
the abilities

in a far away land there is a place were people have super abilities an some peoples were born with such powerful abilities such as mind control an super strength an time travel those people are call the fullest they were an ankle bracelet to control there abilites when the kids are born they go to a special doctor that check what kind of abilities that the kids have. one rainy season Dear is a pregnant lady she have the abilities to read mine her name is Rreve she live with her husband name yamato . yamato it time to Do the grender reveal said Rreve. ok let go we are here Rreve let go in. hi Rreve hi yamato hi doctor fix . so Rreve how you been feeling i feel great. well that nice to hear. ok now about the result Rreve you are pregnant with twins wait what she is pregnant with twins yes yamato what is wrong nothing is wrong doctor fix it just that iam Exciting ook so doctor fix what gender is the twins it a boy and a girl that a great new for Rreve an i ok let go home now Rreve ok Bye doctor fix Bye Rreve Bye yamato thank you for coming . 3 months later yamato the babyzis comeing wit what iam going to get the car started wit yamato the car is too slow to get me to the hospital on time why Dont you use your abilities to get me Dear who me i cant use my abilities now please yamato and plus you move faster than a car so you can get me Dear on time ok then hold on tight you ready yes lets go one minutes later ok Rreve we are here wit here i am going to look for a doctor for you ok Rreve ok yamato hurry up ok hey doctor fix hi yamato doctor fix Rreve is haveing the Babyzis ok yamato lest go no doctor fix i go get Rreve ok yamato i go get the others ok one minutes later here is Rreve doctor fix ok yamato we will take over from here one hour later hey yamato hi doctor fix is Rreve ok yep she is ok what about the babies the babies is ok oh thank you again doctor fix no problem you can go in now okay then knock knock come in hey Rreve hey yamato yamato come look at our babies they are si cute Rreve you pick a name for the no you pick a name for them yameto ok then how about yama for the boy and ravana for the girl i love their name yamato.