2 New World

From the countless realms, there was a world which exceeded the current earth by hundred times in its size. This is a mortal world where the most powerful one is the cultivators of the Nascent stage which can be considered pretty powerful in the level of cultivation.

{ Author Notes- Sorry guys! How lazy I am, forget to tell about the level of cultivation. So here it is.

Mortal Stage ( Normal Human )

Body Tampering Stage ( Just above Normal 😁)

Foundation Stage ( kids starting real cultivation )

Core Formation Stage ( still kids)

Grandmaster stage ( well elders category 🤗 )

Nascent Stage (become adults in cultivation 😎)

Saint Stage ( powerful ones)

True Immortal ( basically legends in mortal realm)

False god Stage ( Fake gods 😇)

God Stage ( well MC stage )

Well, these are the stages each divided into four parts as initial, mid, advanced and peak. Beasts stage are similar but they are stronger than humans in the same stage and their lifespan is also longer than humans but the universe is fare as stronger the beast lower their population. Further information in upcoming chapters. Enjoy! }

Searching through the books given by his father Alex comes to know that this world is called Aereth and as a low-levelled world they do not know the existence of other realms. For them, these things are legends which are ignored. If a sentence was used to describe this world beauty then it is a paradise for Alex as he never adventures outside palace.

Humans population was more than 50 billion ( true sex maniac 😋😋 ) and most are mortals. There are kingdoms, sects and organisations which controls this world. Alex has nothing to do with them as his real aim was to adventure this vast world and see all mystical things.

Changing his facial features into a normal one which can be considered handsome and wearing clothes of a mortal, Alex moves toward the Aereth while covering himself with Nature Energy to save his clothes from burning while entering the Aereth.

As in God stage, he can control any energy in this world and easily enter this world through a vortex but he wants to see the world's beauty with his eyes so choose to enter through space directly.

As he easily enters first thing come to view is a vast forest full of life and the only missing thing was humans but he was not depressed as this was also an adventure in itself. Alex comfortably landed on the ground while admiring the surrounding." Finally, I am free this is the feeling of freedom. The only thing missing is a partner whom with I can share my thoughts " Alex said .{AN- Itching for beauties 😥😥}

.After Alex'vision' had surveyed the surrounding world around him, his gaze seemed to billow outwards like ripples and waves, expanding aimlessly.

The towering trees, grasses, thorns and brambles, as well as the beasts all appeared within Alex's sight with incredible clarity, and under his gaze, these objects and creatures did not do anything out of the ordinary either.

Alex as a God stage person, his divine sense can easily surround the forest without being discovered. Suddenly he feels some energy fluctuation toward a direction which was only a few miles away from him so he started walking toward the area. He can still find out what was going through his divine sense but still want to see himself personally.

After a few minutes, he reaches the area where the concentration of nature energy distortion is high. Alex discovers that there was a group of beasts which are a dark wolf, fighting a huge beast which was like a king kong and surprisingly this was beast was also In mid-Foundation stage while his vitality is nearly coming to end. The others were also in the initial foundation stage but by grouping, they can still take down this ape-like beast.

His vision lingered on this group of the beast, yet he does not intervene but what spur up his interest was when he finally notice a similar ape behind the huge ape but was small in size. He can see the anxiety in the eyes of huge ape and finally, Alex understood what was going on as a beast was saving his child by sacrificing itself." This is the beauty of life, whether it is a human or a beast, both can sacrifice themselves for their child to protect them from any harm." Alex said as he sighed.

Alex was an emotional guy so how can he see a parent die for a child in front of him so he finally decided to save them. This horde of dark wolfs still ignorant of their surroundings and was totally focused on the ape as it was already in their eyes but suddenly they saw a silhouette coming towards them from the forest with a smile on his face. This silhouette was none other than Alex who was walking toward them like he was in his own backyard.

All the wolfs puts their defensive position as the sudden change in the situation and stared at the Alex but not yet gone on the offence.

After a few minutes, wolf notices that Alex has no cultivation and was a mere mortal. As a foundation stage beast, their intelligence was of a 10-year-old child and still understand the power difference so they ease up.

" Hey, fellows you all should take a step backwards as I can still forgive you and stop me taking your life Today is my first day on this world and don't want to see blood so, please back off," Alex said while moving towards them with a smile on his face.

Listening to this puny human, wolfs can still understand and feel the threat of Alex in his words but anger starts to build in them as a mere mortal was threatening them so one of the wolves start running toward Alex with a great speed leaving after images where it was stood and It opened its large claw, intending to deliver an earth-piercing attack. However, in the next moment, a bolt of lightning simultaneously pierced violently into its gaping mouth. Meanwhile, Alex incredibly powerful cultivation pressure abruptly exploded, and under that monstrous pressure, the wolf let out a miserable cry as its body began to writhe intensely.


The wolf body suddenly contacts with the ground like a ball while creating a crater enough to bury him. Slowly the life drains away from the wolf and finally, it takes his last breath. All the other wolves watching this started shivering with fear as their legs go numb

And they stood like a statue watching Alex moving toward them while releasing an Aura like of Ancient beast which was suffocating them to breathe.

" Well I still give you a chance to back off but you ignore this master's kindness so everything is up to your decision and in my dictionary, there is no word like a second chance so sayonara," Alex said while increasing the pressure by a fold on these wolves.

{ AN- where the hell you brought this kind of dictionary 🤔🤔}


The bodies of wolves started falling to the ground like a piece of meat without any sign of life in them. Seeing all these scenes, ape stared toward Alex like it has seen a ghost and put on a defensive position to save his child. It knew that Alex was far stronger than him after sensing his Aura which makes him feel like an ant but still has to save his only child he ignored the fear in his heart.

After completing his deeds Alex turns his head toward the big ape which was ready for his final battle while putting on a defensive position.

Alex smiled and move toward the ape slowly.

Next chapter