
Chapter 133: Leaving the World

A/N: Please read the author's thoughts at the end! It contains some information that you might want to know. Remember: not A/N, but author's notes.


Now Shido was genuinely puzzled. The more he asked, the more questions he received.

"Tell me everything, old man. Otherwise, I will never leave this world."

"Tch..." The old man clicked his tongue in annoyance as he sat down on the air and started recounting, "Four hundred ago, the human civilization was perfectly normal. No flames were coming out of their hair, no catgirls, no sheep girls, no bunny girls, no dragon girls, and no dog girls. Just normal human without those 'quirks' as you guys call them."

"For some reason, I feel like you're just a pervert."

"I'm an old man. I'm not interested in young girls less than five million years old. Only those thicc women of at least ten million of age would be in my strike zone." The old man announced proudly while Eri and Shido just made a blank face at this pervert.

"Ahem, anyway, as I was saying, the human civilization was ordinary. Until she came to this place in search of something."

"How did she arrive here? How did she look like? And what was she searching for?" Shido asked three questions in rapid succession.

"Do you think I'm omnipotent or omniscient? I'm something known as the World Will. A World Will like me protects this world from collapsing, so I don't care whether all life in this world gets wiped out as long as this world continues existing."

The World Will started explaining his origins, "I'm not powerful; all I'm good at is to prevent the world from collapsing. However, this world was going on the right path to success, but it all went wrong from the time that damn green hair brat arrived."

"What's her name?"

"She refused to tell me."

"What did she want?"

"She refused to tell me."

"What did she look like?"

"A voluptuous young woman with green hair. She wore a revealing witch's attire and sat on a broom similar to yours."

"Hm? You mean this?"

Shido's interest in this green-haired girl peaked as he summoned Haniel to let the World Will inspect it.

"YES!! Exactly the same. You can also use this to transform things, can't you?"

"I thought you said you weren't omniscient? How did you know that?"

"The question is: HOW CAN I NOT KNOW THAT WHEN IT WAS THE SAME DAMN ABILITY WHICH CURSED THIS ENTIRE WORLD??!!" The World Will shouted with grief as his tears started pouring down again, "How did you think 'quirks' appeared four hundred years ago? Out of some miracle? Or some freak coincidence? I'm the one who makes the coincidence! I'm the one who makes the miracles! Yet because I saw something that was deemed unseeable to her, she cursed that one human who would have become the revolutionary person in the future."

"Let me guess, she cursed the luminescent Baby who was born in Qing Qing, China?"

"Damn right! She used that damn broom, and knowing I had no power to stop her since she was technically not 'destroying the world', she changed that one gene in that baby and he suddenly glowed! Glowed!!! Like a damn LED light, he became the Christmas light on the Christmas tree!"

"Er...okay...?" Eri looked at Shido with hesitant eyes, while Shido just gave a helpless shrug.

"And...? How does that matter to the destruction of the world?"

"She didn't only stop at changing that one baby's gene. She flew all over the world, changing people's genes at random. Some got cat features, some had dragon features, some had sheep features, some had..."

"Alright! I get your point. But that still doesn't explain anything..."

"You keep interrupting me, of course, you wouldn't know anything. So stop interrupting me!"

Shido really wanted to erase the World Will from existence, but he restrained himself. If he really did erase the World Will, assuming he even can in the first place, he didn't know what would happen to this world.

Although he was about to leave, he wouldn't leave this world in destruction and mess. Hopefully, leaving the World Will alive would keep the world safe enough for his acquaintances and friends to survive.

Seeing that Shido had finally stopped interrupting him, the World Will gave an approving nod and continued, "So, before I was ever so rudely interrupted, that green-haired girl just went around changing people's fate. And if that was not enough, that supposedly 'temporary change' became permanent once their genes passed down to their descendants. And eventually, after four whole centuries, we reach today's problem."

"As a World Will, I usually go around the world while experiencing things first hand. So imagine my surprise to see that after each generation, those quirks became more potent, more powerful, and volatile than the ones before. At this rate, within the next few centuries, most of the people would have gotten some world-defying quirks that can manipulate time or space like the both of you did. Though I have to say, Eri was a sporadic case of being able to rewind time."

"Going back to the topic, in a few centuries, the majority of people would have world defying quirks, so what do you think will happen if a war broke out? A simple street fight could be as devastating as your incident with that Shigaraki boy just now, while war could literally destroy the world. So what am I supposed to do now?"

Hearing the World Will's depressed words, Shido's previously annoyed attitude toned down a little at this sight.

"But that still doesn't explain why the presence of us, spirits, would cause future harm. Besides, I have been in this world for what, six years now? Why wait until now?"

"I just don't trust any spirits after that incident, so please leave now." Before Shido could retort to that ridiculous logic, the World Will continued.

