
the adventure of Fenrisúlfr

A mad mix of Wizards, Witchers, Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies Teen Wolf/ twilight/true blood/ the originals/ wizarding world of Harry potter I do not own any of the series/movies mentioned in the fanfic only my OC's I don't own the image just pulled it off Pinterest props to the artist if I'm not allowed to use it I'll take it down just let me know I've just recently downloaded Grammarly so ill be using that from now on, hopefully, it makes reading easier for you guys

Elzik · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Ollivander and The Wolf Kings wand

After leaving Elfleda, I went on my way to meet Ollivander, walking through the bustling streets of Lunden there were many types of people around. Poor begging for food, the rich, looking down their noses at everyone, some artisans selling their wares and a lot of devotes preaching on the road.

Their preaches we're nothing special, everything I heard I had a pretty good counter for but decided to just mind my own business. Honestly, their "God" wasn't as "holy and peace-loving" as they made him out to be, his "son" fed thousands, and they tried to evangelize anyone who would listen. But then walk past starving children on the streets, if he actually smote sinners, they would all be ash on the floor because that's a sin if I ever saw one.

Enough of the hypocrisy, I hurried my pace to find the wandmaker. When I eventually happened upon his stall, he was tinkering with some wood dipping it in a solution as I approached he was too lost in his craft to notice.

"Excuse me, Mr Ollivander? Do you do custom orders? I have some ingredients I would like to use" I announced my arrival.

"Eh? Oh! yes but it might take some time and you'll have to pay upfront" he sounded shocked to actually get a customer.

'Ah shit I haven't got any money on me maybe he will accept the prismatic crystals?' I thought as I looked at him embarrassed. "Sorry Sir I only have some crystals with me maybe you'll accept those as payment? And is there somewhere I can hand over the materials? They are a bit mystical to be seen on the roadside" questioning apologetically I smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, I can smell the uniqueness of this piece, How very intriguing! Let me see the payment and I'll tell you if I can accept if not you could work it off?" The gleam in his eye told me that he would do the work anyway, so I fished out a prismatic crystal about the size of a palm from my pouch. When the sunlight hit it, 7 colours bloomed in all directions causing a mystical sight. Ollivanders eyes fill with light as a treasure had fallen into his hands.

"This is the crystal I was offering as payment," I explained as handed it over like it was worthless, I had hundreds of these in my pouch, so I wouldn't miss it.

"Hmm what a sight! This could be a great wand core! It has a tremendous amount of influence over worldly magic!" He was babbling to himself as he reached for it with care.

'Hmm, maybe he will accept it' thinking as I continued to ask "So will this be enough?"

"Absolutely! This could change the art of wands! I'll do the work for you! What other materials have you brought for the work?" He yelled excitedly clutching the crystal.

"I have a heart of a magical beast and some fur from a wolf for the core plus a bone I want to use for the wand instead of wood, though I might need some aid in shaping it as its really strong" I explained

"Hmm, two cores are rare, hopefully, this wand will pick you, as the wand picks the wizard and not the other way around" he replied in delight the twinkle in his eye never fading.

"It's okay I'm sure I will have a connection with it" I smiled knowing my bone and fur would help with the connection and the heartstrings of the Zinogre is part dragon part wolf so it would be powerful and synergize efficiently.

"What beast heart is it? I will have to extract the heartstrings and merge it into the bone the fur is a simple task though" Ollivander was getting more excited by the second, he was a real enthusiast of wandlore.

"It's a Zinogre also known as a thunder wolf wyvern" explaining as we shared a look.

Geraint Ollivander the wandmaker was shocked at this, which surprised me I wasn't sure if he would know about the beast, but by the look on his face, I could tell he did.

"What!? A Zinogre hasn't been seen since 1000BC! They are a legend! If what you have is really a Zinogre heart then we can not waste the materials! They are some fine ingredients for rituals and potions just in the heart! If you have a scale then the effectiveness of each product will multiply with some of it crushed in!" He was shouting now and the people around us were starting to notice, but most thought Ollivander was an old man who'd lost his marbles, little did they know that his ancient family was a noble wizarding house.

"I have the full heart inside my pack of its fur, it's not a permanent holding, but it will do for now, and a few scales have been used as a rune array to preserve it. I also have a bag of its blood" I confessed with a shocked expression, I was now regretting leaving most of the corpse behind but I knew there would be a whole pack of them in Pangaea.

"Excellent! If we bathe the bone in its blood and fuse the cores with the crushed scales the Wand will be a masterpiece!" He was jumping with joy now.

