1 (chapter 1)


hello (你好) I am Lu Xia and I am 17 year olds, 12 year of high school. I have long black hair with bangs and I'm pretty average looking. I go to Wang Wei high school. I am good at school and I love studying. I have one close friend (Yu Yan) which I met during 1st grade.

~next day~

*school bell rang*

Yu Yan, come sit here! Hello (你好) Lu Xia! "Finally lunch time, i just needed a break!" said Yu. *Lu Xia starts reading a book and not paying attention* "Lu Xia, Lu XIA?!" screamed Yu. *door slams Teacher: "LU XIA, in my office right now!" *students looked at her* "go..Lu Xia go.."*she stood up* "yes 老師?" (teacher in Chinese).

-in the teachers office-

"Lu Xia..you have the highest grade in the school and we want you to tutor this kid!" said the teacher. "Li Jie, say hello to your new tutor!..NOW!" "Hello.." he said while looking at her weirdly. "I don't need a stupid tutor..anyways I don't want some creepy girl to tutor me!" he said. "什麼?! (WHAT?!)" the teacher screamed. "Well I don't want to tutor some stupid kid who only cares about his looks and sports!" Lu blathered. "LU XIA AND LI JIE, WORK TOGETHER NOW OR IM CALLING YOUR PARENTS!" The teacher screamed. "y-yes teacher.." they both said.

*bell rings*

"You're now dismissed, go back to class" the teacher said. *both walk to class* *girls start running to him.."LI JIE, LI JIE!" girls screaming. Teacher: CALM DOWN GIRLS AND SIT DOWN! *girls sit. other teacher: "class we are switching seats, please stand up to the right wall." Class: "yes teacher!" *teacher almost finished up assigning seats then the teacher realized he forgot two people* "You two, Lu Xia and Li Jie..sit where the windows are" the teacher said. "augh..! I hate this" she said in her head.

"you! I have rules that apply to you because you're my tutor.!" he said. "what?! RULES..?!" she said in an annoyed way. "Yes, I have rules for you.. 1. don't tell people that you're tutoring me 2.don't talk to me only after school 3. don't follow me." He said. "uh, okay. I don't see the big fuss, I'm not your side chick." She said. "tch, whatever" he said.

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