
The whole story

Chapter.1 The Beginning                                    This story takes place in a world named Planet Kenno Kami the sword spirit race lived on that planet and rumors spread across the universe saying that this race can rival the powers of the gods and the word came to the gods and were mad at this rumor and thought it was just a bluff to scare other races to avoid them and decided to check on that race and what they saw shocked them,there they were sparring with each other with such strong power and they were mad and terrified and decided to let an emperor to wipe out the sword spirit race but they were not prepared for this ambush.(Now for an explanation of the sword spirit race:This race can use a special energy based on their life force called ki ,ki can be used to shoot blast at a target called a ki blast and can be used to enhance their body any race can use ki as long as they have a good teacher to teach ki to them) And the name of this emperor is Lord Cooler he is a heartless person who has no problem on destroying a planet or race, the gods gave lord cooler a godly power so powerful he could kill a god but he did not he thought it was a fraction of their power but it was 50% of their power and he decided obeyed their command.

So the tyrant went to planet kenno kami to destroy it with a death ball and shot it into the planet's core so it will go out with a bang and said "good the sword spirit race has been wiped out along with the planet and its technology the gods will be pleased about this",but little did he know 3 sword spirit siblings were sent to another world to protect, when he told the news to the gods they were very pleased by the news cooler told them, the names of the 3 sword spirit siblings were Athena the older sibling, Fafnir the middle sibling,and Iris the little sibling were sent to earth to protect it from any danger that comes near it when the siblings landed on earth they found themselves in ruins where an old kingdom once stood proud and is now forgotten by many generations so the 3 made camp in the ruins and athena went to hunt and fafnir went to collect resources for camp and iris went and set up camp with whatever she had to use,when athena and fafnir came back iris had set up camp athena brought back dead animals to cook and fafnir brought fruits and vegetables along with sticks,logs,and stones to make a fireplace to cook the meat and vegetables that athena and fafnir brought and so the 3 siblings cooked their meal and ate.  

The next day the 3 traveled together to find a good place to stay during their travels they encountered bandits and they decided to pickpocket them for money to spend on resources and went to a nearby town then they asked a nice woman for ways to earn money and she said to go to the guild to become adventurers and so the 3 went to the guild to sign up and when they came to the guild they got stares from other guild members and they started to whispering to each other about the 3 siblings and started to laugh and so athena and fafnir decided to drop kick them with iris laughing in the background,when the three finished signing up to be adventures and started to do missions for money as quickly as they can.5 years later the three have grown quite a bit athena was a nice young woman and fafnir was a fine young man as for iris she was gonna turn into a young adult soon,then one day they were sent on a mission to go to the ruins they landed in,when they got there they saw a figure with an orange mask covering his face.  Chapter 2.The New Adventure                                                                          The man had a hole in the right side of his mask revealing a blood red eye and somehow has 3 dots that look like tear drops and said these words"Time to leave this world and go to another"as he said "KAMUI!"and the siblings were caught in a swirling vortex that sucked them in and they found themselves in a different world again,the three siblings found themselves having a shield on their right arm and athena said "where are we"and fafnir said "we must have traveled to another world" and iris said "welp they must want help if we are here hooray another world to protect" there were 3 other people with them one having a sword one of them having a spear and the other having a bow they were confused on what happened then there were 10 hooded people saying "oh help dear heroes we need your help to beat the waves of catastrophe" the other 3 heroes were still confused and the spear hero said "if we help you then you will grant us wealth right?" the hooded figure said "why of course dear heroes we will grant you all the riches you wish for"then the 3 siblings said what are the waves of catastrophe the hooded man said "the waves of catastrophe are when monsters come out of portals in the sky and attack the whole world" Then athena said "oh ok so we have a new mission we need to protect new world like we did back in our world ok fafnir and iris" both fafnir and iris said "alright let's do this Big sis" the others were confused and said "wait you three are heroes!?" they responded with a nodding their head up and down the hooded figures were happy that they at least have people with experience in fighting when they went to meet the king the 3 siblings were bowing down to show respect to the king saying "your majesty it is a pleasure to meet you" while the king simply scoffed at the 3 siblings and said "heroes please state your names" the sword said "my name is ren amaki"the spear said "my name is motoyasu kitamura"the bow said"my name is itsuki kawasumi "When the 3 siblings were gonna wait for their names to be called the king just skipped them and Ren said "your majesty did you forget about the other three heroes?"the king simply replied "oh yes the other three please state your names" the siblings said in order "im athena the oldest child,im fafnir the middle child,and i'm iris the youngest child" and in unison they said "and we are the trio sent by the gods"everyone in the room were surprised at what they just heard the king was baffled at what the trio said and responded saying stop fooling around you shield heroes"but the siblings simply chuckled and said "its true your majesty back in our world we were sent to another world to protect with our godly power and we aren't even humans" everyone was once again shocked and the king said "then what are you three!?"and they responded with "we are part of the sword spirit race that were wiped out by a tyrant named lord cooler"everyone was once more shocked at what the 3 said to them.