"And as I said before, I'm not omniscient. How am I supposed to know that you suddenly appeared here again? I only discovered your appearance three months ago, and I was also keeping an eye on Eri, just in case she was also a spirit. Besides, I needed your help in getting rid of some potentially too overpowered quirk in this generation, so I allowed you an extra three months to get rid of that All for One and his successor. And now that you have done it, please leave."

As the World Will concluded his explanation, he bowed a ninety-degree bow, practically begging them to leave.

"So what should we do? Follow his beggings? Or ignore him?" Shido sought the opinion of Eri, a playful smile plastered on his face.

Eri just pinched Shido's cheeks and leaned back against his body, "It's up to you. I don't mind spending the rest of my life in this time-frozen world with you."

'At least I can have you all to myself...'

"But won't we get bored?"

"At least I won't since you're by my side. But I know that you would want to go out on an adventure, so I won't stop you from leaving here." Eri replied with a smile.

"How lucky of me to have such a caring girlfriend." Shido couldn't help but give her a peck on her cheek.

The World Will just looked at them with twitching eyebrows. He was 4.543 billion years old now, yet no other World Will suited his taste.

Why was life as a World Will so hard? No friends, no family, no salary, no wife...why was he even born...?

"Fine, old man. We will leave this world."

When Shido announced it, the World Will almost jumped in joy, but to not damage his reputation, his 4.543 billion years old self-restraint kicked in.

Not that he had a reputation in the first place to be damaged.

"But first, give us some time to at least leave some messages for our friends."

The World Will nodded. He waited for three months already; an extra day or so won't matter much.

"Alright then, let's meet here tomorrow."

They were currently at the top of the shopping mall, so it was easier for them to open up whatever they needed to get out of this world.

The World Will agreed and disappeared into thin air.

"Well, let's go now, shall we?" Shido held Eri's hand as they made their way to a place that was important to them.

Both of them arrived at the all-too-familiar park near their house and saw Eri's grandfather playing around with a bunch of kids with a worried expression on his face.

"Grandfather..." Eri went ahead and gave him a hug. It was a pretty useless action since her grandfather wouldn't be able to feel it.

Nonetheless, Eri sought solace as she was about to leave her only blood-related family behind. Abruptly, at that.

Shido sighed at the heartbroken Eri and took her into his embrace.

"Let's write a letter for all of them, alright?"

Eri didn't reply, but he could feel Eri's head nodding up and down in his chest.

Taking out some paper and pens, they sat on a nearby bench and started writing the letters.

[Dear Grandfather, ...]

[Dear Uncle Toshinori, ...]

[Dear Torino Ojii-san, ...]

[Dear Chiyo Oba-san, ...]

[Dear Principal Nezu, ...]

[Dear Aizawa-san, ...]

[Dear Endeavor-san, ....]

[Dear Hawks-san, ...]

[Dear Todoroki Shoto-kun, ...]

[Dear Bakugo Katsuki-kun, ...]

[Dear Yaoyorozu Momo-chan, ...]

[Dear Midoriya Izuku-kun, ...]

[Dear Pro Hero Association, ...]

They kept writing without speaking a word to each other. Shido and Eri focused on the task throughout the night.

Shido wrote to each of his students he once taught, his friends and fellow colleagues, his fellow heroes, grandmother and grandfather figure, uncle figure, and grandfather-in-law.

Soon, the time, or at least Shido had calculated that 18 hours had passed in this time-frozen world.

"Eri. It's time." Shido softly spoke as he went near Eri and her stack of letters. He could see that Eri truly loved everyone that she wrote her letters to, and tear marks could be seen on the letters.

"Sniff...yeah..." Eri wiped her tears away as she started packing those letters up nicely, placing each one in an envelope carefully before sealing it tight.

There were still six hours left before the meeting time, and they needed to deliver every letter to their respective homes. While Shido ordered his clones to deliver each letter to their respective houses, Shido himself left with Eri.

Eri didn't have many people to write to, but each of her letters contained her most heartfelt words and gratitude. After giving another hug and letter to her grandfather, her martial arts teacher was the first person they went to. She went into the familiar dojo and went ahead to give her teacher a hug before leaving the letter where it was apparent.

She bowed down and spoke with gratitude, "Thank you, sensei, for teaching me everything I know today..."


The next place they went was Chiyo's workplace, the school infirmary. The duo saw her sitting there with her head in the cloud, obviously thinking about the already-over battle.

"Thank you, Chiyo Oba-san, for treating us as your grandchildren, giving us love and care that we had sorely lacked over the years." Once again, Shido and Eri bowed down in gratitude before leaving their letters on the table.

Before they left the infirmary, they each hugged the small figure of their grandmother.


The next place they left for was Gran Torino's place, which meant going back to the battlefield.

They saw him being dangled in the air, held by Izuku's black whip, with an expression mixed with worry and surprise. The two couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the sight of a dangling Torino.

Repeating the same words they spoke to Chiyo, only this time to their grandfather-figure, they left the letter in his tight-fitting attire and left after giving him a hug.


Last but not least, they went to the place which had been their home for the past six years. Inside, All Might look as though he was pacing around in worry before time froze as he watched the television broadcasting the intense battle.

