
Hostess Of Fertility

Kei after dealing with the trifles who didn't even have anything valuable in them except for their souls, heads straight to the hostess of fertility located at the east of Orario a few minutes of walk from the guild, a place he had wished to visit for a long time, even before he was reincarnated into the world of Danmachi.

Though unlike what others might think Kei isn't there for the lovely Waifu's, his aim is the establishment's delicacies.

Kei is a foodie before being a waifu fan, and although Kei admires Waifu's he isn't really someone who would chase after them, that's just creepy.

Kei is satisfied admiring them from a distance.

That statement also sounds creepy on its own.

Moreover, unlike before when this world is nothing but a fiction now that his here, and it has become real or is it real to begin with? Kei doesn't really know for sure.

But one thing Kei knows is that things wouldn't go as it was before, but Kei is 'Ok' with that because if things were to just go like when it was nothing but a story, then this world hadn't become real and is just another fantasy.

Some degenerate anti-beta protagonists might judge him for his actions, but Kei doesn't give a single damn about them.

People who only think using their lower body are nothing but pitiful full-fledged virgins for life.

Showing up in front of the establishment Kei was greeted by a cute, cheerful, considerable height, brown hair, brown eyes and white skinned cat girl wearing the characteristic white blouse and a leaf-colored knee-length long skirt hostess of fertility uniform.

She also wears a slightly long half apron around her waist and a pair of brown boots over long black stockings.

"Welcome to the hostess of fertility, nya. Would you like to take out or dine in, nya?"

Kei smiled brightly, almost like a vibrant sun up in the sky, which caught Anya off guard.

"I would like to dine in please."

Kei replied enthusiastically, making Anya think that Kei is just like her a very cheerful person, and she wasn't wrong about that but behind his cheerful behavior masks a pained and sorrowful child.

Kei was led by Anya inside, and while they walked in Kei's attention was fully drawn to Anya's wagging tail as if it were tempting him.

He needs to give his all to calm down his growing curiosity in order to not be kicked out of the place before he could even get a taste of the establishments delicacies.

And also to not be charge of sexual assault because to cat people touching their ears and tails is no different from touching another persons private parts.

"Hey, you're a new face. This is my first time seeing you."

Mia Grand made her appearance.

Casually greeting Kei.

"You're right, ma'am. This is my first time in the city. I was wandering around the world when I happened to hear about the dungeon city of Orario."

Kei replied enthusiastically with a bright smile.

"Oh ho, It must be good to be young, being able to wander all around the world must be fun. I wished I could have done the same before."

"It was fun but at the same time a pain because each nation has differing laws and cultures you must follow failing to do so is troublesome."

Kei muttered, reminiscing about the time when he had mistakenly requested pig meat at a restaurant in a Muslim country equivalent of this world.

Because the people have the same looks and style of clothing it doesn't mean they have the same beliefs.

Mia seeing Kei's reminisce suspecting it to be about his travels couldn't help but chuckled.

"How old are you by the way?"

Mia asked out of curiosity.

"I'm turning 16 two months and three days from now, so I should be 15 as of this day."

"Oh ho, how long have you been traveling?"

"Since I reached the age of ten."

Kei replied.

"You're one brave child to be wandering all around the world at such a young age."

"Well I don't really cower when it comes to trouble."

Kei utters in a confident voice also giving Mia a slightly cold glint.

Mia seeing this and feeling a bit of pressure coming from Kei immediately couldn't help, but unconsciously took a step back.

Surprised by her body's instinctual response Mia couldn't help but give Kei a wide eye.

"Sorry about that. A habit of mine, I got carried away."

"No, you don't have to apologize. I'm just surprised. It's rare for a talent like yours to be wandering all around the world."

Mia was taken aback by the coldness hidden behind that cheerful and easy-going persona of Kei yet instead of feeling worried she instead developed a favorable impression of the young monster before her.

Someone like Kei who reveals their prowess to others is more trustworthy than people who hide what they are capable of, though at the same time it can backfire to them.

And this what confused Mia as to why Kei would trust her about his secret.

If he had hidden it he could have used it to catch others off guard, though it's not like she'll be snitching.

Though she did not know the full extent of his power his mere glint is enough for her honed instincts to alarm her which only means a few things, either Kei is as strong as her or stronger.

He can't be weaker than her because if that were the case her instincts wouldn't alarm as if her life is in danger even though there was no killing intent involved.

"Hey, don't give me that look madam."

"We might have yet to formally introduce ourselves, but you reminded me of my mother."

Saying so a sad smile appears on Kei's face.

"Your mother, huh."

Seeing Kei's genuine sadden expression Mia couldn't help but comfort the child as she placed her hand on his back.

"Cheer up boy how about you order a food."

"That's the plan from the beginning I'm just waiting for you to invite me. My name is Kei, Kei Morningstar by the way."

"My name is Mia, Mia Grand. It's a pleasure to meet you, boy. What do you want to eat? I will give you a discount."

"Oh ho, are you sure about that?"

Mia, seeing Kei smiling wickedly had a bad premonition.

"10% discount."

"And here I thought you'd give me a 50% discount."

"*Tch* my business ain't a charity, boy."

"Ok, how about you give me all of your bestsellers and double the order for each I will bring some with me."

"I wouldn't dare let extra money slip by but didn't you say you just arrived in Orario. You should have no place to stay in, and it's early in the morning so most inn's should still be closed wouldn't the extra food become cold?"

Mia gave Kei a concerned look.

"Don't give me that fake concern look on your face. I know you're just using sweet words to tempt me into staying in your available rooms upstairs."

"Whose concern for whom?"

'Is she a tsundere?'

Kei couldn't help doubting her.

"Well I wouldn't mind staying here for a bit because I have yet to pick a good land."

"You're buying a land? You must be rich, renting a land is far cheaper than buying one."

Mia was utterly surprised.

"Madam Mia, please look in the mirror you're literally drooling."

Kei shrugged the back of his head trying to hide his pocket from Mia's hawk like eyes.

"Huh, excuse me then."

"Just give me my fold already."

"Right, coming right up."

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