                    Chapter 3.The Accusation                          At night motoyasu,ren,and itsuki kept asking questions to the 3 siblings especially ren since he is the sword hero and asked the 3 to turn into their blade form and so they did athena turned into a katana that flared a magenta and greenish color,fafnir turned into an o katana that flared a blue and silverish color,and iris turned into a chisa katana that flared a red and rose color,ren and the others were surprised,motoyasu,ren,and itsuki thought that the 3 were bluffing that they were lying about being spiritual swords that can kill gods with ease and ren asked the 3 on who is the strongest of the 3 and athena said"although i'm the oldest the strongest is fafnir for his ability to get stronger after a near death state"the next day came and the three siblings went off together and went to spend the night at a hotel in the same room and the next day guards called out knocking at the door saying"shield heroes come out now the king demands your presence immediately. When the 3 got to the castle asking the king what happened and the king replied saying"shield hero fafnir you are hereby arrested for committing sexual assault to the princess"fafnir was confused on why he was arrested for committing sexual assault on the princess and said"your majesty you must be mistaken i would never do something like this"the king said"SILENCE you demon of the shield" and continued to yell at fafnir while fafnir saw the princesses face and saw a look of pleasure and she looked  at him in a mocking way and fafnir said"ya know king if you wanna banish me and my sisters you can do it right now?"the king responded with"of course you demon i the king hereby exile the shield heroes from this kingdom"while grinning fafnir looked at the king with slit like eyes resembling a slash mark from a sword and the king was scared at what he saw in front of him and fafnir said"good you just lost 3 godly assets from your kingdom"the king was afraid on the decision he made to banish them                                                So the 3 siblings went off to leave but they encountered a slave trader and he said"my my what do we have here the shield heroes banished from the kingdom so as a parting gift how about you buy at least 1 slave from me ok the three felt hesitant about buying a slave but they did anyways as they went to the slave traders shop they saw many slaves up for sale and the slave trader said''what type of slave are ya looking for?"fafnir said"i'm looking for a slave that is obedient and is strong"the slave trader said''oh so you are looking for a demi-human then although they can't fight"fafnir responded with"then we will train them to be strong then"the slave trader chuckled and said"oh as expected from you anyways here are the demi-humans please take a look"fafnir looked around the place and saw 3 demi-humans and said "oi slave trader we will take them"the trader was confused"hmm? Why these 3 they are about to die anyways why want them?"fafnir said"i'm an expert at making medicine so im gonna make them medicine so they can be cured and healthy.

                     Chapter 4.New Companions                  When they six got out of the place they left the kingdom, fafnir made medicine for the 3 demi-humans then fafnir asked them"anyways what are your names?"the 3 were hesitant on saying their names but did so anyways They went in order from oldest to youngest"hi im jacqueline"said the oldest"h-hi i-im r-raphtalia"said the middle"hi im Alex"nice to meet ya"said the youngest with a smile the other 3 were kinda feeling a bit happy at what alexa said and athena asked"are you 3 siblings?"they respond with"no we are not siblings"then iris asked"what race are each of you anyways?"jacqueline said"i'm a white wolf"raphtalia said"i-im a-a f-fox"and alex said "welp i'm a raccoon"in their cheerful voice the 3 felt once again feeling a bit happy and so the six went off to another kingdom traveling they found yet another slave trader and showed them what they were selling.

