
The Academy

The headmaster sleep for the whole day didn't even bother to leave the room, to get any thing. No food, no water and when he wakes up its in the middle of the night. He literally goes into my room and starts to shake me awake telling me we need to leave, at this point I'm done I grab the cover that was at my waist and pull it over my head trying to go back to sleep. He must have taken the hint and leaves finally peace and quiet. I fall back into an uneasy sleep.

When I wake up again it is 7:00 and I can smell food cooking in the kitchen. I throw the comforter off of me again and grab a light jacket to put it on because it is cold in my room.

I walk down the stairs and the smell on bacon gets stronger. When I walk into the kitchen right next to the living room. I see that three is scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes,coffee black, and the head master is cooking bacon on the stove. He turns around sensing my presences, or his finally acknowledging that I'm up and his wolf senses aren't messing with him because he looking bad.

His bags are still under his eyes but it's not as bad, he has a hunch in his back, and his eyes are hollow like no one is living there.

"Good morning Archie how are you done," he says, his eyes having a little more life in them.

"I'm doing fine and good morning to you to headmaster," I reply back with a groggy voice still not quite awake from sleep.

"Archie, I've been think that since you are going to be a teacher at the school you should start calling me Jeremy. All my closet friends call me Jeremy, and since we will be work together it will get very tedious if you keep calling me headmaster," his voice is very light as if he thoughtful of me calling him by his name.

"Ok, hea-Jeremy," I reply feeling his name roll of my tongue like a foreign language.

"Well good then, lets have some breakfast before we get going." With that he turns to one of the cabinets and grabs two plates and two mugs. He gives me the plates and then the mug.

I start to fell up my plate with toast, eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I pick up the coffee pot and pour the coffee in the mug. I go to the fridge and pour coffee creamer in it. I put the mug on the island in the middle of the kitchen, going to one of the draws near the sink. Grabbing one of the spoons for the coffee, and two forks for the two of us.

We eat in peaceful silence for about halfway before my curiosity took over. "So, what am I exactly doing as teacher at the academy."

"You'll be teaching the advance combat, and tracking classes along with you will be teaching a class of the witches once a week."

Chocking on my food "What that does not make any sense those classes are taught by teachers who have ten plus years and come from the elite families, and why would I group of witches I don't even have magic."

"Well the first one is that you are on of the best trackers the school has even seen, even if people won't admit it. And besides you come from a family of elite hunters, and besides I've seen you fight you could hold your own against most supernatural beings. But for the last one, you probably should not have told the guidance counselors his very chatty when he gets drunk and spills a lot of people secrets, so don't both denying it," he says with a smile on his face, like he just beat me at my own game.

"Fine you caught me, I got my powers when a month after I turned 16, my powers awaken." "And hold on, doesn't the council choose the advanced teachers not you."

He says this with a smirk, "Yes they do, but in light of recent events I'm not caring about what they are thinking,or if they agree with it."

"Is that really a good idea," I responded in an uneasy voice, "They have more power then you, and can strip you of your title of headmaster."

"Oh dear student of mine, you should that there are people on the council that will approve of you being here, because there are still people who care about you in the supernatural world." He looks over at the time on the stove and says, "I think it is time for us to go don't you we would like to make it back at a reasonable time tomorrow don't you."

I look at the time, it read 8:30, "you're right we should get going just let me grab somethings."

"Oh and don't worry I already called there will be people to get the rest of your stuff later to day, and we already to care of your job."

"Thanks," I say and put my plate and mug in the sink and move to go to my bedroom in silence. I pack several pairs of warm cloths bring my favorite jacket, laptop phone and the charger to both. I put them into a duffel bag. I grab a pair of socks and put them on and put on comfy shoes because it is going to be a long drive to the academy. But I don't forget to grab my wallet and a blanket. I walk down stairs and Jeremy is waiting by the door, knowing that I'm ready to go with his enhanced wolf hearing. He opens the door and sitting in the drive way is a 2018 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, which about all I know because I was not into cars as a normal teenager would be. I was more about weapons and training then different types of cars.

I walk to the back to car and Jeremy pressed a button to open the trunk. Putting the duffel bag in the back and garbing my charger and phone along with the blanket. I walk to the passenger side of the car and Jeremy is already in, and turned the car is already on. He puts it onto a random station of new Hip-Hop, R&B, Trap music.

As the day passes we take breaks, we switch driving, and we eat. We it hits 9:00 he pulls us of to a little motel and we get a room with two beds and sleep. We wake up at 6:00 and we get breakfast can continue on with are day. Its about 9:00 when I see the mountains and roads turn to dirt. It takes two more hours before I can see the familiar academy seating on top of one of the mountains. It's about another hour before I see the sign Academy of the Gifted on it.