
- Graduation

Finally. The day of the graduation ceremony has arrived. 'It is over', Sylvia thought while getting ready to leave. She was not waiting for anyone to ruin this special day. She put on a beautiful silky black dress that had a slit from the knee down, to which she paired with a set of matching heels and a matching belt. The dress was modest enough, but it did nothing to hide her stunning figure and her silky smooth long legs. After perfecting her hair and make up, she had a final look at herself in the mirror and finally dashed for the front door. "Mum I'm leaving, I have to arrive early to the venue. Make sure you guys won't be late!". She was particularly worried about her younger sister, as she always took hours to get ready, and today she was relying on her sister to take plenty of photographs of her in her graduation gown as well as her friends and lecturers, to keep as good memories.


After the graduation ceremony, Sylvia's feet were burning from being in high heels all day. So she kicked them off and relaxed in her mothers room while chatting about her future plans with her family. At this point, although she was content with her degree, and had plenty of good job offers lined up for her, her one true dream has always been to become a doctor, so she felt a little empty in her heart for not having the opportunity to go into it. Although she had just turned 20, she felt that she should just accept one of the job offers, maybe find a suitable guy soon and just settle down. At least it would make her mother happy.

Well, that's what she thought. However, what she didn't know, was that her mother and sister already had plans on moving abroad, for her to further her studies and have her sister, Cara, study abroad too.

Sylvia's mother knew that her precious daughters ultimate goal and dream in life, is to study medicine and become a doctor, capable of helping the less fortunate. She knew her daughter's heart is too precious and kind. So she had decided long ago to give her all to support her and Cara in life.

Initially Sylvia had plans on applying to medical school for a 4 year post-grad programme in London after graduating from her master's degree in Cancer biology. But the chances of her getting accepted were too slim as the competition was very high in London. To her surprise and delight, her younger sister Cara had applied last year on her behalf to a medical school in China, and had already received an offer to start in September! As the mother and daughter duo told Sylvia about this wonderful news, Sylvia couldn't believe her ears and started crying and sobbing like a baby. "I can't believe it!" said Sylvia for the nth time! "yes, yes, no need to thank me now, you really deserve this. you've worked your butt off for this, and now it is a matter of packing our bags and going there!" Cara was excited herself, and quickly continued explaining everything, "we are leaving everything behind, we are just going to be taking the important things with us, as we are going to be staying in China for the next 4 to 5 years." As Sylvia heard this, her expression quickly darkened and she stopped in her tracks. She looked at her sister with worry all over her face, "But...how are we going to afford everything? We are already struggling financially..." Cara quickly grabbed Sylvia's cheeks and squeezed them as if her sisters cheeks were soft marshmallows and said with a big grin on her face, "This capable sister of yours got you a scholarship that covers everything, including your living expenses! And mum's got the money from her inheritance as well, and you've got your savings as well as mine. Trust me, life would be much easier over in China, than here in the UK, so get ready, we're flying in 2 weeks!" Sylvia beamed at her sister. She couldn't contain her happiness anymore and hugged her sister so hard that Cara could have sworn that her ribs were going to break any second now. But seeing her sister so happy she thought, 'oh well, what does two or three broken bones compare to my sisters smile!?', she then proceeded to tickling her older sister until both were out of breath and could no longer feel their cheeks. Cara then looked at her sister and cheekily mused, "okay, so everything is sorted out, but there is one important question that we forgot to ask!" Looking over at Sylvia with her eyes wide open and eyebrows scrunched up she said, "in all seriousness though, do you think I'll find a hot Chinese guy over there?". Sylvia actually got worried for a second there, then realising that her sister was joking, she grabbed the nearest and fluffiest pillow and threw it at her idiot of a sister and said to her, "stop with your fantasies and go get your bags ready!" She then stormed out to get her stuff ready too but both could hear their mother from the kitchen shouting, "we haven't even stepped out of London and you both are already worried about finding hot guys!? Get to China first!!!"

Sylvia blushed, "mum who said I need a man!? ! I'm married to my education!"

Cara: "..."

Mum: "..."

Rolling their eyes, both said under their breath, " yeah... we will see about that".

Note to readers:

Hellooo beautiful people! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first time attempting to write up something and I hope you guys like it. The story may have started a little slow but trust me, starting from next chapter things will start getting really good! especially when she gets to meet her (gorgeous) neighbours and classmates! This novel has some happy and some really sad moments as well as some action and some super-human powers! I will also include some intimate moments ;)

I always welcome any suggestions and criticisms so feel free to share your thoughts with me!

Love you guys! <3

Next chapter