And they saw a bunch of eggs and the trader said"ah so you are interested in an egg well here are your choices you could even gamble for a dragon"fafnir said"we will take 3 then"the trader said"ok that will be 30 silver coins please" fafnir gave him the coins and they left on their journey,some time passed by and they decided to stay at a nearby town they encountered and the 3 eggs started to hatch and out came out 3 little babies one was a filolial the other was a dragon and the other was phoenix the three hatchlings jumped onto fafnir nuzzling him and fafnir was feeling great after what happened at the old kingdom they were at the athena said "welp since they like you most you name them little brother"fafnir said"ok sis i'll name them hmm? What should I name them?``Then an idea came to his head and said ``I've got it, I know what their names are gonna be!""oh? You know what their names are gonna be, big brother?``''yes iris i know what their names are!"with a proud face.As he said the"name of the filolial is sora,the name for the dragon is echo,and the name for phoenix is bedelia"athena was surprised at her little brother and the names he came up with for the hatchlings and said "hmm i'm surprised at your creativity little brother if only you used brain every time"mocking him playfully sticking out her tongue and fafnir was mad at this but they shake it off and said"welp guess these three hatchlings are now mine"with a prideful voice and the 2 sisters were mad and both saying"how come you get the hatchlings!?"he said"well dear sisters they like me,i named them so it's obvious that they belong to me"the sisters were mad but took in the facts that their brother made and accepted the fact that he did chose the eggs and named them,so they decided to let him have this since everything he went through and because they don't want to clean up after the 3 hatchlings and so fafnir had to feed,clean up after them,and take care of them and they started to grow up faster every day.                                                              Chapter 5.A Fresh Start. So the nine adventurers went out to explore this new world and came across another kingdom and went inside there were civilians staring at them at first but then they smiled at them the nine were confused on why the people were smiling at them and they went to the castle of this kingdom and asked the guards to meet with their ruler the guards said yes and requested a meeting with the king and queen and so they enter the king and queen's throne room and there they met the king and queen of this kingdom and started to bow at the two and the three siblings said"hello your majesties it's a pleasure to meet you and started to introduce themselves in order,im athena the oldest,im fafnir the middle,and im iris the youngest,and we are the trio that were sent by the gods"the king and queen were surprised on what they herd from the trio and then the princess barged into the room and said"mother father why am i not allowed into the throne room and who are you"in a seductive voice and stared at fafnir and he said"hello my name is fafnir it is a pleasure to meet you miss"and she saw the 3 shields on fafnir,athena,and iris and she smiled and said"mother father you should have told me we had three shield heroes here and especially this handsome man fafnir was it?"he said"yes you are correct my lady"and raphtalia was mad at this because she loved fafnir for everything he has done for her he cared for her,fed her,and he always waited for her if she was a little  behind so she said"fafnir you shouldn't talk to this princess she might do the same thing the other one did"with her voice sounding jealous and the princess saw this and said"you shouldn't talk like your his wife or his lover or are you his lover?"raphtalia was red at this point but she shook it off and said"of course im his lover we even shared a kiss together"the princess was surprised at what she said and fafnir was confused and said"when did we kiss!?"then raphtalia went to kiss fafnir on the lips and he started to blush and she said"f-fafnir you b-baka i-i love you ever since that fateful day you found and took us from that place"and so athena and iris started to giggle and so did the hatchlings and the princess was very jealous at this and she kissed him as well and said"mother father i want fafnir to be my husband please"and the king and queen started to smile at this and accepted this and fafnir said"what aren't you doing this too fast!?we need to do this slowly and get to know each other until we marry!"and so the king and queen said"its ok fafnir we accept you as our son-in law"he said"what won't you worry if i do something like assault her!?"and they said"we know you won't do anything after all she and yumina do have the mystic eyes"fafnir said"huh the mystic eyes what is that?"the king then said"well the mystic eyes are said to see a person's true character and she saw that you have a good soul