
Chapter 1 : A new power arises

The Demon Realm has been ruled since immemorial times by mighty entities dreaded by all mortals. They are viewed as epitome of evil and darkness, who wield taboo powers. They can bring upon you disaster if they want it, or grant you a wish if you're willing to pay the price.

They are the Primordials, the most ancient and powerful of all demons. They are untouched by the others, deemed unreachable in this world of decay and despair.

One of them had managed to incarnate in the material world, getting a name and evolve to a higher state, bringing two of his fellows Primordials as maids. He became known as the most powerful of all demons, seemingly once and for all. The four others remain all powerful in their domain.

Except for one of them who doesn't pursue strength, being the weirdo that he always was, the remaining three take pride in theirs. They like to spar, plot, outsmart and trashtalk against each other. Their goal: trying to incarnate in the material plane as a symbol of victory to brag upon the others.

They thought that nobody within the demons could ever reach the level of power they possess until the end of the time, and normally they would be right. After all, even the close servant of the one known as Blanc, one of the most ancient demons, could never hope to be an equal to these supreme existences.


Jaune's POV:

"That damn Blanc! She really thinks that she's above me in everything eh? Just because one of my pawns was too stupid to do his job properly, what can you expect from shitty humans anyway? But I promise you, you damn tits queen, that next time I'll find a way to incarnate that will let you on your butt!"

It's been quite long since I began to vent my anger by exploding everything that was in my eyesight, but what can you expect? That bitch really has a talent to piss me off, on top of that failure, I need to release some steam.

As I was releasing one last big spell that I'm currently experimenting with, I sensed a soul that's undergoing the demonification process. Too bad that it was on the path of my nuclear magic.

"Waw, that one sure had felt it... Heh, his fault anyway, there is plenty of space to be born here, why do you have to do it on my practice field? Wanting death that soon?"

I look with contempt at the desolation around me, imagining that Blanc was the guinea pig for my magic in place of that poor soul who just appeared in the wrong place. At least it enlightens my mood.

"It feels good to blow off steam. Now to annoy the little brat, it's been quite long."

Fortunately, she also miserably failed some project she had against the giant dude, I won't get a better opportunity in a while to bully her. Might as well go home before and bring my pal with me, with her sharp tongue similar to mine, we'll throw some insane combos at her face. Can't wait for the show.

But as I was leaving, I sensed something weird behind me. At the place where my last spell exploded, behind the veil of magicules that dissipated, a faint presence remained. The soul that normally would have been obliterated is still here, and it seems to have completed it's incarnation. No fucking way! A newborn who survived that? I must check on it, it could be a great asset, or a toy in the future.

I went to the fortunate one at full speed, and saw what it looked like.

She has the look of a human in her mid-forties, taller than the majority of women and quite muscular. She has long cinder hair, wore what seemed to be a high military officer parade suit rearranged to be of use in a battlefield. She was laying down, apparently concussed because of the nuclear blast. When I approached her, she twitched, and slowly tried to get up while regaining consciousness.

Seeing the newborn demoness alive and quite well, I was inquiring about her aura. She didn't exude a great amount of magicules, but it wasn't because of weakness. After all, if it was the case she would've been annihilated by the explosion. Contrary to that, she seemed to know how to control the flow of her magicules, a skill that none of the lesser demons possess, as they take pride in their raw power. In fact, by combining her resistance, the control of her aura and the lack of visible demonic features like horns and wings, I understood that she was already at the level of an Arch Demon.

"What a scam, how can a mere fresh spawn already be that powerful?" I mumbled, contemplating this anomaly who really is making my day. "And I found her first, I think I will brag upon the weirdo that he missed something like this. Hey you! You took that one like a champ, mind being my training dummy in the future? I need something more durable than-"

-"Ho shut up you little twat, do you know that you must respect your elders?"


-"That's hurt quite a bit, your mother never told you that kids should never play with nuclear bombs? That's a toy for full fledged adults you know."

She says that while taking a look around, her stern looking copper eyes give a fierce feeling. She turned to me and asked "And where are we? This looks like a complete ruin, is that your doing?"

