

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


After hours of walking , they came to a clearing in the bushes. And before them was a sight to behold.

It was an Empire of impressive pyramid like temples made with diamonds as flying decorations filled the air as queerly dressed people danced through the streets. As they were led through the streets, the dark skinned people parted the streets and gazed in wonder at these white demons that have invaded their village.

"Excuse me, could you just tell us where we are?" Conrad asked.

"Gso tale fsu kagi wa."The burly fighter replied.

"I said , COULD YOU TELL US WHERE WE ARE?" He repeated.

"Jumso Aki Zu Monte." The warrior said

"Okay." Conrad turned back. "These people either have speech difficulties or they are mentally impaired.

"I hope they aren't crazy enough to kill us." Percival muttered as they were taken to the highest temple in the city and forced to climb a number of stairs.

A horn sounded as all the people of the empire were gathered in front of the Pyramid to see the adventurers who were now left alone in a strange temple. It was made of gold as different metal carvings and offerings were placed before a creepy skull figure. Kneeling before the figure was an old man , adorned with feathers , his hair was weaved into scattered strands as he was invested in a certain robe of regalia. Underneath his mouth was a long strand of hair that posited and adorned with beads.

"Hummmmmmmm ..." He chanted as she lit incense.

"Great ! Another Wakadoo!." Levi sighed.

"We need to figure out a way to escape." Avyanna said. "Its seems these people don't understand our language so we can use that to our advantage."

"I'll take the old man down while find a path out of this crazy place." Kyra said slowly loosening her ropes.

The old man smiled as he turned to face the adventurers stroking his beard . "Why would you want to harm an old priestess?"

"Wait , you're a woman?"Conrad asked in surprise.

"Of course I am a female. What else do I look like?" The priestess said angrily.

"Its just that the mustache is a bit misleading." He replied, referring to the hair underneath her chin. "There should be like a sign or something to avoid confusing outsiders."

"We are getting off topic. How can you speak our language?" Levi directed his question at the man like priestess.

"Indeed. This is one of the many gifts bestowed upon me by the gods." She answered using a sage brush around the five in order to see their aura. "I am Che'ara, Priestess of the Zumba Empire."

"So what do you see for us? Like any hope of getting out of this psychotic place?"

" Yes, yes , I see!" She placed a finger on her forehead and hummed. " I see no hope of ever leaving this place , you're all to be sacrificed , yes sacrificed! " The group looked on with fear.

" And you will be the first to die!" She pointed to Percival.

"Why me?" He asked.

"Me I know? "The priestess shrugged.

"Are you really going to take advice from the woman wearing a beard? You're stupider than I thought." Levi said to the Paladin.

The old priestess stopped her humming as Levi scoffed.

"But what i see is different , The gods are telling me that you all are on a journey and did not meet by accident ...."

"Isn't it that obvious?" Avyanna stated agnostically.

"Your fates are intertwined. One of you shall die before reaching your end , Another shall take back a throne but will faced by two choices, One shall overcome a great adversity and Two shall find love in the most unexpected of places ...And all this shall take place on a journey that He is going to show you." and the purpose of this whole journey is to merge two different worlds together.

Conrad heart skipped a bit. How did she know ...

Che'ara passed a discrete glance at Conrad and shook her head.

His secret was to be kept for now.

"Thanks for your unnecessary wisdom but isn't there anything useful you can do? Like helping us out of here alive ?" Levi spoke bluntly.

"I am afraid not. You have arrived at the worst time of the year in Zumba."

"Monday?" Kyra attempted.

"No." She said sharply and continued stroking her beard. "It is the Festival of the Zu. The storm god that protects this village. This celebration is always marked with blood so you and your fellow companions are all going to die horrible deaths like burning alive , hanging alive , eaten alive , killed alive... Good thing of course , You can choose your pick. "

"How is that helpful?!"

Soon the Warriors returned and the priestess nodded her approval for the adventurers to be taken away.