

The Ravenheart Estate stood as a magnificent testament to the wealth and prestige of its noble inhabitants.

Nestled amidst lush, rolling hills and verdant forests, the estate exuded an aura of elegance and grandeur, its sprawling grounds stretching as far as the eye could see.

At the heart of the estate stood the main mansion, a sprawling manor built of sturdy stone and adorned with intricate carvings and elegant architectural flourishes. Tall, imposing columns flanked the entrance, while expansive windows allowed sunlight to filter into the opulent interior.

The mansion boasted multiple floors, each filled with luxurious furnishings, priceless artwork, and ornate decorations that spoke of the family's illustrious heritage.

Surrounding the mansion were meticulously manicured gardens, their vibrant blooms adding bursts of color to the verdant landscape.

Serene ponds and bubbling fountains dotted the grounds, their tranquil waters reflecting the azure sky above.

Stone pathways meandered through the gardens, inviting guests to explore their beauty at leisure.

Further out from the main mansion were the various outbuildings and facilities that supported life on the estate.

A stable housed the family's prized horses, while a sprawling training ground provided space for the estate's guards to hone their combat skills. Workshops and storage buildings dotted the landscape, their bustling activity a testament to the industriousness of the estate's inhabitants.

Beyond the manicured gardens and bustling outbuildings, the estate extended into the surrounding countryside, encompassing vast stretches of farmland, orchards, and woodlands.

Here, workers toiled under the watchful eye of overseers, tending to crops, livestock, and forests that sustained the estate's inhabitants.

As one steps inside the mansion, they are greeted by the cozy embrace of home. The main room is spacious yet intimate, with wooden beams overhead and a stone hearth at its center. The crackling fire casts a warm and inviting glow, bathing the room in flickering shadows and dancing light.

On one side of the room, a large window offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding forest, allowing the gentle breeze to carry the scent of pine and earth into the cottage. Sunlight streams through the window, dappling the floor with patches of golden warmth and illuminating the room with a soft, ethereal glow.

In one corner of the room, a small crib rests against the wall, draped with a canopy of gossamer fabric that sways gently in the breeze. It is here, in this humble abode amidst the trees, that Arion comes into the world, his first cries echoing through the cottage like a melody of new beginnings.

Arion, the baby just born into this world had black curly, deep dark brown eyes, and his skin is a deep, rich shade of ebony, kissed by the sun and radiant with warmth and vitality. It glistens with a natural sheen, a testament to his health and vitality, and seems to glow with an inner light that speaks of resilience and strength.

Arion woke up from his nap slowly opening his eyes and adjusting to the light in the room coming from the window.

looking around Arion understood one thing

"Am I a baby... so it seems I've been Isekai'd or transmigrated like one them anime and novels."

"I wonder if I have been given a cheat ability or anything"

And right on cue as soon as Arion had that thought an interface appeared in the boy's vision

[ System Host has been granted the ability system]

[ The Ability system allows the host to create any Abilities, Talents, or item the host can imagine with the price of points. Points can be acquired in many different ways such as certain Achievements, Killing Lifeforms, Quest Completion, Exploration and Discovery, and Overcoming Challenges]

Arion Ravenheart

Talents: Blacksmith




Constitution: :1

Intelligence: :1








[The Host has been granted a 99% discount on the first passive skill the host wants to create for being born into this world. The host must create the skill within the next five minutes or the host will lose the free discount.]

Arion was overjoyed knowing he got a cheat system hoping it would allow him to make this new life easier, and he was even more overjoyed when he read the discount part, but the joy slowly turned into panic as he kept reading realizing he only had five minutes to think of a passive skill to create or he would lose a head start on his early progression.

" I don't even know what kind of world I'm in, do they do magic, cultivation, straight martial arts"

Arion started screaming in his head about what kind of skill he should pick.

"Wait can I ask the system questions?" Arion pondered.

"Hey system what kind of world is this

[In the world of Elysium, magic flows like a river, weaving through the very fabric of reality. Here, you can command the elements themselves, bending fire, water, earth, and air to your will. You can summon creatures of myth and legend, forging bonds with beings both majestic and fearsome. You can unlock the secrets of ancient artifacts and wield their power as your own.]

"Ok so the world seems to use magic, I wonder if that's the only thing they use."

sensing the question the system answers.

[Although people use magic and this world, it is not the only power system, to use magic you must have mana, although everyone born in this world can use mana they do not have the talent to utilize it properly and progress their cores through the ranks. So some people use Aura to become stronger and they are known as Warriors. there are also many other types of energies in this world, but they are yet to be discovered or other energies are being kept secret from the main populace.]

"Different energies eh? What kind of energies.]

[1 point to answer]

"What the FUCK. you didn't ask for points last time

[The system can answer general knowledge questions or questions that the Host has access to, but will only answer questions like these for a price]

"Forget it, if there are other energies to use and most of the world doesn't know about it's probably being kept secret by nobles or something to stay on top and I don't know my circumstances right now so learning something I'm not supposed to can be detrimental in the future. I will just choose to create a skill that can increase my mana and aura."

"System create a skill to increase my passive aura and mana growth"

[Request Denied]

[Host must create the inner workings of the skills himself by providing limits and what exactly the skill does, so the system can calculate the points required]

"ugh I'm trying not to get frustrated with this system like other characters do in novels, but I'm starting to feel their pain"

"Wait didn't the systems say people have cores, so do I have one?"

[ The host does not have a core, most cores are created between the ages of 3-12. The earlier the person gets a core can determine one talent. Cores can also be formed earlier if the person learns to absorb mana. Some people have discovered way to increase the rate as their kids obtain their mana cores]

"What about for Aura?

[Aura users do not have cores but are determined by the amount of aura someone has. That is why fighting aura users as a mage is hard because it's hard to determine one's strength because it's easier for them to hide it.]