"That's fine, but where can we begin I don't think the non-magical townsfolk will appreciate a heart the size of a body appearing in the street" I suggested moving along the conversation.

"Ah yes you might be right, come to my house this evening at sundown it may take a week to create so you can stay with me and my family, I will have to close the stall until the piece is finished" he quietened down, noticing the onlookers as he passed me a piece of wood with his address carved into it.

"Okay ill be on my way then, till later," I said as I waved and went to stroll around, wondering if something interesting would capture my interest until sundown, I already knew where he lived id passed his little house while on my way here.

When the sun was begging to set and I arrived at the Ollivander home Geraint was waiting for me on the doorstep, the windows were illuminated with candles and fabric curtains cut off most of the view inside.

"Welcome to my home, Ah! I'm sorry I never got your name?" He welcomed me with a cheery smile, his hair was scraggly like when I saw him earlier, going grey and looked greasy. He wore a dark grey tunic and trousers with a leather belt tied around his waist, I could see a holster holding a pale brown wand on his left hip.

"It's fenrisúlfr Mr Ollivander, but just call me Fenris" saying as he gestured for me to enter his home while holding the door open. Entering the small stone and wood house, it felt cosy and was warmed with a small fire in the wall, not quite a fireplace just a hole with a pile of wood stacked neatly. There were parchments of paper lining shelves in an organised way, I couldn't understand, fastened together with leather strips. A small table with a chair lent to one side as it had a short leg and a painting of an old man hanging on the wall. I guessed this was his ancestor the original Ollivander who came to Britain with the Romans. He looked a shade darker then Geraint but identical, that might just be because it was an old painting.

"Alright, a pleasure to meet you Fenris, allow me to introduce myself officially, I am the local wandmaker Geraint Ollivander III, my home is open to you anytime." He bowed slightly in a regal gesture. It went to show his noble heritage, the man was a Lord of his ancient house, and you could tell with his articulate introduction.

"The pleasure's mine Geraint, shall we get down to the crafting?" I replied, in an attempt to be as eloquent. Taking off my makeshift pack, I'm not sure if seeing a man in Viking attire speak in an accent sounds right though. Ratatoskr seemed to find it funny as he was poking me and rubbing his belly, I just knew he was laughing at my attempt.

"Ah yes let me clear up some space for your ingredients," he said rushing to his desk in eagerness, he began throwing parchment paper around until a bare desk was in front of him, luckily it had enough space for everything I brought with me, placing my pack on the table I untied the top as it folded out the fur holding the heart, a rush of cold air pervaded the room, the scales fell revealing the slightly frosted heart.

I also took out my arm bone, black wolf fur and the sac of blood, I had in my pouch, I bet it looked strange because my pouch was only the length of my hips and the contents were bigger than it.

"Okay we will have to warm it up to begin the dissection, what bone is this? It looks metallic" he asked with intrigue as he perused the contents.

"It was my left arm that the beast ripped from my body, it's the top bone I do have the other 2 as well" I chuckled at his incredulous facial expression.

Geraint was looking at me like I could have told a better lie and replied sarcastically "ah yes I bet it must have eaten it as well"

"Actually it did, but I retrieved it from its stomach, that's what the blood stored inside. Mr Ollivander, what do you know of Werewolves?" I inquired wondering if he knew of tales or had actually met one before.

"Aha! Are you one of those beasts in a human body?! I have heard stories from my father about wolves who became man at the dawn of time and they could regrow their limbs the only way to kill one was by taking its head or heart" his voice was a tad bit higher as he was startled by my revelation.

"I'm not too sure about being a wolf first, but I can change into one whenever I wish that is some of my furs when transform and I did regrow my arm but who knows, I am only 20 winters old" I was just as shocked, he was talking about the original pack or the original family of werewolves. They were said to have originated before the homo genus species from millions of years ago.

'I wonder if I was actually one of them and spent millions of years developing into a more human state when I woke up in that cave? I'll probably never know unless I find my parents or another pack member' I thought about it but it didn't really make sense surely I would remember that at least vividly when I was in my mind. Breaking me out of my thoughts was Geraint shouting joyously about making something so unique.

"Okay let's begin! I can't wait to see the results, you begin grinding the scales down to dust, I will prepare the heartstrings and Fur for the combining process" he had a huge grin on his face now as he got some tools to begin working on the heart.

Grinding scales into dust wasn't as easy as it sounded they were tough and it took a few hours to get a small bowl full. I kept going though I had a plan to fill the rune gravings with it and then bake the wand in my natural flame.

