
The Group

(Fukuoka Japan; In Daichi's house where all the kids are sitting and his dad is making dinner. Yuki walks into the room with a small grin on her face. Soma walking to the bathroom turned his head and smiled back then keeps walking in.)

Yuki: You guys there's one more day till we are told if Botan is coming back home.

Ash: So you really think he's coming home?

Kani: Of course he is, what are you thinking saying that.

Yuki walks and sits next to Ash.

Then Daichi's father walks into the room with a big pot and 3 trays in his hand. Ash and Daichi get up and help carry the trays to the table.

Zygmunt: Thank you guys so much for helping me.

Daichi: No worries dad.

Ash: Ya it was nothing for us men.

Daichi: Did you just call me a man?

Ash: No I called me and your dad a man. You think I would ever call you a man.

Daichi: WHAT!!!

Akane: Wow those guys really are as stupid as they seem.

Yuki: Hehe.

Akane: You think what I said was funny ha, I'll give you something to laugh about.

Yuki: Ahhh no. Stop tickling me. Hahaha.

Soma: So what did I miss?

Everyone: EVERYTHING!!!

Soma: Ok, ok I get it, shesh.

Everyone: Sorry.

Soma: Thanks that really did it.

Everyone: Your welcome.

Soma: You weren't supposed to, whatever.

Ash: Then why did you ask?

Soma: Whatever.

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