so we approve"and the princess said"and i saw something very interesting"then the queen said"hmm you also saw it too"the princess said"well despite the three being shield heroes they all have the form of a sword but each are a different type of sword?"so the queen asked them about this and they answered with their backstory and they started to cry a bit and the queen said"oh dear touya that reminds me of your past it's so sad"and the siblings said"Huh!?the king was like us and was sent to another world!?"the king said"yes i was sent to another world like you three but it was only once not twice like the three of you and i am a human not sword spirit"the three siblings were surprised at the news the king gave the three and so the king, the queen,and the princess introduced themselves"hello my name is mochizuki touya but please call me touya''the queen said''hello my name is yumina urnea belfast''and the princess said''hi my name is konan mochizuki the 8th daughter of my father"'huh the 8th daughter?"Fafnir said confused the king said''oh yes i have 9 wives in total and 9 kids"'Huh!?nine wives!?"the touya simply chuckled and said''if you want you can have multiple wives if you want to"and with a straight voice fafnir said''but is konan alright with this?"konan said''it's alright fafnir as long as you give me the same love then i don't care if you have multiple wives''so fafnir had mixed feelings about this arrangement but said"ok i guess i'll do it then"then the others yelled''What!?" Chapter 6.The Engagement. And so the others were confused about what they just heard and the hatchlings then evolved into 3 little girls a phoenix,a dragon,and a filolial were in sight and fafnir said"bedelia,echo,and sora!?"the three hatchlings said"hi papa!"and hearing this fafnir was embarrassed and his face was very red and could not handle the cuteness of the kids then konan and raphtalia started to blush a lot because the three kids called the 2 "hello mama's we love you!"and the two were blushing like crazy and said''o-oh my how embarrassing" they fainted but fafnir grabbed them so that they don't hit the floor and decided to rest them down on the couch they were sitting on while touya and the others were talking about some things and touya said"so fafnir since you are going to marry my daughter then you can marry as many women you want since she said that she did not mind at all as long as you give her the love that she wants alright"and fafnir replied with a nod and yumina was pleased with this and said"oh touya you are saying the same thing i said when linzze confessed her love for you how romantic"she said this while hugging touya with a smile and fafnir felt a bit uncomfortable from the view and then raphtalia woke up first and then something weird happened,an eye appeared out of nowhere it was a blood red eye that fafnir knew was familiar to him and he thought and thought about the eye and he found out that it was the same eye that belonged to the masked man that said"kamui"and decided to replace his right eye with the blood red eye and felt a surge of power coming from the eye and the others felt fafnirs and he said"hey guys i think i found a way back to our world I think?"and the others were glad but raphtalia,konan,sora,echo,bedelia,jacqueline,and alex were sad at this news and raphtalia said"but that means you three will leave us alone forever"and they started to cry and fafnir said"well if you all want we can all go together and no leave you guys behind"and their faces started to glow up with happy faces and raphtalia and konan said"Yes a million times Yes!"and they started to kiss fafnir on the lips over and over again while crying and konan said"hey mom dad will you two come with us?"and they responded with a nod of agreement and she felt happy and so they waited for 2 days and on the first day raphtalia and konan decided to seduce fafnir and did the naughty and the next day they could not walk at all and fafnir,athena,and iris were teleported to a meeting place for the cardinal heroes to talk but it was silent and fafnir said"so guys i may have found a way to get back home"and the other heroes were shocked at the news and said"WHAT!?"and motoyasu said"so you found a way to get back home?"and athena said"yes and we are taking fafnir's fiance's and family plus kids"with a playful tone in her voice and he started to blush at this comment made by his sister and the other heroes were shocked and motoyasu said"HOW DID YOU GET A FIANCE AND KIDS!?"Iris said"actually he has 2 fiance's"and motoyasu choked on his spit and said"SO YOU ARE TWO TIMING THEM!"and fafnir said"no im not two timing them,im marrying a king's daughter and my friend actually liked me and kissed me in front of her and she went and kissed me and said that i could marry as many women i want but for now i will stick to the two"and so ren said"so if you have kids with your fiance's what would your kids look like?"and athena responded with"well