |

| Name: Nil |

| Race: Dragonfly Hybrid |

| Bloodline: Nil |

| Strength: 0 |

| Speed: 30 |

| Inteligence: 10 |

| Skills: Nil |

| Special: Chosen of Breeze |

"Hey um, system, how can I, get stronger, per se"

On the surface, our young dragonfly is calm, and collected, but he has SO many questions

| Defeat monsters, consume biomass, become stronger, evolve |

"Okay, seems pretty straight forward"

*He picks a random direction, and starts zooming off*

"Woo hoo hoo! This is awe-"



| Level Up! |

| Level Up! |

| Level Up! |

| Level Up! |

| Level Up! |

"...What in the actual hell"

*The young dragonfly pulls himself out of the tree by using his wings in reverse, and turns around to see a giant bear with a small hole in its head lying dead on the floor*

"...Well, i guess that solves that"

| Large Amount of Biomass detected nearby, Auto-consume? |

"....HELL NO"

*The young dragonfly then starts gorging himself on the bear, eating it slowly, as hes so small*

"Hey system"


"Open Status"


| Status |

| Name: Nil |

| Level: 5 |

| Race: Dragonfly Hybrid |

| Bloodline: Nil |

| Skill Points: 5 |

| Biopoints: 10+ |

| Strength: 0 |

| Speed: 30 |

| Inteligence: 10 |

| Skills: Nil |

| Special: Chosen of Wind |

"Okay so like"


"I kill things, I Level Up"


"I level up, i gets skill points"


"And if I consume what I kill, I get these biopoints?"


| Correct |

"Whats a biopoint?"

| A biopoints is a shard of pure power from whatever you've eaten |

| 5 Biopoint = 1 Stat Point |

*Half of the bear is gone*

"So like, mind telling me what my special thing is? I feel like its important"

*Keep in mind our young dragonfly is simpleminded and blunt, so he'll accidently think out loud*

*Luckily, he cant speak yet so this is talking to himself in his mind*

| Chosen of Breeze |

| The Old God of Wind has bequeathed you its last remaining power |

| Infinte Speed Scaling, No Strength Scaling, Intermidiate Magic Scaling |

"That is cool and depressing on so many levels"

"I would love to ponder over that my benefactor is dead, but that not going to help me right now so Im not going to think about it, I'll leave it to future me"

| Skill Aquired! |

| Eating Level 1! |

| Will allow you to eat faster |

*He looks down, and only sees the skeleton of the bear*


"Not half bad"

"Could use some barbeque sauce though"

its just gonna just be him for a while, so Imma remove the " " for now, for now

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts