
Youngchau Kingdom

Youngchau Kingdom was responsible for the protection of the Spirit Realm and to ensure peace in our world. The balance of the universe depends on the five elements - Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Space. The five children of the King and Queen of the Youngchau Kingdom held the power of these five stones. Prince Agni the eldest had the element fire, Princess Bhumi was the element earth, Princess Jala was the element water, Prince Marut possessed the element air, Prince Vyom the youngest held the element Space. These five were the protectors of the universe.

The soldiers of Youngchau Kingdom where trained in the Rumteg Monastery and so where the elementalists. The monastery gets its recruits from our world. People who die in the real world are awaken in the spirit realm, here the spirit that fairs good is recruited and the other spirits are sent to Avernus. Avernus is where all the bad spirits were sent. It was the land of boiling hot volcanoes, a place where the birds dreaded to go. It had complete lack of balance due to the high amount of negative energy imbibed in it. Avernus was controlled by Hecate who was known for her witchcraft. She drew her power from the increasing number of spirits in her hell. She fed on the imbalance spread upon the world.