normally a full blooded sword spirit baby is born a human and once they reach four years old they turn into a sword spirit"and with that answer ren was amused and so the heroes were teleported back to where they were at and so the siblings saw konan and raphtalia crying and fafnir went to comfort them and they hugged him and so fafnir said"so are you all ready to go back?"and everyone nodded and so fafnir yelled out"KAMUI!"and everyone was sucked into a whirlpool and found themselves in the ruins the siblings were supposed to explore and so they went to the town and they went to their house and the siblings went to the guild and everyone was shocked the adventures were surprised on how fast the siblings got back and they gave their report.Chapter 7.Back Home?.   When they came back home thy were greeted with konan and raphtalia cooking food for everyone and when everyone was eating and athena made an announcement and said"so me fafnir and iris have decided to adopt a last name and so we pulled straws and fafnir won and so we are now known as athena akatsuki,fafnir akatsuki,and iris akatsuki or like touya it can be read backwards like akatsuki athena,akatsuki fafnir,and akatsuki iris"everyone liked the last name that fafnir came up with especially konan and raphtalia now thinking that their names will be akatsuki konan or konan akatsuki and akatsuki raphtalia or raphtalia akatsuki and started to blush intensely and the kids were exited with their father's last name akatsuki sora,akatsuki echo,and akatsuki bedelia,then touya said"fafnir i really like that name and did you know that akatsuki means dawn?"and fafnir was amused by his new father in law liking the last name he chose for him and his new family and so they ate and then went to go sleep but athena,iris,and the others said that fafnir,konan,raphtalia,and the kids sleep together like a family but they did not feel like sleeping together and they ended with them going to sleep together like a family while the kids were sleeping raphtalia,konan,and fafnir were talking about what they are going to do and they did the dirty(i'm so sorry for making you read this)the were making too much noise but fafnir made a privacy seal to block all noise from leaving their room and they put noise canceling on the kids and the next day konan and raphtalia were limping and could not walk for a week and the others wondered why they could not walk until they asked them then konan and raphtalia blushed and fafnir said"well its my fault that they cant walk"and they were still confused but then they realized what fafnir was talking about and yelled at fafnir for making them not able to move at all but they continue on their day and the siblings went to the guild to get missions,then one day a pod crashed into the ruins and the siblings went to check it out and what they saw shocked them,there they saw 2 of their kind and the short one said"well well look at this schlatt three of our race is still alive"the tall one said"i know donner and two of them are women so we can have fun"and that made fafnir mand and he said"who the hell do you think you are!"and the two men then rushed at fafnir and they went through him and they were confused and fafnir said"TSUKIYOMI!"and the two were in a dark place and they were chained up and saw their loved ones get killed over and over again and the one who killed them was cooler and they wanted to kill cooler for killing their race and fafnir let them tout of the tsukiyomi and they decided to not mess with fafnir and so they invited them to join and kill cooler and they agree then the siblings go to train intensely after they gave the news to the others and they were a bit scared of the news especially konan and raphtalia they did not want fafnir to leave because he is going to be a father of two kids one for konan and the other for raphtalia and then fafnir fell to the ground unconscious and the two siblings picked him up and put him in bed.  Chapter 8. What happened?  When they went home the others were worried especially konan and raphtalia and raphtalia knew what is happening to him and she said"guys i think i know what is happening to fafnir"and the others asked what happened to him and she said"well he is going through transformation and is turning into an kitsu(it means half fox)and touya said"a half fox?"and she nodded and athena said"so he will become a half fox and half sword spirit"and raphtalia nodded and something unexpected happened 2 ears and nine tails came out of fafnir and raphtalia was shocked because she did not expect fafnir to gain nine tails she thought he would get one tail but she didn't care he was still the fafnir she knows and loves but the others did not know what to think of this but they care a lot about fafnir so they don't care that he looks like an onari they still think of him as family and when he woke up he was shocked at the news he was given by raphtalia and even passed out when both raphtalia and konan said that they were pregnant with his child.  