I remain silent for a few seconds, as I'm trying to process what outrageous things that dumb fella just dropped off. When my brain finally understood it, I countered her gaze with mine, and tried to remain as calm as I could, not letting my anger take control for now. She must have a few problems in her head with what happened earlier, so I will teach her that she should know her place in this world if she wants to live another day, how generous I am.

-"You have some guts, as a mere newborn demon, to defies me, one of the most ancient and progenitor of all-"

-"A demon you say? Well, I did hear a weird voice who said something like that before I took that hit. It must be because of a compatibility with my powers, he did say that I'll be given a suitable body in this life... Wait, so we are in the Demon Realm of the Cardinal World?". She stares at me for a few seconds and continues "So I assume that you are the eldest between the two of us right?"

-"...Are you right in your mind you dumbass?! How dare you interrupt me while I'm talking? And yes, I'm one of the seven oldest and progenitors of all demonkind, I'm the Primordial Jaune! So bow to me and repent if you want the chance to have a fast death while I still can restrain my anger."

-"Ho... Sorry, it's just that you don't really give that kind of vibes to be honest, you look more like a cute young delinquent than an ancient demon..."

With that, I finally snapped. 'How dare she insult an existence like me?' I swiftly unleashed a fierce barrage of nuclear magic against the dumbass that didn't know how to hold her tongue before one of the pinnacle of Demons.

"With that, she must have succumbed, no one dared to insult me like that and be left alive. You should never try to stand your ground against someone who is clearly superior to you. Let that fact sink into your brain for the next time."

I tried to regain my composure. What a letdown, losing something that interesting because she was too stupid to live. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is fucking ruined!

"I don't even want to annoy Violet anymore... I just wanna go home and have a drink."

As I turn around to leave this wasteland, I suddenly feel an outburst of power that gives me an unpleasant chill in my back. My instinct tells me that something dangerous is coming. I step on the side.

A sudden gust passed near me, as I saw the idiot almost unscathed, who threw a punch aimed at my neck. I glanced at the land behind me, and what I saw gave me cold sweats.

A gulch that wasn't here before, in lieu of the cliff where I stood to practice. I can even see the destruction continuing far in the background. How can she deploy that much power? It's competing with mine. And she's just born for fucking sake!

"Where are you looking in a fight?"

'Oh shit! I feel that she's condensing her power again. If it connects, it will hurt a lot. I need to make some distance quickly!'

I'm trying to escape by launching a barrage of spells, as I prepare one of my most destructive nuclear blasts. This time, I must unleash my power as much as possible. I can't let a newbie give me a hard time like that. But as I'm finalizing my spell, I felt something in it that went wrong. It exploded between my hands, and I suffered a good amount of damage from my own attack. Seriously wha happened?! I'm not someone to lose control of my own power with a spell that I know that much. It's not like I tried to use Gravity Collapse or anything like that this time.

"Arrrgh?!" I felt a vivid pain in my stomach. She closed the distance between us just like that, and hit me with her knee in the guts. And as my mouth was wide open because of the impact, she put her hand in... Wha?

What the fuck is she doing? Who in their right mind stuck their hand in someone's mouth like that in a fight? And why is she holding me by the waist? Wait, is she a perv? Lemme go you old hag!

As I'm trying to flee from her embrace, she bends over and whispers to me "Your use of nuclear magic is way too straightforward. So let me demonstrate to you a new way to use it."

'She really wants to teach me about my own specialty? Good joke, really. Now let me... Wait, what is she doing?'

I sense that she's accumulating magicules in her hand, still in my mouth. And she won't pull it out, that perv. I'm not interested in these kinds of things, y'know? Wait... magicules, in my mouth... Hey! No, nonononono! Stop! Fuck!

I suddenly realize what she is doing, and this is way too crazy. Only a mad mind would use this kind of magic like this. It's something Violet would do, not me! I'm not a barbarian like her!

I understand that if she's not bluffing, I'm done for. As I desperately try to escape, I get a feeling. An emotion, that I never experienced, but that I saw many times in the eyes of those who dared provoke my wrath or those who simply were unlucky crossing my path when I was in a bad mood.

