

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


They arrived at noon.

"Are you sure this is the way to the Eastern Kingdom.' Kyra asked doubtful.

" l have an innate sense of direction . I'm like a walking map . So guys ,I assure you that we aren't lost."Avyanna replied cheerfully

Levi put a hand on his waist . "You have not a clue where we are, Do you ? He accused her.

Avyanna hung her head in defeat.

"Seems like we're stuck in this miniature hell hole for today. "Levi announced.

Locating the nearest tavern, they lodged there.

"I am very sorry , dear travellers but there are only three rooms left." The lady at the counter tried explaining but Kyra was not in the mood. "All the other rooms have been taken." She said in a sort of desperate plea.


"Raina " The lady said.

"Look Raina, my companions and I , you can count if you'd like , altogether make four and you said there are only three rooms . You see..." She sucked air between her teeth "That's not gonna work."

Levi took out one of the knives and placed a finger on the sharp edge."Or an alternative, we could make some space."

Avyanna eyes widened in alarm and she shoved Levi away. "No one is killing anyone . We have no other place to stay since all other taverns are occupied. So, having no choice,We'll take the rooms. "

Conrad examined the keys on the counter. "So who's not getting a room?'

At this point, Levi swiped one of the keys and started to his room.

"Hey you are going to share with someone , right?!".

"Yes, I and my demons. We're going to have a party. You can come if you want." Levi said and bade them adieu.

Avyanna rolled her eyes but also took a key and deserted them.

"Hey!" Conrad and Kyra protested. "What of us, you told us to stick together no matter what!" Conrad said

"Sorry but I kinda have stuff, so you are going to have to share . Bye!" She waved to them and made haste.

Kyra and Conrad made their way up to the last and only room. " Its great were staying together. It is an opportunity to get to know each other more....",Conrad tapped as Kyra struggled with the key. Finally the door opened and Kyra stepped in but the key slipped from her hand and fell forward. She moved after it and when Conrad was about to come in She shut the door in his face.

"Why the hell did you shut the door!!!!." He yelled as he continuously banged on the door.

She opened the door slightly and threw these words at him." Your are a major cover hog and snorer. You're a man. You'll find some where."

"And you call yourself my friend!!!"

"Yeah , Yeah. I'm tired and I'm sleepy. See you later".,She closed the door.

Conrad sighed.


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