
Chap 1

That day was a summer and bright day a girl was sitting lonely at an empty classroom, at a school at break time, she was eating her lunch while reading some novel at her cell phone, her name was Ellena she had a blue pair of eyes and she was redheaded, she was very immersed in her Reading when a voice cal called her.

-Hey Ellena what are you doing?

- Oh hey Silvia, I was just reading a little.

Silvia was Ellena best friend she had green eyes and blond hair, she and Ellena were childhood friends and had a very Strong bond.

They know each other very well, and have mutual belief in each other.

-But why here, you know that you are very popular right? Why don`t you go read at a place where you can let others see you instead you choose to read at this depressing place.

- You know me i hate noisy places it interrupts my concentration.

This kind of interaction was very normal for them, and occurred almost every day.

Ring Ring Ring

This was the signal of the end of the break, and after some minutes the previously empty and silent classroom became lively and noisy filled with teenagers.

Ellena and Silvia seated side by side and fixed their sight at the book until the end of the class. In the way home, they could be seen walking side by side speaking with each other.

-So want to come to my house to play some games. (Silvia)

-Nah i am too tired i really need to sleep. (Ellena)

- You know that if you stop reading night along you wouldn't fell this sleepy right. (Silvia)

Said her with a little frown.

Both of them could be considered top class beauty, but they didn`t have any crown pf boys after them, and all because of their personalities, they were to close towards strangers, and had a very antisocial personalities, and the few boys who had tried to invite them were brutally refused, making the win a bad reputation.

And then in the middle of their walk, they heard a voice in their head.

[Finnaly i have found you my chosen i need your help]

Am i going crazy i could swear i heard a voice calling me i think i should ask Silvia about it.

-Oy Silvia did you heard some..... while Silvia was turning her head toward me a loud some hit my ears BOOMMM. And my vision turned black.

- Hugh where i am. Said Ellena, when she heard a moan –ugh. Int sounded like Silvia so she turned her head toward the source of the sound where she found her best friend lying in a White floor.

- Hey Silvia Wake up.

-Ugh where i am, is that you Ellena, where are we?

When i was going to say that i don`t know we heard that voice again.

[Oh brave ones that answered my call welcome to my world]


-Who said that, where are we, tell me. (Ellena)

She and Silvia were obviously scared, but Ellena was very courageous and asked that while Silvia stayed in shock behind her.

[Oh apologize for my rudeness my name is Astratos the goddess of light, and i summoned you to ask for help]

While saying that a beautiful woman with black hair and brown eyes appeared out of nowhere. This scared them a lot, but after some awkward minutes if silence to process the information Silvia asked.

- What are you talking about, is this a dream? This can`t be true.

[I can assure you that this is reality, and i am sorry by the sudden summon but i and the other gods are in a state of urgency, so i needed to call you here by force, i apologize]

-Urgency? What are you talking about?

Said Ellena cleary confused, was she really at another world like the protagonist of her so loved novels? Is this a dream?

[ As i said i am Astratos, i had summoned you because i this world an evil lord had appeared and is causing chaos, and is threating the whole world, so i with the permission of the other gods hac=ve summoned you to save this world]

-But why us, aren`t you a god? Can`t you like literally erase his existence?

Said, Silvia, a little angered, because of the situation.

[Sorry but i can`t, the universe has certain law that we gods can`t break, and this law forbids us from doing divine intervention directly, so we are forced to summon brave heroes like you two, to erase the evil beings that threat the balance of the world]

-But we can`t kill someone just because you said so, i want to return to my world.

Said Ellena, clearly scared, she still hopes that this is just a bad dream.

[Sprry but i can`t send you back, but you can rest assured i will give to both of you powerfull abilities that will help you in this situation, you two will be sent to a castle to the human king that will help you, and relax he will know that you to were sent by me]

And like this by the second time of the day both of the blanked out and fell unconscious for the second time on this crazy day.

So this is my first novel and English isn`t my first language so sorry about the grammar error

DaoOfStupiditycreators' thoughts