

This is the story of a devilish handsome god, a female conjouror with powers unimaginable, a half demon battling her inner evil prowess and a charming human with a special ability. Join the adventurers society to get involved in intriguing adventures ... ————————— You can check out my other books: Fighting Destiny. The Reincarnation Of The Devil King. Loved by a Trillionaire CEO. Enjoy!!!

Megan_Immanuella · Fantasy
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122 Chs


Levi had turned around and was shocked that they had vanished into thin air .

Like literally , Disappeared!

"Ugh! don't tell me they all chickened out..." He sighed . He couldn't believe Conrad would still run away in fear .

" Well such is expected of a coward ". Levi muttered

"Hey " Obi exclaimed . "That's harsh!"

"Sorry bud." John patted him on the back. "You know I don't really mean it. And besides I'm insulting Conrad , not you."

"Okay! " " Wait , aren't I ..." Obi beamed.

Levi could understand kyra and Avyanna desertion but certainly not Conrad.

I will not let them deter me "He resolved in his heart.

"There is no turning back now ".

He braced himself for the worst.


Avyanna slowly opened her eyes.

Where the hell was she?!

She looked around searching for the others but saw no one. All she could remember was the ground swallowing her up.

She also remembered Levi saying something about wandering off on your own and not sticking together .

"That was the exact opposite of what I said" John said rolling his eyes at Eva.

Avyanna heard some groans in the distance. She had to be careful. She didn't know what was in these woods. Holding her Katana she crept quietly to the spot where the noise was coming from and struck!

"Do you want to kill me?!"Conrad yelled

She heaved a sigh of relief then kicked him in the guts.

"It also reduces your HP by 10%".Eva added.

"But that's not fair", Obi cried.

"Next time you won't think about crossing me" Avyanna huffed and helped him up to his feet .

"Where are the others?" Conrad asked as he dusted dirt off his clothes.

How did we get here, I thought we were all together , where is Levi?

"I suppose he was leading us to the demon master in the forest asking in confusion".

"I don't know. Seems we got separated and Just my luck am here right now"Avyanna hissed.

Conrad gazed at the vast forest. "How are we ever gonna get out of here.??"

"We just need to keep moving forward" hopefully they will find the others She replied, though doubting her own words."We'll head this way .:


Gothel stirred her cauldron once more and shrieked in anger . Her plan had been foiled. The two fools had kept on progressing in her direction just like the rest. All these years she had plotted for this and she wasnt going to let them or anyone ruin it for her.

She had wanted to break up their little team but instead she did the opposite ; She kept them together!

Gothel went to her inventory underneath a concealed cabinet and took out the shavings of an owls beak, The eyes of a three legged lizard, the tongue of the deadliest back mamba and lastly the hair of a mad man.

"None of you"... She declared . "Are coming out of the forest alive. I'll make you all mad as the hatter.


"Seems we're still in one spot ". Conrad said devastatingly.

"Damn it. I know!!"Avyanna gritted through her teeth in frustration.

She was literally growing crazy about this place.

Conrad rubbed his face . "We are lost in a forest, I'm stuck with you and we don't even know where we are?!" . He complained.

"Just shut up. How can I think with all your noise!!!! You should just go! I need to think and your not helping". Avyanna said and in fury she walked away leaving Conrad alone.

Just like my plan is coming together, Gothel said with a mischievous smile .

Avyanna stomped off to another part of the forest.

She put her hand to her forehead. She was having a massive headache. She turned around and started seeing things that weren't peculiar.

Rolling for perception.


"How come you always get so f*****g lucky!!" Su ling fumed.

"It's a secret ."Eva winked.

Avyanna felt something was wrong.She took a deep breath and exhaled. Feeling the power coursing through her vains she mustered her energy at a particular energy point of her body.


At last everything was clear.

It was all an illusion!

What a nasty trick.

But, she worried, for her to fall prey to it even with all her sensate capabilities...