Chapter 9.What!?  Fafnir passed out from the news that knoan and raphtalia gave him and when he woke up again he hugged and kissed both of them and felt excited for being a father of two kids but he still wants to go and kill cooler so the siblings trained until their bones broke and their power has increased big time and their power was greater than cooler(to explain the gods took back their power from cooler)and so the siblings went to meet schlatt and donner and they were confused with fafnir's new appearance and donner said"fafnir what happened to you!?"and athena said"well he is an kitsu which is a half fox but he has more power than us because we put him in a near death situation every day thanks to his ability and donner was pleased with the news and they went to the extra pods that they had and they went off to kill cooler and donner told them that the gods took their power back from cooler but he did not notice it and never trained so he is very weak and donner knows it and told them and they were glad with the news that they were given and went to a planet called planet vegeta where the saiyans lived because donner knew that the saiyans hated cooler and so they decided to work together to kill him and the others went to say goodbye to the siblings when they got onboard then fafnir saw raphtalia and konan crying because they think that he will die along with athena and iris but he hugged them and he promised them that he will come back alive to raise his kids he did not want his kids to know that he died and so the five went to planet vegeta to meet king vegeta and plan their attack on the cooler and they traveled and went to a planet named planet vampa and they decided to stay there because planet vegeta was ways to go and what they saw shocked them they saw a saiyan and a sword spirit and they went  down to see them and both the saiyan and sword spirit were shocked at the arrival of the five sword spirits and the saiyan said"who are you!"and the siblings were surprised and fafnir said"well we are like you a sword spirit"and the sword spirit did not look amused and said"don't try to trick me i know that you are not a sword spirit you have ears and nine tails!"and fafnir said"well because i turned into a kitsu which means a half fox and how i turned into a kitsu was that my fiance was pregnant and she is a fox which turned me into a kitsu"and the sword spirit thought about this and understood and said"well sorry i guess oh and anyways how is kenno kami anyways?"and the five went silent and schlatt said"well kenno kami was destroyed by that bastard cooler"and the saiyan said"wait what cooler did that!"and the five nodded and the word spirit was angry and said and said"well what are we waiting for let's kill that bastard!"and the saiyan yelled out"BROLY!!"and a young saiyan flew out of nowhere and stood in front of the seven people and they went to planet vegeta and the three gentlemen introduced themselves"well my name is paragus it's a pleasure to meet you"the sword spirit said"and my name is harpe"and the young man said shy and quietly"hello my name is broly nice to meet you five"and the five were pleased with knowing their names and iris yelled"guys we made it to planet vegeta!"the sword spirits were amazed by the look of planet vegeta and they landed in front of the kings castle and when they landed the guards said"halt why are you here traveler"donner said"we would like to see your king please"and the guards sent someone to inform the king and came back and said"please come in the king is waiting for you"and so they went into the castle to meet the king of planet vegeta and they went to the throne room where the king sat on his throne and he said"so you are the ones that called for me"and donner said"yes we are the ones that wanted to speak to you your majesty and to start with introductions  my name is donner it's a pleasure to meet you sir"schlatt said"and my name is schlatt sir nice to meet you"athena"hello my name is is athena and i'm the oldest of my siblings nice to meet you sir"fafnir said"hi my name is fafnir and i'm the middle sibling a pleasure to meet you sir"and iris said"hi my name is iris and i'm the little sibling nice to meet ya chief"and fafnir knocked on her head and said"i'm sorry your majesty she still acts like a child sometimes and does not take things seriously"and king vegeta just laughed and said"not to worry fafnir im used to this type of behavior because of my daughter mallow"and all of them heard knocking on the door and the king sighed and and told the person to come in and what came from the door was a female saiyan with dark green hair with black highlights and light green on the tips of each hair she had,she had black eyes with a hint of dark and light green in them and fafnir was surprised that she did not act like a saiyan at all and paragus told fafnir that she was known as a pure-hearted saiyan and she said"hey dad why are there people here?"and she saw fafnir and she had a face that said she liked him and a face of excitement when she saw the ears and tails and mallow jumped on him and started to stroke his ears and tails and fafnir started to give moans of pleasure and the king said"mallow stop doing that to the guest!"and by the time she stopped she looked into his slit-like eyes and then what she did the king did not expect from her...she kissed fafnir.  