As she finished her spell, her next words permitted me to finally realize what is that painful sensation that engulfed me whole. And she said those in such a neutral way.

-"Now, learn by suffering. Nuclear magic : Mayhem Radiation."

-"Ah... So this is terror..."

She let a drop of highly condensed nuclear magic fall in my throat. And when it reaches the core of my body...


Pain. Only pain, this is all that Jaune could fell as a pure wave of death began to corrupt the spiritrons that compose her magicules, distorting their properties, disassembling and reassembling them in a disordered manner, creating a true stampede in the deepest foundations her body and mind.

She didn't even have the ability to scream in pain anymore, as her sensors were completely overwhelmed by this dreadful discharge. She closed her eyes, her mind slowly drifting, waiting for her demise...


"Where am I?"

I feel sluggish, my whole body is numb. I can't get up and my mind is hazy. What was I doing before?

"You better stay still, your recovery will take some time."

I turn my head in the direction of that voice, and see a demoness with ash colored hair leaning against a wall. I think that I saw her face before, but I can't remember well...

She's approaching, bending over me and says in an appeasing tone "Sorry for the little trick from before, but it was the fastest way to calm you down. How are you feeling?"

-"What trick? And if you want to know, I'm not feeling good. It's as if something crushed me from the inside."

-"You could say that. After all, this spell is designed to methodically tear to pieces the spiritual and astral body of stronger enemies if they let their guard down. You were quite lucky that I didn't want to actually kill you."

As she is saying that, I remember bit by bit what happened earlier. How I blasted everything to vent my anger, how I encountered a newborn demoness who was rude to me, and how I bombed her into oblivion, at least it should have been... Huh?

I stared at her for some time, as I was replaying the events of the day in my head. When I finally remembered all that happened, I noticed that I was... trembling? Oh yeah, now I know what this is.

I'm scared.

I'm scared of her. An anomaly who just appeared like that before me, and who definitely could kill me if she wanted, and that easily.

Why? Why did someone like her spawn? Why is she so powerful? I'm a Primordial dammit! How could-

-"How could I beat you? Is that what you want to know?"

-"Y-You can read minds too?"

-"Nah. It's just pretty obvious, with how you look at me, and with you being... Well you know, a supposed pinnacle of Demons".

-"Supposed?! You dare-nggggh!"

-"Told you to stay calm, you're not in a state to yell."

No shit, my whole body is on fire. She really got me good, I can't argue with it. I need to recover.

-"Now, we better go."

-"Where? And why 'we'?"

-"Well, to your home, of course. You need a proper bed, and I won't let you rot in this ruin. I'm not a savage."

I'm taken aback with what she just said. First she gave me the beating of my life, and now she wants to play the nurse?

-"Go fuck yourself! I don't want your pity, go die you scum!"

-"Want to play it this way, huh?"

She crouched at my level, put her hands on my shoulders, and gave me a big smile. What no-owowowowowow?!! Stop! You're crushing me! What is this brute strength, was she a Giant before?

-"Now, you have 2 choices. First, you stop being a hassle, you accept my help, I carry you to your home, you get to rest properly and we continue to talk on good terms. Second, you try to piss me off and we do it the hard way. I remake your face, I find by myself your base, I bonk everything and everyone who gets in my path, I humiliate you in front of your subordinates, I throw you into your bed and finally I take your place as the boss of the place. Now choose."


-"And I'll tell you that I've got no intention of asserting dominance over you, unless you give me no other choice. I prefer to talk with you Primordials as equals, and not make it more difficult than it should've been."

-"You, equal to us? You think too highly of yourself!"

-"Say the one who almost got oneshot by me. I think that's unheard of. But don't worry, I'll pay a visit to the others too. And after that, I'll gladly tell you what you want to know about me."


-"Really. But only after I encountered the others, don't want to explain multiple times when I can do it once."

Ahhh... At least she seems civilized, and right now, I really want to rest.



-"I said okay! I'm too tired to fight you anyways. But you'll need to carry me."

-"Not a problem, just tell me where it is."


Next chapter