"Uncle Toshinori..." Honestly, Shido felt terrible that he had to leave this suddenly without any prior warning and teared up slightly.

"Thank you for taking care of us two ever since six years ago. We might be troublemakers and caused many mischiefs, and although you kept complaining that taking care of us was hard work, you never actually left us alone.

Thank you for always enduring us, and although it might not equal, we tried to repay you for all that by getting rid of your master's killer. Thank you for always being there with us..."

Eri and Shido hugged the skinny figure the last time before they left the apartment.


Shido and Eri had spent seventy-two minutes in each location, just chatting to the people frozen in time, not minding whether or not they could hear them.

Shido might sneak back into this world in the future, but it might take a long time before they could do that. Before they left this world, they wanted to ingrain the faces of the people important to them into their brains.

At precisely twenty-four hours after their first meeting, Shido and Eri saw the World Will appear in front of them once more at the top of the shopping mall.

"At least you're on time." The World Will commented.

"I'm in no mood to argue against you anymore. Take care of this world, will ya?" Shido sighed and spoke.

"You don't even have to say that. It's my job, to begin with." The World Will said, "And before you ask any more questions, I'll tell you something you probably need to know about World Wills."

"And what are those?"

"First, not all worlds have a World Will looking after them. Some are dead worlds that World Wills gave up on, some are overlooked by those so-called fake Gods, while others are like me.

Secondly, you don't have to worry about getting kicked out of those worlds immediately after you arrive since most of them would be sleeping most of the time. Only when they sense the disturbance in the force would they be awakened from their slumber. For me, it's the entry of that damn witch."

Shido was a little surprised that some worlds do not have a World Will looking over them.

"Does that mean that life is non-existent in those so-called 'dead' worlds?"

"Not exactly. Worlds are judged 'dead' when the world will have given on fixing them either because they're lazy or it takes too much unneeded-energy to rectify the mistakes made by life on the world."

"I see..."

Shido had already summoned Ain Soph and Michael, preparing to go to the next world.

"[Law of Space] + [Law of Weak Force] = Weakened Space."

Shido muttered as he started loosening the space coordinates. It was a risky move as one wrong move would result in the entire world's space collapsing.

After ensuring that everything was fine, Shido held Michael in his arms, preparing to open up a wormhole in the weakened space.


A miniature wormhole started to form, growing bigger and bigger every second until it was big enough to fit both Shido and Eri. Holding their hand tightly so that they won't get lost in time and space, Shido took a step forward.

However, just before they were about to enter the wormhole, Shido paused and turned back to face the smiling World Will.

"So last question before we leave, what did you see that was so bad that she wanted to curse this world?"

The World Will looked straight into his eyes and replied with total seriousness.

"I saw her real appearance. Apparently, she has some sort of complex about her loli body. Now that your question is answered, please leave now."

Without waiting for their reactions to his words, the World Will pushed the both of them into the wormhole. Seeing that the two spirits had left, he closed the wormhole before it started to go out of control.

"Sigh, finally. I can start rectifying the mistakes. I have already rectified the problems in the Atlantic Ocean, time to start on the Pacific Ocean. I don't want any Kraken or some sea monsters to appear..."

The old man muttered as he stroked his five-centimeter beard before disappearing into the air.


A/N: Please please read the author's thoughts. There's quite a bit of information in there. Updates will increase (hopefully), and I think I will finally start writing this fanfic once again.

If you want to support me or/and want 14+ chapters in advance, link:

https://www.patréon.com/spirits_everywhere. We are currently 7.25 months ahead (aka 29 chapters going by 1 chapter per week release schedule)

This would be the only world that they would leave this way (probably), so don't get too sad about this. This world would be the only world where they go when time is frozen. I will write about their reactions sometime in the future, so if you guys want those reactions and consequences of Shido's and Eri's actions, you guys gotta wait since I really want to start on the new world first.

By the way, this would not be the end of this world. Because of singularity, this would change vastly by the time they come back. They will not come back in mha timeline, though. It would change into a whole new anime world~. Look forward to it!

And with this, we have finally come to the end of Volume 1! YAY! YAY! YAY!

It has been a journey filled with ups and downs, and honestly, I just feel like ending it here now. But...let's persevere together! Those who have made it up to this point without missing a single chapter, I sincerely thank you for reading my story. This was actually my debut story (along with anime world), and I can easily say that it has been hard for everyone.

Volume 2 would bring about a whole new world, and a whole new concept. No longer will it be following the plot to the tee. No longer will I stick closely to the original. Many of you may have already guessed the new world, but it remains exciting nonetheless for all of us.

What is Shido's true heritage? Who is the mysterious green-haired girl whom the world will fear and hate? Will Eri be able to overcome her mindset of being in modern society? Who will the other three crystals belong to?

So many questions, yet so few answers.

But fear nor, they will all soon converge into one amazing play!

Spirits_everywherecreators' thoughts