
Chapter 1 gating wishes

In a grand white hall, a middle-aged man is sitting on his throne looking at a floating white orb in front of him. This man has silver hair, deep blue eyes, and a full beard. From his facial features, you could assume he is in his early or mid-forties. He was looking at the floating orb in front of him in dilemma. The orb he is looking at is the soul delay departed young man named "Rayner" whom he was the cause of his demise.

Whenever this kind of incident happens in the god realm, the god in question would be punished servilely by the high council of gods for interfering with the mortal world. This man has his reputation to maintain. It would be a disaster if the other gods found out that the god-king himself committed the same crime he outlawed. He only has one way out of this problem. That is to stealthy reincarnate the soul in another world, and bribe him with some wishes so that he does not sequel.

[I mean mortals love to travel to other worlds and what not right] he thought.

And so he made his choice.

God-king [WAKE UP!!!] he said

As if adhering to the command the orb started to shake and morphed, and after a while, it formed into the shape of a human male. Not long after the humanoid light started to mumble words like "What happened? Where is this place? Where am I?"

The god-king was looking at the young human mumble around and said to him [take it easy there young man. You are safe just calmed down and take a deep breath]

After hearing those word Rayner started to calm down a bite and looked around himself. He was in a big Wight hall, and in front of him was a middle-aged man sitting on the throne looking at him.

Rayner "where the hell am?!!" he asked the man with a shaky voice.

God-king [well there is no easy way to say this young mortal so I will give it to you strait] he said scathing his bird awkwardly.

He then said

God-king [you died because of an accident I caused unknowingly, and right now you are nothing more than a speck of your former Soule that I spate away to my spatial domain before the world law erased your existence] he answers the confused soul.

Rayner was startled and confused by the answer the man gives him [I died but how could I? why can't I remember anything, what the hell is happening to me is this a dream].

Everything thing in his mind was a mess and he could not think straight. He was trying to adjust his thoughts but everything was buzzy. It took a while for him to understand the situation he was in and what the man was saying to him. Things started to become clearer in Rayner's head. He looked straight ahead at the man with deep blue eyes and silver hair.

This fogy looking man was staring at him somewhat apologetically for some reason. Which made Rayner feel uncomfortable.

Rayner "can you elaborate please, why did you say you killed me"

God-king [oh wait up now, I did not kill you!!!! It was just an unfortunate accident] he said fast.

While waiting for a clearer answer from the man he tried to dig through his memory to salvage anything.

He took a deep breath and calmed his mind and collected his thoughts to recall anything useful.

Rayner [I was playing the newly released one piece game and then there was a bright light….] He Thoth

Rayner "Well what do you know I was stark by lightning" he blurted out

Rayner {........}


God-king [Yes and it was kind of my fault so sorry about that young one] said the man on the chair

Rayner "...… I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!" HE CRIED OUT

And then he started laughing hard


God-king [aah??? This is not a dream young one everything I said did happen] he said trying to bring him back to reality

But his words mean nothing to the young man in front of him that was mumbling to himself like a crazy person. The shock of the news only kicked in now sending him into a momentary lapse of sanity.


The god-king could not take it any longer so he snapped his fingers. And just like that, all the maturing of Rayner sized all at once. Rayner easily cleared up in an instant. He looked at the man with a calm and collected look. He did not know why but he felt like everything was alright now.

Rayne "so this isn't a dream" he asked with a blank face

God-king [yes] he answered.

Rayner "and you are some kind of a godly binge," he asked again

God-king [yes I am the god-king ruler of the god realm] he answered

Rayner "If that is the case then why can't you just send me back?" He asked

Good king [wheel yes I may be the god-king and though my powers are many and unimaginable to a mortal being like you, even I cannot send you back to your original world] he said to him {he lied he just don't want to be found out}

Rayner "and why is that?" he asked

God-king [as I have said earlier your death was my mistake, and since the cause of your death is related to actions of a higher binge-like myself. The law of that world will view you as a hostile entity and will permanently erase your existence there. It would be as if you never existed in that world and if I were to send you back there another time what is left of your sole will not survive this time around."

