

Fifth day of February year 1754 at Creteil near Paris an heir was given a geniture. Her mother Queen Cordelia De Blois was executed for treason year 1764. Her father King Edouard De Blois expend most of his time colonizing the territory and retain the extent near France. He passed away five years subsequently while he and his troops abandoned the French colony in India. He was succeeded by his one and only heir Victorique De Blois year 1769. Many aristocrats opposed her rights and power to be the next ruler because they don't want their country to be in the hand of a 15-year-old girl. To accumulate their respect and recognition she must the status of their country to otherwise, she will have to marry someone who will be the next king. King Edouard died at the most crucial situation and many invaders try to attack France. In a month, through Queen Victorique's highly intellect and strategical method, she can improve the agricultural and industrial state of her country giving a rise to its economy. She builds a strong foundation of amity and allies to a powerful country by trading her crops and the diplomatic dispute between their countries. She advocates the French people to achieved a highly education by collaboration. In just a year, the France recover from its economic crisis. Queen Victorique became the greatest Queen in the French monarchy because of her ability to rule and get a will to develop the countries power.

"The same story I use to hear every night until I hear the discordant crowds replacing the sound of a turning page."

"Queen, everyone is waiting for you outside, he said as he closed the door."

"I will go out."

"Make sure everything works well."

"A greeting to our Queen, Queen Victorique De Blois."

"Everyone enjoys the current party I throw tonight without agitation but plain innocence, not even bothered by who're going to greet them by the succeeding days."

I walk with my own crown, full of elegance, in this crowds that I am aware I dislike the most.

Well seeing the view of a little light this night, I know they can't fully see me, their greatest Queen.

"Queen Victorique"

"What? Why you're here?"

I am taking it as the darkness dominate.