Chapter 10.New Spouse. The king almost had a heart attack from what mallow did to fafnir and everyone was shocked as well especially paragus because he knew that fafnir was gonna be in his deathbed and was scared that something bad will happen and iris slapped her forehead and said"geez big bro another one thats now three women you have"and almost everyone in the room was more shocked and the king said"h-hey fafnir d-do you r-really have t-two w-wives?"and fafnir said"no i have two fiances"and mallow said"hey dad maybe he has royal blood in him and fafnir i would like you to be my husband so please take care of me"and the king was confused and asked"so fafnir do you have royal blood in you?"and the three siblings said"yep the three of us have royal blood in us"and harpe realized and said"pince fafnir princess athena and princess iris i apologize for not recognizing the three of you"and athena said"please harpe we don't have a planet let alone a king so please do not act like planet kenno kami is still here"and harpe nodded his head and stood up and the king was shocked and said"so you four are from kenno kami the planet that cooler destroyed a few years ago!?"and the four nodded their heads and mallow felt how sad and angry fafnir was and she hugged and kissed him to make him feel better and he calmed down a bit and hugged her back with a bit of tears in his eyes his ears down and his tails are drooping to the floor and are not waging and hugged mallow and she gently played with his ears and fafnir started to purr like a cat and she laid down patting her lap for fafnir to rest his head and he laid down putting his head on her lap and keeps purring because of mallow playing with his ears in the good spots and started to purr loudly and his tails started to wag and when mallow stopped fafnir was breathing heavily and he felt something wet between mallows lap and licked in between her legs and mallow started to moan and pulled his head closer and iris said"get a room you two we don't want to see that!"while putting her hands in front of her eyes to make sure she does not see what is going on and everyone left because they did not want to disturb and the king was confused on why he left but he did because he felt scared on what will happen if he disturbed them so the king lead the others to the dining room so they can eat something,with fafnir and mallow fafnir said"so mallow do you want to take this to the next level?"and mallow just nodded her head and she and fafnir began to strip and they went at it and while the others were eating they heard"F-FAFNIR PLEASE I-I WANT I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!"and everyone did not expect that to happen so quickly and the king was shocked that his daughter has chosen someone she loves that turned out to be a hybrid from a different world but he already accepted fafnir as a son-in law and as a good father and husband to mallow and his grandkids but he had to tell his two sons about the news back on earth and he knows that his eldest son will say"father why did you allow him and not a saiyan to marry my little sister" and he knows that his youngest son would say"well congrats big sis you're going to get married and i don't know why you did not choose a saiyan to marry you but i won't question it as long as you are happy then we are happy"king vegeta knew that with time his eldest son will accept fafnir into the family and they will be a happy family along with his grandkids and fafnir's wives once it was all done and when they killed cooler and the door then opened and it showed both mallow and fafnir and they looked exhausted and schlatt said"come on you two it's time to eat!!"and both fafnir and mallow got exited because they both had the biggest appetite in their family even though she has a small body she han eat more than the average saiyan can and fafnir can eat up to twenty saiyans combined which is how much mallow can eat so they had up to ten servings of food and they still felt hungry but they were not starving at least but they almost killed the chef but fortunately iris told the chef to not go into the light and the chef survived and was told to go home to rest and cand take three days off.  Chapter 11.The Plan.  