"Hmmmm... ok one more question and I think I got it. can people use both Aura and Mana and does learning one prevent someone from learning the other different energies?

[Yes there are people who can use both, but it's a harder path so not a lot of people do, and no learning both won't prevent others from learning other energies if they could.]

"System create a passive skill that can enhance my passive mana and aura absorption by 10000% even if the user doesn't know how to absorb the energy all day"

[100 points to create]

"100 points... Jesus and the discount is still being applied. ok let us add some limits and lower it some"

"System create a passive skill that can enhance my passive mana and aura absorption by 1000% even if the user doesn't know how to absorb the energy all day"

[ 10 points to create passive skill]


[skill being created...}

[ skill created]

[Please name skill]

"Passive Collect"

[ Terrible name, but Passive skill created it is now in the abilities Tab]

As soon as the notification flashed through Arion's retinas he felt a surge of energy enter his body

At first, the sensation is exhilarating, a tingling warmth that suffuses his entire being. But as the energy intensifies, it becomes almost overwhelming, like a tempest raging within him, threatening to consume him whole.

Arion's body trembles as the energy surges through him, every nerve and sinew alight with the raw power of the spell. It feels as though a thousand stars are being born within him, their cosmic energy fusing with his own essence in a symphony of light and sound.

His senses reel as visions dance before his eyes, fleeting glimpses of worlds beyond imagining and secrets untold.

The very fabric of reality seems to ripple and warp around him, bending to his will as he becomes one with the vast, infinite cosmos.

For a fleeting moment, Arion feels as though he is on the verge of transcending mortal limitations, ascending to a realm of pure magic and wonder.

But as quickly as it began, the surge of energy subsided, leaving him breathless and trembling, his body humming with the lingering echoes of its power.

In the aftermath of the surge of energy, baby Arion lies in his crib amidst the chaos of the nursery. His tiny form is nestled amidst the debris, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the broken window.

Despite the destruction surrounding him, there's a sense of innocence in his gaze as he observes his surroundings.

Toys and blankets are scattered across the floor, their once-soft surfaces now crumpled and disarrayed. The walls bear the marks of the blast, with cracks zigzagging across the plaster-like intricate patterns.

Fragments of shattered glass glint in the sunlight, casting shimmering reflections on the nursery floor.

Arion lies amidst the wreckage, his tiny chest rising and falling with each breath as he takes in the scene before him. Despite the chaos, there's a sense of calm in his demeanor, as if he instinctively knows that everything will be okay.

As baby Arion lies amidst the aftermath of the surge of energy, the sudden commotion of the nursery draws the attention of the household staff.

With hurried footsteps, two maids burst into the room, their expressions a mix of concern and confusion.

Maid 1: "Goodness gracious! What in the world happened here?!"

Maid 2: "Oh my stars, look at the state of this nursery! It looks like a storm blew through here!"

Maid 1: "And where is the little master? Is he safe?"

Maid 2: "There he is, in his crib! Oh, but look at him, he seems unharmed."

Maid 1: "Thank the heavens for that. But what could have caused such a ruckus?"

As the maids approach the crib, they exchange worried glances, their minds racing with concern for their young charge.

But as they draw closer, they notice a faint, pulsating light emanating from baby Arion's tiny form, its brilliance barely visible amidst the chaos of the nursery.

Maid 2: "Do you see that? There's something... unusual about the little master."

Maid 1: "By the heavens, you're right! It's as if... as if he's glowing."

Maid 2: "But how can that be? Babies don't just glow, do they?"

Maid 1: "I don't know, but look at the way the light seems to be coming from within him. It's almost like..."

Maid 2: "Like what?"

Maid 1: "Like... like his mana core."

Maid 2's eyes widen with realization as she grasps the significance of her companion's words.

Maid 2: "His mana core? But that's impossible! He's just a baby."

Maid 1: "I know, but look at him. Something extraordinary has happened here, and I fear we may have stumbled upon something beyond our understanding."

Maid 2: "I don't know, but we must inform the master and mistress immediately. They'll want to know about this."

With a sense of urgency, the maids hurry from the room, leaving baby Arion to his thoughts amidst the wreckage of the nursery. As they make their way through the corridors of the estate, their minds racing with questions and possibilities.

"oh man did I fuck up? A newborn baby awakening his mana core. Great if this isn't normal, many people will be coming for my head."

The heavy thud of footsteps echoes down the hallway. Moments later, the door bursts open, revealing Arion's father, clad in the attire of a blacksmith.

His brow is furrowed with concern as he takes in the scene before him, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of the chaos that surrounds his son.

Arion's Father rushes to the crib, his heart pounding with worry as he sees his son lying amidst the wreckage of the nursery.

Thaddeus is a tall and sturdy man, with a rugged yet kind countenance that speaks of a life spent toiling at the forge.

His broad shoulders are accustomed to bearing the weight of heavy burdens, and his calloused hands bear the scars of countless hours spent shaping metal into works of art.

His hair, once a vibrant shade of chestnut brown, has begun to gray at the temples, a testament to the wisdom and experience that come with age.

His eyes, a piercing shade of blue, are filled with warmth and intelligence, though they carry a hint of sorrow for the trials he has faced in life.

Thaddeus's features are weathered but handsome, with a strong jawline and a firm set to his mouth that speaks of determination and resolve. Though he may be a man of few words, his presence commands respect and admiration from all who know him.

Dressed in the simple garb of a blacksmith, Thaddeus wears a leather apron stained with soot and sweat, a symbol of his dedication to his craft.

Despite his rough exterior, there is a gentleness to his demeanor that belies the strength and fortitude that lie beneath.

"Hahaha seems my boy awakened his mana core but this could only mean one thing."

Next chapter