

Realm of Mana, Year 756

In the vibrant Realm of Mana, in the Kingdom of Merilyn, the air buzzes with anticipation as the kingdom prepares for the grand celebration of the birth of royal twins. The festivities unfold against the backdrop of a realm where different races and species coexist harmoniously.

The celebration is a kaleidoscope of cultures, showcasing elves, dwarves, humans, and fantastical beings, all coming together to revel in the joyous occasion. Colorful banners flutter in the breeze, representing each race's unique emblem, as laughter and music weave through the air.

The heart of the kingdom is adorned with magnificent architecture, from towering spires to intricate bridges connecting floating islands. Amidst this breathtaking landscape stands the illustrious Royal University, a colossal institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and magic. Its grand towers and sprawling libraries symbolize the intellectual richness that permeates the kingdom.

As the sun casts a warm glow upon the festivities, the celebration unfolds in the remarkable Realm of Mana, uniting beings of diverse origins in a shared celebration of life.

Overlord King stood towering, his colossal frame adorned with an exoskeleton-like skin that gleamed with an otherworldly sheen. Draped in a majestic chiton-like garment, embellished with intricate gold decorations, he emanated an aura of regality.

His horns, rising proudly from his head, took the form of a majestic crown, underscoring his royal lineage. As he stepped forward, the ground quivered beneath his immense weight.

In a voice that resonated like thunder, the Overlord declared, "Behold, my realm and my progeny!" With a sweeping motion, he lifted his twins, Katherine and Morpheus, with both of his colossal hands. The twins, clad in garments befitting their royal heritage, gazed upon the assembly with a mixture of curiosity and grace.

The Overlord's eyes gleamed with paternal pride as he continued, "Katherine and Morpheus, heirs to the throne, the future rulers of this dominion." The air crackled with anticipation as the assembly acknowledged the next generation of leadership.

"Let the legacy of our lineage endure," the Overlord proclaimed, his voice echoing through the vast expanse, as the gathered multitude bowed in reverence to the unfolding saga of the royal family.

Queen Merilyn stood regally, her flowing golden locks cascading down her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall. Her sapphire blue eyes held a depth of wisdom, and freckles adorned her fair complexion, revealing a touch of warmth beneath her majestic exterior.

In her royal garment adorned with intricate gold decorations and diamonds, she radiated a commanding presence. The gown, a masterpiece of craftsmanship, bore symbols of the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—signifying the unity she sought to instill in her kingdom.

Addressing the assembly, her voice resonated with power and grace. "My beloved subjects, in the tapestry of our realm, each thread is woven with purpose. As the winds of change sweep through, let unity be our guiding force."

Her gaze shifted, locking onto the eyes of her husband, the King. "In the embrace of unity, my love, we find strength. Together, we can forge a kingdom where compassion reigns, and peace becomes our legacy."

She continued, her words weaving a tapestry of hope and cooperation. "Let us cast away the shadows of discord and stand united against the storms that may assail us. For in unity, we find the true magic that binds our hearts and ensures a kingdom where every soul thrives."

As her speech concluded, the crowd erupted in applause, and Merilyn's eyes met those of her husband once more, conveying a shared vision of a harmonious and peaceful future.

The air crackled with anticipation with the Overlord King and Queen Merilyn speech, flanked by their trusted generals: Sir Gideon the valiant Knight, Elara the mystical Mage with flowing robes and an aura of arcane power, Alaric the enigmatic Alchemist clad in a cloak of shimmering potions, and Seraphina the formidable Vanguard, her gleaming armor reflecting the joyous glow of the occasion.

Excitement surged through the crowd as the fantastical quartet joined the royals, eliciting thunderous cheers. The people's jubilation resonated with the harmonious blend of medieval tunes and magical melodies. Each character, from the King and Queen to the Knight, Mage, Alchemist, and Vanguard, played a crucial role in fostering unity.

Queen Merilyn, her eyes gleaming with gratitude, expressed heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering support of her subjects and outlined a visionary path towards a united kingdom. Sir Gideon, with his chivalrous demeanor, stood tall as the embodiment of loyalty and honor. Elara, the Mage, mesmerized the onlookers with sparks of arcane brilliance, symbolizing the kingdom's magical potential.

Alaric, the Alchemist, concocted symbolic elixirs signifying the alchemy of diversity within the realm, and Seraphina, the Vanguard, exemplified strength and resilience in the face of challenges. Together, they radiated a collective spirit that fueled the celebration among the subjects.

Amidst the revelry, the people marveled at the diverse tapestry of characters and their unique contributions, weaving a tale of unity and strength for the kingdom's future.

From days to night, under the moonlit night, as the kingdom celebrated the birth of the royal twins with joyous dances and songs, Overlord King's gaze fixated on Morpheus, the newborn with a visage resembling his own monstrous form. Concern etched across his face as he whispered to Queen Merilyn, "Will our son face the same challenges as I did, my love?"

Queen Merilyn, holding Morpheus in her arms, reassured the worried king, "Our son may bear a unique appearance, but he carries our strength within him." The King, glancing at the smaller Morpheus beside his twin sister Katherine, couldn't shake his worry. "Promise me, no matter what, we will stand by him," he implored, deep in thought about the challenges that lay ahead for his newborn son.

In the tender silence that followed, the King's voice resonated through the room. "Morpheus, my son, know that my love for you is unwavering. In every dream and waking moment, my assurance of love and care is a constant presence."

The Queen joined in, her words weaving a promise for their shared future. "As a united front, your father and I stand beside you. Our unity is the foundation upon which your dreams will flourish."

A symbolic exchange unfolded as the King, with a gentle touch, placed his forehead against Morpheus's. It was a wordless pledge, a poignant moment that transcended spoken language. In that connection, the bond between parent and child echoed through the realm of dreams.

Chapter 1 (Prologue) end

To be continued...

This is the first time I've write a light novel so if I have an error in this chapter, please remind me cause I need to learn more

Monster_Inventor_3creators' thoughts
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