
That Time I reincarnated as The Overlord

Arthur Gets reincarnated into the Earth of Overlord and then gets transmigrated but what's this? Instead of the New World he's in Tensura? 500 years back in the past! Thrust into the World of Tensura of the past, he will have to decide which route to take. The path of a World Conquerer? Or live a simple Carefree life with his NPCs? Note: The story Will loosely follow the OverLord Elements and Tensura's Power system to some extent. This Fanfic will be an AU meaning changes! yay!, but not much changes will be in the original plot. Characters may appear when they shouldn't but it's the effects of 'butterfly fluttering away' so relax and enjoy! Also Obviously I don't have any rights on Overlord Anime/LNs or Tensura/TTIGRAAS. OCs are ofcourse mine though.

_Raphiel · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chp-36:Part I, Your Saviour Has Arrived.

In the Plains of Adriff, situated between two enemy kingdoms where an intense war was happening, countless dead bodies could be seen irrespective of whose side it was.

These kingdoms, Gemmera and Volen had started this war at the break of dawn and it was ongoing until now where the sun was slowly setting in the horizon, dying the sky redish-orange with it's light.

Right now, Gemmera had reached a desperate point where, of the 300k soldiers, only 120k was left standing.

Although Gemmera was in a bad position, Volen too was not fairing well. Having lost 300k of its numbers, only 200k was left fighting the 120k of Gemmera's.

'I don't if that guy will even hear me but please, Please! Save us!'

Gritting his teeth Gowlard silently prayed in his heart.

The trajectory of where this war was going, it won't be long till Volen wins. And when that does happen, it is uncertain where their loved ones, their home and their lives will be the same of not.

The sacrifices of all those who died today and in countless wars from the dawn of Gemmera to protect and uphold it's pride and honour would all go to waste.

But now, everyone could only pray furiously in their heart to which ever Being they believed in that may The DemonLord Come and save them.

It was quite ironic, that the one whom they are praying for saving was a Demon Lord. To anyone who heard this would laugh till his stomach hurts, because it was the Demon lord's who they should be fighting not to pray for his arrival.


"How much has been collected?"

Being invisible to everyone, Bael was floating in the sky overlooking the war going on below.

[It totals to 480k souls collected. It has far exceeded the amount required for your evolution. But I assume you want to save it till your performance's ending?]

Bael was present from the very beginning, because why would he not? All those free souls going to waste. So, he erected a barrier that was not noticed by any of the two kingdoms which trapped the souls of the humans killed.

"As expected of Gabriel, you know me too well."


"Now, I think this is the perfect time for my appearance."


Just as Gemmera's army was starting to loose faith in believing that Bael would Ave them and Volen becoming giddy at the fact that Bael had not arrived.

A huge amount of Magicule was released, instantly spreading to all the corners of the Battlefield. This Aura made everyone pause their fight involuntarily as their bodies stiffened in fear.

The bloodlust and Dominating presence of the aura was enough to make some of the weak minded soldiers faint as the relatively stronger ones to also kneel down with their eyes widened.

"What... what is this?" Sigul struggled to even speak as he looked at the battlefield strike with fear as he was unable to control his body anymore.

"Don't tell me..!!!" Silby tried to deny the possibility of what her train of thoughts was going to but she saw something that would completely negate any excuses they would come up with.

In the side of Gemmera's army, a portal opened. A swirling mass of purple black clouds that seemed perfectly out of a fairytale's story of Hell's portal. From there, slowly a figure emerged.

Purple blue gauntlets, boots, armour with pointed shoulder blades and horns on either side of his head. His piercing eyes of bluish purple hue and a slited Dragonic pupil perfectly embodying his origin.

"D-dragon Lord Bael!?"

From the lines of Volen's army, a fearful scream was heard which quickly made the remaining soldiers come out of their desperation filled trance.

Now recognising who this being was, the primordial sense of fear creeping up their spine was indescribable. The aura Bael release even effected his "Allies" making them shiver in fright.

"So..Who wants to meet death First?"

A cold and resounding voice was heard from Bael as he scanned the fear filled eyes of the humans with his Indifferent face.

"Finally." While all these was happening, George and his entourage silently sighed in relief at having saved..once again.

"Shit!! Let's return!!" Silby quickly said. She didn't need to repeat as the council members quickly started to charge a teleportation array only for it to break.

"A-anti Magic?" Seeing the failed array dispersing in magic particles Silby slowly muttered out loud, falling to the ground as if she lost her footing.

"There is no escaping.."Sigul stuttered the obvious, for a mage, anti magic spells were there Bane. Now that they were unable to use magic to escape, there was nothing they could do to get away now.

"It's always the best when insects know that there is nothing their frail selves can do."

A feminine voice was heard as the mages slowly turned to look at the origin of the voice.

Looking at the Regally dressed Female that had black obsidian armour on her with her curved horns and slited yellow eyes, it was easy to guess who she was.

Even if they didn't know her name, they knew that she was probably the Demon Lord's subordinate coming here to collect the insects that is them.

"Run..RUN!!" Slowly whispering at first, a soldier quickly turned the whisper in to a scream as he turn back and ran.

