

Evangiline Gomez is a 18 years old student who loves reading all the story of the mysterious author known as 'uillseimizone' or so called seimi. but one day the myterious author known as seime found lifeless in her room. the news spread like a wild fire and all of seimi books become a talk of the town. seimi identity is still unknown even the author's death was already confirmed.

but one day Evangiline recieves a message from an unknown person and told her to play the game that he/she prepared for her. Evangeline Ignored the message and die because of an accident.

when Evangiline woke up she cant accept what she's seeing. she's alive?! breathing and kicking. she was sure that she died. but later on she realize that she woke up inside the novel she used to love. the novel written by seimi! and the worst part is she might experience the tragedy that

will happen to the novel.

what should she do?

Can she survive?

Does seimi have a connection on what's happening to her?

...and who is that mysterious messenger?