
Ep 1 part 1

A sudden loud sound of metal ripping off is heard on the outside of the ship. The lights flicker as the ship is shaking, some people can be heard screaming and yelling in panic.

I open my eyes and look ahead and see a screen on the wall in front of me, I recognise the person on the screen, It's Jaha from my favourite tv show the 100, he starts to talk.

Jaha "Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable".

As Jaha finishes speaking I hear someone speak out. "Your dad is a dick, Wells", Some people start laughing.

'Holy shit Im in the 100, the last thing I remember was me walking home after getting some two minute noodles at the shops fuck!!, I remember, I got hit by a truck as i was crossing the street then everything went dark'.

I focus back on what Jaha is saying trying to keep calm.

Jaha "You're crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years".

Random guy "Spacewalk bandit strikes again".

Random girl "Whoo! Go, Finn".

I look over and see who I presume to be Finn flouting around in the air, looks to be talking to someone.

Finn "Check it out. Your dad floated me after all".

Wells "You should strap in before the parachutes deploy".

Clarke "Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live".

I follow where Clarke is looking and see to guys cutting there parachute straps.

Jaha "Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately".

Finn "Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year".

Clarke "You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk".

Finn "But it was fun. I'm Finn".

Jaha "Your one responsibility is stay alive".

Clarke "Stay in your seats".

A crashing sound is heard, I feel the sudden hard pull as the parachutes open and gravity comes back. I hear the sound of parachutes tearing form outside. Finn and the two guys get thrown across the ship into the wall and some pieces of pipe brake and some smoke comes out of the pipes.

Clarke "Finn, are you okay?".

Random guy "Whoa!"

I look back at Clarke who is talking to wells "Okay. Everything on this ship is a hundred years old, right? Just give it a second".

Wells "Clarke, there's something I have to tell you. I'm sorry I got your father arrested".

Clarke "Don't you talk about my father".

Wells "Please, I can't die knowing that you hate me".

Clarke "They didn't arrest my father, Wells. They executed him. I do hate you".

'Damm poor guy. He didn't even do it, yet he took the blame, I would have just told her from the start'.

People shouting throughout the ship can be heard. The ship thrusters turn on and the ship crash's though the trees and then a loud thud can be heard as the ship hits the ground, everything goes quiet.

I look around and see everyone's being quiet, I hear someone speaking.

Monty "Listen. No machine hum".

Jasper "Whoa. That's a first".

I look around and everyone is unbuckling there seat belts so I do the same and unbuckle my seat belt with a little difficulty as i haven't used this type of seat belt before.

As I'm trying to unbuckle my seatbelt I look over to see Clarke unbuckled and Finn, they are checking the two guys that tried to follow Finn now on the ground dead, I sigh...

Clarke "Finn, is he breathing?"

Finn just stays there crouching over one of the dead bodies not saying anything.

Random guy "The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go".

Clarke "No. We can't just open the doors".

Clarke storms off following the guy down the hatch to the lower level of the spaceship.

I finally finished unbuckling my seatbelt and most of the people are going down the hatch to the lower floor so I follow too, still feeling a little nauseated form the crash. I lean on the wall and then head down.

When i get down from the ladder I find that it's pretty crowded so I squeeze my way through the crowd to the front where I hear who I think is Bellamy speaking.

Bellamy "Octavia, Octavia! no. Let's give them something else to remember you by".

Octavia "Yeah? Like what?"

Bellamy "Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years".

Bellamy then grabs the lever next to the door and pulls it down. When he finishes pulling the lever down the big drop ship door slowly opens coming down like a mediaeval drawbridge without the mediaeval and on a spaceship. As the door is opening the sun shines though making it hard to see as my eyes adjust to the light.

When the metal door hits the ground octavia slowly walks out, 'like you haven't seen grass before. oh thats right they haven't'.

Octavia finally steps off the metal door slash ramp of the ship and stands there, I get ready for what I know is coming.

Octavia "We're back, bitches!".

And it sounded exactly how I thought it would like a high-pitched teenage girl screaming except with no music so way less dramatic.

Everyone starts to run out pushing and shoving people aside. I quickly make my way outside and to the left to avoid the stampede of underage criminals.