Geraint was accurately stripping the heart into parts; valves, chambers, veins, arteries, excess tissue and the heartstrings. He made minute cuts with precision and determined each parts worth and arranged them in bowls.

After the night had gone and the sun began to rise, I had finally finished a full scale, Geraint had picked out the most intact and thick heartstrings for the core and had them arranged with the fur, ready.

"Okay next we need to shape the bone and then quench it with the blood," he instructed me getting the bone and examining it with curiosity. He was very prudent with his touch as if he would break it, taking the woodworking tools he had, he tried to chip away at the elbow joint but it just bent the metal of his carving knife.

"Ah I did mention it was really strong, maybe we could use a flame or some acid of some kind?" I questioned apologetically.

"I didn't expect that to happen, Hmm I do have some venom from a Norwegian Ridgeback somewhere around here it is old, not many have been seen lately hopefully it'll make the bone malleable," he said as he went to search through a small cupboard in the adjacent room.

When he came back he had a crystal flask with a green and yellow substance inside. I could smell the venom even before he'd taken out the cork, it was horrendous and my nostrils began to itch, I tried to guide my magic to them but it had the opposite effect I wanted. So I decided against trying to use magic again, luckily enough with the enhancement the smell wasn't half as bad afterwards that is until the cork came out.

Taking the bone he dipped it into the venom and it began to sizzle slightly nothing to be concerned about but it was a good sign, Ollivander took the bone out and began to shape it with tongs and a hammer, he bashed the trochlea into a solid end, the bone looked a little more like a wand now. As he kept dunking the bone it became harder and harder to shape like it was adapting to the corrosion, that was a good thing for me maybe if I bathed in it my whole bone structure would improve density, but my skin might melt off so I pushed it to the back of my mind.

Taking the opposite end he began to do the same until I interrupted him saying. "Ah, can you make it like a hand groove? So it fits with my hand perfectly?"

"I would need to take measurements of the hand, I did not before as it was your bone but with the grooves to sit perfectly it would have to be done, I can begin now it shouldn't take too long, hold out your dominant hand" he quickly replied pulling the bone from the flask of the toxin.

After an hour of measuring he had a thorough understanding of my hand and what shape needed to be moulded into the bone and began to work again.

After a good half a day he passed me the bone, my hand sat under the head of the bone in a groove that fits like a glove, it was about 12 inches in length and was rigid now the venom had little effect anymore, the head was shaped in a crescent moon and the end was shaped to a slight point. The metallic silvery grey gleam made it look extraordinary, a true wand for the wolf king.

"The shaping is complete now to soak it in the blood and prepare the cores it should be ready in a day or so but for now let's get something to eat while we wait" Ollivander looked energetic like sleep didn't elude him even after 2 days of none at all.

We discussed wandlore and the craft his family had been apart of for generations, it was fascinating, to magically merge parts of a creature with wood and have completely different outcomes each time was astonishing honestly. There were no 2 wands the same even with cores and wood from the same source, it was like the magic of the world wouldn't allow it to happen.

After a captivating discussion of wandlore and a hearty meal of turnips and Pidgeon, we began to work on preparing the cores. Drizzling blood and scale dust over each core component and making sure every part was evenly spread, he even asked me to feed my magic into the core and bone for a while to help the assimilation, he did mention this would only work for my wand as if he did it with his magic the wand would be inclined to think he was the owner of it.

After a while of doing just that Ollivander took over and set everything up in a specific order, heartstrings to the tip and fur to the handle he began chanting in Latin, the speed was fast so I couldn't follow very well but he was calling on "mother magic" to complete the process, it took a whole day and a half of none stop chanting for the cores to integrate into the bone.

Next would be the run carvings but I was going to do that with my own rune magic as I felt more inclined to have the magic is studied for years be etched onto the wand id keep for the rest of my life.

I already had the rune markings planned out and how they would fit on the wand and interact with my and the worlds magic, it was a slew of overlapped runes spiralling from the crescent moon to the tip ending in a sigil wrapped around it, it took a long time to carve and fill with the scale dust, after it was finished I recoated the bone in blood and baked it in my natural flame for half a day as the blood evaporated and left a slight electric blue colour to the silvery grey gleam. I was reminded of the battle I had with the beast and the flashes of lightning between its scaled body.

When it was finally finished and I grasped the handle of the wand, I felt a rush of energy through my arm spread around my body and into my core, the whole room was basked in a pale light like moonlight shining through the clouds.

wasn't sure of which of Ollivanders ancestors was the right age for the time so I went with the only one from the middle ages I could find.

also the wand making is purely my imagination.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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