
Character descriptions

Hi nice of you to read my book. It's going to be rough as this is my first-ish book I've attempted to write. I hope it's not too trashy.

This book will be attempted to be wrote in third person. Wish me luck.

Here is what the main characters look like. I do not wish to offend anyone with terminology. If something is offense please tell me a way to correct if so it's not offensive. I don't know the correct terminology for everything.


Race:Human/Water nymph

Hair: Very light blonde

Skin color: pale

Height: 5'7

Gender: Female

Built: Small and skinnyish

Eyes: Sea green


Race: vampire

Hair: light brown

Skin color: pale

Height: 6'2

Gender: Male

Built: Lanky and light

Eyes: Dark blue


Race: Fire nymph

Hair: Red

Skin color: has a red under tone

Height: 5'3

Gender: Female

Built: Strong shoulders and thighs

Eyes: Hazel


Race: Werewolf

Hair: Black

Skin color: Tan

Height: 5'9

Gender: Male

Built: Husky

Eyes: Blue-gray


Race: Sorceress

Hair: Dark brown

Skin color: Sunkist

Height: 5'6

Gender: Female

Built: nice proportions, longer limbs

Eyes: Green


Race: Pixie

Hair: Strawberry Blonde

Skin color: White

Height: 5'11

Gender: Male

Built: Little defined muscle

Eyes: Purple

That's everyone. I did this because it can get confusing who's who. Once again if something is offense please help me make it less offensive.

Please enjoy the story of Evelyn!

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