{All true concerning the other gods except for him. He commands the laws of all worlds since he is the god-king. If he puts him back he will have to tweak the laws of that world so it doesn't attack him. Which will be noticeable since he is basically giving that soul dive protection. And the only way to avoid that is to send him to a new world through the circle of incarnation}

Rayner "the hell now!!??" he said

God-king [in lame ass man terms you if I send you back there you will seize to exist] he said {lying!!}

Rayner "so you are saying that you basically secured me over," he said

God-king [ah yes, that about sums it up…..] he said apologetically

Rayner "why do I feel like you are not telling me everything," he said looking at him suspiciously

God-king [ha ha ha…. Surely you jest why would I do that??] he said scratching his beard

Rayner [the hell with your sorry what will sorry do me now old man!!!] he thought angrily

God-king [I have a proposition in return to rectify my mistake as a form of an apology to you] he sides leaning closer.

Rayner "would this proposition contain wishes and whatnot," he said

God-king [aah… yes how did you know]

Rayne rolled his easy and said "of course it f***n dose"

God-king [...….]

Rayner "what is the stipulations"

God-king [I shall give you 4 wishes and reincarnate you in another world other than your privies one, be it even fictional what do you think? Do you agree?] He said

Rayne "well as far as compensations go yours is not bad," he said a with glee

God-king [wow you mortals feeling do change fast now] (-_-)

Rayner "what was that now, Mr. Killer?"

The god-king rolled his eyes and said [noting {cough} hypocrite {cough}]

Rayner "....."

God-king [so what do you think do we have a deal] he asked him

Taking a moment to think Rayner answered "ok I accept on one conditions"

The god-king lamented at his luck and side [I am braking so many protocols here but since I am the one who got myself in this mess, what is one more stain. {Sigh}. Just harry with it and tell me your condition, we don't have all day here if you take too long what's ever left of your soul will fade away"

Rayne "what will fade now?? What now???!!" he said stark

God-king [just harry with it man the hell is wrong with you] he said

Rayner "okay okay!!! It's just that I want to get to choose my appearance"

God-king [and you had to take all that time just to say this] his said slamming his hand on his face [if that is all then go ahead and start with your wishes] he asked

Rayner "I have some questions"

God-king [ok ask away then (it's not me hos going to lose part of his memory)" he said the last part under his breath so Rayner did not hear him well

Rayner "what are the limits of the wishes that I can have"

God-king [as long as it is not one that grants you godhood you can ask for pretty much anything]

Rayner "ok then, the world I want to be reincarnated in is the one-piece world," he said

God-king [ok what is it that you want to look like in that world] he asked Rayner

Rayner "I want to look like killua zoldyk from hunter x hunter" he answered

God-king [nice pick… I love him he is cool] he said

Rayner "I know right!!" he said

God-king [now tell me what is it that you want your wishes to be] he asked him in hope of putting this mess behind him fast

Rayner "my first wish is for the ability to awaken nen in other people and myself and to have a training method of it, I must have an unlimited aptitude equivalent or higher to the ant king Meruem. On the conditions that I have one 100% potential this three categories binge (enhancement, emission, and transmutation) the rest being normal 80%for [manipulation and conjuration] 60% for [specialization]"

Rayner "my second, wish is the ability of Atsushi Nakajima {Beast beneath the Mon light war-tiger from Bungu stray dogs}. On the conditions that it works the same way as a zone devil fruit. With its three forms. Without the weakness to sea and sea prism stone"

Rayner "may third wish is kimnimaru's kekkegenki Shikotsumyaku the ability to manipulate the body skeletal structure freely and all the dance that came with it"

Rayner "and finally I want a Biyakigan"

God-king [by the old ones you are finally finished I thought you will never stop talking. {Sigh}, if that is all where and when in the timeline should I throw you off] he asked

Rayner "I want to be born somewhere in west blue, 4 years before Rogers death"

God-king [ok you have fun in this new life of yours. Oh and one more thing because of the damage to your soul you will lose most of your memory's temporarily and you may or may not regain them when you're mature again, probably when you are five or six years old] and he snapped his fingers.

Rayner "wait, what!!!"

And with a "bop" sound Rayner disappeared from the hall and of to start his new adventure in the world of ONE PIECE!!"

God-king "sigh now I am don with this mess, a man dealing with mortals noting but a bother I just hope no one finds out".

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