1 how it all came to be

long ago, before time was even a thing there was pure nothing, no sound, no color's, not even atoms, just pure nothingness. then all of a sudden there was a being who just came to be. he was taller and shorter than anything you've ever seen. he was pitch black yet he shined brighter than any star ever will. he was lost and confused.

looking around the incomprehensible area he was in he felt exposed and curious both at the same time. after thinking about what to do for what was both an infinite amount of time and no time at all, he started going off in random directions looking for something, anything at all. But no matter how hard he tried, he didn't find anything.

after searching around he stopped and told himself "this is fucking stupid, what am I even looking for?" he asked himself. it was then that he had a revelation "who am I" he asked himself trying to think, trying to remember to no avail. then he said out loud "I remember those kids use to pick on me" he said "I remember always getting grounded" he continued "I remember growing up in south park, I became the person I always wanted to be." then he looked down at his hands "that's right I turned the machine on while they were testing it and it blew up, I remember everything now." then he said "I see now I'm outside of time, I won I erased the planet, but from this day Forward I will no longer be a professor they will know me as chaos"

and as he said that he started laughing.