When everyone finished eating their food they the sword spirits went off with the king to talk in private and talk about the plan they have to take down cooler and get rid of him for sure and finally get their revenge on the evil tyrant,and so they started to organize their plan to take cooler down once and for all and by the time they finished planning their attack the king told the group to stay and rest of the day donner and schlatt will stay in one room and the two sisters will stay in another room and fafnir will stay with mallow because she just took fafnir and left to her bedroom and sleep together but lucky to them they did not do the dirty so they slept well without any disruptions and in the morning they went to eat breakfast and when they finished eating the siblings went to train while the others watched them do a 2v1 with athena and iris versus fafnir,fafnir held a sword from an unbreakable meteorite that he managed to break somehow and made a sword,axe,and armor plus he gave the material a name and he named it"netherite, the material that will never break"and he gave names to his armor and weapons he named his armor the blood god's armor,his axe getting the name hippity hoppity get off my property,and his sword earning the name the wither boss,plus he made a crossbow out of the strongest wood and arrows with sharp netherite tips which he named The U.S air support(word from author I let fafnir have an infinite amount of arrows for plot so¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )so fafnir decided to change his name to the name of his dad"Technoblade"and when fafnir told his sisters they just smiled because they knew that he would take the name of their father because he liked the name technoblade it gave an intimidating and scary plus he liked how it sounded then he made himself a robethe robe was red with fluff by the collar and downward to his knees and when both iris and  athena checked on him they saw him in his technoblade form and for just a second they saw their dad just from looking at fafnir and and they told fafnir how cool he looked in the uniform he made and when mallow came in the room she passed out from a nosebleed and was about to hit the floor but was caught by fafnir and put her on the couch so that she would not lay on the hard floor and when she woke up she was laying on fafnir's shoulder with his robe over her like a blanket and him being her"personal"body pillow and when she woke up completely she gave fafnir a passionate kiss and she stood up and went to eat something because she was hungry and was tired from resting on fafnir and then fafnir heard a ship land in front of the palace and out came two guys that looked like the king one was tall and the other one was short,one of them had a tail and the other did not but then the taller one yelled into the ship and out came a man with spiky hair on different parts of his head and had a grin that shows his playfulness and his dumbness at the same time and fafnir somehow liked it and he felt a soft and kind aura coming from the man and when they came inside the short one said"hey father we are home!" and the king came out and said"tarble,vegeta welcome back,oh and who is your friend?"vegeta said"hello father and this clown here is kakarot the son of bardock,oh and where is mallow?"the king had a big grin on his face and said"well mallow is with her future husband"and vegeta and the other two guys were shocked with the new that the king gave them Especially tarble and vegeta and then mallow came out with fafnir by her side and vegeta was pissed and said"FATHER WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?"the king said"well vegeta that is her future husband"and vegeta stared daggers at fafnir and saw his tails and was about to blast him but kakarot grabbed his hand and told him to calm down and looked at fafnir and gave him a smile and said"hi my name is goku but you can call me kakarot!"and fafnir responded with"yo my name is fafnir but you can call me technoblade if you want!"giving a smile to his new friend and tarble said"so you're the one that will marry my sister"and vegeta was now calm and said"father why did you allow him and not a saiyan to marry my little sister"and the king said"well son it was not me that chose him it was mallow herself that chose him"and vegeta looked at her and said"malow is he telling the truth or not"and mallow said"yes it's true i chose fafnir as my lover not dad"and vegeta was beyond mad and his hair turned into a deep blue and charged at fafnir with a blind rage and goku was about to stop him but fafnir stopped him with his tails and held the wither boss at his throat and said"do you want to meet the wither boss?"and what vegeta saw shocked him and scared him,he saw a monster with a floating black rib cage and three floating black skulls he saw that the eyes were a light purple with a fade of white in them and he was too scared to move at all and goku was shocked when he saw another tail sprout from fafnir and looked like a saiyan's tail and he saw fafnir's hair spike up and turn green and golden,he sensed his power level skyrocketing and it already passed vegeta's power level and stopped by his power level in U.I omen