
Toward The Colony

"...It seems a normal pit. Maybe they wanted to throw something in it but it seems they haven't had the time, it won't be useful to us. The others hadn't found anything but Paul said he had found some human traces that go toward north, toward the forest exit. We will follow them, let's go"

"Phew" Main let out a sigh of relief when he heard Leonard words. At first he was undecided on what to do thinking that maybe the men would have helped him but, now, he was happy he had decided to absorb that poor ant because from what he heard he was sure they would have killed him if they had found out about his existence.

"Thank god that ant decided to pinch me and I absorbed it, I can't imagine what would have happened if I haven't done it" thought Main while wiping the imaginary sweat running down is ant forehead with his ant leg.

"Being an ant is so... strange. I can 'feel' the smell of things again even through I don't have a nose anymore and I can see again even if my sight seem to be worst than before, it seem ant's eyes aren't at the same level of that of humans"

After thinking that he began to walk toward a tunnel excavated in a side of the pit and, while humming a tune on his head, he murmured "Now I need to return home, the colony and the queen needs my help".

He entered the tunnel and walked into it for at least ten minutes before suddenly stopping "Wait what! Why am I going this way? I know that this ant colony is at the end of this tunnel but I shouldn't know it! And I have this strange feeling, a feeling that make me care for the colony like it was my family and that made me want to protect it even with my life if necessary. It seems the ant instincts are affecting me. Sigh, I know they would have affected me a bit but I didn't thought they would have this much. I fear if I haven't stopped I would have lost myself and become a full fledged ant, in both body and mind. Oh right, I should control my status again to see if something changed now that I become an ant. Status open".

After thinking so a screen with stats different than that of before appeared on his mind.


Name: ???

Race: Red Ant

Sub-race: Young Worker Ant

Age: One Week

Rank: 0

Level: 7


Vitality: 6

Strength: 10

Defense: 7

Speed: 4

Agility: 3

Stamina: 5

Mind: 1

Mana: 0

[Passive Skills]

Geological Knowledge: Level 3

[Active Skills]

Dig: Level 3

Pinch: Level 2

Bite: Level 1

Acid Shot: Level 1

[Unique Skills]


"It seems when I shift into someone I've absorbed my status shift with me" thought Main after seeing his changed [Status].

Curious to see if this status was different than his own he began to look attentively at it "It seems to be normal. The stats are a bit low but I think it is normal, after all I'm an ant now".

After controlling the stats his gaze fell on the race section, especially the sub-race one "It seems I am a red ant but... what is the sub race section? I don't remember seeing it when I saw my status before. I should ask the system". Arriving at that conclusion he invoked the system help on his mind " System, can you say me what the sub-race his?".

*The sub-race divide a race in various positions. When a monster reaches level 100 it can evolve into a stronger race or do a minor evolution and evolve it's sub-race into a stronger one. Someone can evolve into a stronger race even without evolving into a stronger sub-race but he will be weaker than someone who evolved after evolving into a stronger sub-race*

"Then why doesn't my main race have one?"

*Not every race have a sub-race, it change from race to race. When a race don't have one, if they aren't really unlucky, they will probably obtain one when thay evolve*

"So, hoping that I'm not the most unlucky person on the world, I will obtain one when I evolve? Good to know. Now that all my doubt are cleared I need to think on what to do"

Main pondered on what to do and arrived at the conclusion that, at this moment, he only had two options"I have two options, I can go out and find something to kill and evolve or absorb or I can go to the colony. I think the second is the one with the highest survival chance but at the same time the most dangerous. With the colony I won't encounter any peril but at the same time I will risk that my ant instincts took over and, if that happen, I fear I won't be able to regain control like before".

Main decided that his free will was more important for him than his life so he began to go toward the pit wall when, suddenly, a loud roar coming from the outside echoed through out the cave.


His gaze instantly transformed from an undecided one to a determined one and he... turned around and entered the tunnel "I've decided, I'll go to the colony. Humph it's because I'm sure my will is stronger than some stupid ant instincts, not because I fear that beast roar. Who knows, maybe with my superior intellect I will be able to submit all the colony and make them my slaves hehehehe".

Meanwhile, at the end if the tunnel, every ant of the colony felt a feel of peril and a cold sweat run dawn their backs. They stopped momentarily but, being as simple as ants can be, they quickly dismissed the feeling and returned to work without knowing that, in the future, they would curse their past self for ignoring it.

Hello everyone, tomorrow I will be busy all day so I don't think I'll be able to publish anything. I'm really sorry.

Ps: Let me know what you think of our protagonist status and of the sub race.

Sulfur_Gobcreators' thoughts