

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


"Eternal youth ???"

" That's so cliche " Levi waved her off. "I thought you were gunning for something more intriguing like revenge!"

"Ehem..." Eva cleared her throat to remind John. " We're getting off topic.

"No mortal can achieve that. Not even you!!!!!" Levi continued.

Gothel brought out a archaic and haggard old book .Levi eyes widened In surprise."But I can with this!

The memoir of the Demon Lord Bupharates ...

One of the numerous epitome of evils of the world that had been killed due to it menace several centuries ago . so he thought

How did she get her hands on it!!?" He wondered "That's how she deteriorated into this.".He concluded.The book was made and written in pure evil and hatred and it was believed that whoever touched the book would begin to absorb those negative impacts.

"Where did you get that "!! He moved aggressively towards her.

"Trade Secrets " She hushed, indirectly making spite of him in the process.

Levi angrily said"When I get out of here, I am going to rip your heart out , piece by piece , keeping you alive so you can watch as the life you treasure so much is taken away from you!!!!!

"But you forget"... Gothel gave him a sly glance.

"I don't have one."

She continued "I have acquired all I need . By sunrise , I will be restored to my former glorious beauty."

Levi looked out at the moon. It was slowly beginning to wane. That meant they had only a few hours before it would be morning. If he had wanted to act ...

He'd better act fast .

"The girl?! Where does she come in??" He questioned.

Gothel Stirred her cauldron as if absent minded and then smiled mischievously.

A King or a Chief's daughter is required to keep herself pure until her wedding day. The girl's a whinner I'll tell you that , but she do quite nicely. The blood of a virgin does wonders in the mystical realm. Didn't you tell me that?!" Gothel stared at him with that crazed look in her eyes.

Levi thought in his head.

The monster he created...

Had come back to bite him in the ass.

He sighed.

"It's a shame ...and I thought we could resolve this peacefully. Levi grinned

"The hard way it is."

With one push, The window shattered behind Gothel and sent her flying out of it while Levi jumped out after her.

He was going to kill her if he had to .

He wasn't going to let this mess spread any further.


The light dived through the bushes and rounded her joyfully, while Kyra and Conrad Came out right after.

"Thank you " Avyanna whispered to the light and it disappeared.

"God , I felt like I was going crazy in there" Conrad rubbed his eyes.

"At least we're out of there and we are going home "! Kyra smiled

Avyanna's Countenance changed.

"We ARE going home,"?!!!!!. Kyra enunciated.

"Rule number one; LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND". Avyanna reminded.

Conrad groaned.


Conducting a hasty seance for astral projection was bad.

But doing it without the proper materials was even worse!!

Avyanna had no access to candles or salt .

It was a nightmare!!!!

She made a pro's and con's list in her head.


. They could save Levi.

. They would save an innocent girl's life

. They would get paid.


. Her soul could get pulled into the under world by the keepers of death.

.Her spirit could miss its way in the astral realm and if it goes wrongness no coming back,

. Her body would be left defenceless and unprotected from any physical attacks.

. It could simply not work.

Any how , Avyanna reasoned ...

She had to at least try .

Improvising, she got some sticks and stuck them in the ground as replacement for the candles. She took some sand and made a large circle saying a chant that would consecrate it.

That's what she hoped .

But she was going to take the risk.

"You can't go alone . I coming with you". Kyra said determinedly.

Avyanna knew it was impossible to dissuade her. They serenely on the ground holding hands together,in a Yoga like pose , crossing their her legs and pressing their thumbs together. Avyanna closed her eyes and began the journey, leaving Conrad to be watching over them with him in hand as their bodies where now defenceless against any attack.


They got into the house. Everywhere was weirdly silent.

"Come on " Kyra urged.

Avyanna knew that the person holding the chief's daughter hostage wouldn't leave her unguarded. She closed her eyes and opened them. They were shimmering yellow as she scanned the house.

She always had some tricks off her sleeve.

Avyanna looked for where the strongest ley lines ( Where Strongest points of magic converge at a particular point .) and saw numerous lines leading down into the floor.

She scoffed.


They appeared in the attic ,and saw the girl tied up, struggling tirelessly.

The girl almost fainted at the sight of them but Avyanna managed to calm her down.

Kyra broke hand contact with Avyanna that was linking them together.

"Find Levi. I'll take Care of her".

"What are you going to do"?,Avyanna questioned.

Kyra squatted "What's your name?

"M...mosalind " She said mufflily because she had been gagged.

"Rosalind. Nice name. Now this isn't gonna hurt a bit."


Levi was beginning to get weak.

Blood trickled from the side of his face.

"Are you going to give up now " Gothel laughed , though equally affected.

"Have you ever known me to give up." Levi stood to his full height .

He leapt in the air and moved swiftly towards her.

Their fists struck each other as a powerful surge of energy created a blast wave that could have destroyed a kingdom. Gothel tried throwing speedy punches but Levi dodged them all before finally delivering a mighty blow to the side of her face.

Gothel stumbled back, blood streaking from her nose

Using this opportunity, Levi decided to get the upper hand.

'Roll Initiative '

John tossed the dice.


"Awesome!!!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Multiple striking Shadows!"

Several dark veins shot out towards Gothel and her lips twitched in a demented smile. Reaching her, the shadowy finger like projections caught hold of her. Gothel snapped her restraints into two while muttering some ancient incantations. Gothel heaved a sigh and looked up but Levi had disappeared. Without warning, he spirited behind her and charged another offence.

" Ancient technique : Bloody Tsunami !!!!!"

Gothel lost her balance and staggered back as it exploded.

He felt a shiver ran down his spine as he now saw Gothel emerge from the ruins. but He pretended as if he wasn't surprised

"You think you can get rid of me that easily!!!!!" She screamed with a maniacal look in her eyes .

Levi tightened his fists.

This was going to be a hell of a fight.