This action quickly turned into a chain reaction as Volen's army quickly droped what ever slowed them down and ran the opposite direction of where Bael stood.

'I haven't even done anything and they are fleeing as if I am Satan Himself?'

[It is probably because of the High level Despair Aura you released. One of its side effects is loss of Brain Functioning ability and making the victim extremely scared of the user.]

'Huh? Good thing I directed it towards the Enemy's army.'

Unbeknownst to Bael, even the Army of Gemmera was scared out of their wits and their body screamed at them to flee as far away from this demon as they can but they were unable to do so because they were purely exhausted beyond their human capabilities.

"Who said You could run when You guys chose your own deaths?"

Instantly a huge tower of magic circles emerged as Bael in the centre. If any Yggdrassil player were to witness this scene they would be screaming "Hacker!" while signing out of the game and deleting it.

This complex array of magic circles was a super tier spell. But it was not any regular spell, it was on a completely another level.

The size of this array was triple that of the original while it's magic power was fueled by

One of Bael's Special Skill [Harmonic Convergence]

This skill allowed Bael to output a higher level of any spells with almost half the cost of mana required.

<Soul Severance>

Uttering the spell silently Bael released his super tier magic Soul Severance which did what it's name implied.

This spell completely seperated your soul from your material body while permanently effecting you with True Death Debuff making it impossible to resurrect you.

In game it just implied you would be unable to use your avatar for a cool down of 3 days but in the real world it truly meant true Death.

As the Circle broke into billions of magic particles, those particles spread towards the entirety of Volen's fleeing army, as soon as this mist of magic particles touched any human, they would collapse immediately.

Seeing the pure carnage infront of them, Gemmera was once again reminded why ordinary Kingdoms like them should NEVER anger the Demon Lords.

Bael's single spell completely ended the battle that had been going on for the whole day. In human history, this might be the fastest a total of 200k soldiers died under 4 seconds.

And even then, that 4 seconds was just because the mist took that much time to reach the whole Battlefield. If they were confined to a small space, it sent shivers down their whole body even thinking of it.

[My Lord, I can hold the Voice of The World for Long..]

'I know.'

Of all its usefulness that Voice of the world provided, the only thing that Irked Bael was that whenever someone collected souls and it reached the required amount, VoTW would instantly start the evolution process without the consent of the person it was Evolving.

It was as if it had a certain sense of amusement at seeing a person indifferently killed 10k humans and then him instantly sleeping in the spot.

It was only because of the strong will power and Gabriel's help that Bael was able to ward off VOTW's effects but even then, it was stronger then both of them combined.


Calling out her name, Bael opened a Gate.

"Yes My Lord."

Adrigal Instantly flickered to Bael's side as she floated three fainted bodies behind her.

"Send them to the Forbidden Room, also start the next phase."

Glancing at the bodies behind her, Bael ordered Adrigal.

"Understood My Lord."

Hearing her affirmation, Bael entered the Gate, ready to start his evolution.

Before all these happened, He had already named every NPC of Deudenia so that their racial skills might evolve into Unique ones and most of them did, it also connected them with Him so that during his evolution, they will get 'Gifts'.


Seeing the disappearing Gate, Adrigal immediately opened another from where two Armoured Dragon Knights, both of level 60 arrived.

"Take them to the Forbidden Room."

Adrigal nonchalantly ordered the Knights as she looked towards the direction form where George and his entourage was quickly approaching.

Since Bael had already left, his oppressive aura also dissolved in the air allowing the humans to move their bodies freely.

As George reached Adrigal whom he was familiar with, he glanced at the powerful duo of armoured 'demons' behind her.

Being a human, he was unable to determine whether they were dragons or demons and since they were covered in full Armour along with the Demonic Aura they had, he guessed them to be demons under Bael's service.

"King George, my Dragon Hords will be attacking the capital of Volen. Will your army be able to join us?"

Adrigal's query brought George out of his thoughts as he quickly replayed her questions.

"Unfortunately, no Lady Adrigal. What you see before you is the only capable soldiers left. " George said with a deep pain in his heart.

In this war, Gemmera had completely lost its military might with only a fraction remaining.

This was big blow to his rule as it was during his reign that all these tragedies happened.

The future generations might see him as the weakest King to have ever ruled Gemmera. Adorning him with titles like the weak king, the coward king.

"Wait, what do you mean by Hord?"

A curious voice was heard from one of the Generals.

As soon as his question came out of his eyes, Asif waiting for this exact moment loud roars and grunting of dragons was heard followed by thunderous flapping of wings.

Looking below, one of the soldiers saw a large shadow covering the plains, he gulped loudly as he slowly looked up to see what could be described as Pure Nightmare Fuel. A Dragonic Nightmare.

Thousands of Dragons and Wyverns mixed in covered the entire sky, they were coming from the direction where Deudenia or The Death Lands was situated.

The dragons ranged from around 30 Meters to some almost reaching 90 Meters. All flying in a chaotic but ordered sense in one direction. And that was where Volen's territory.

"You...you guys are demons."

One of the young soldiers muttered but it was heard by everyone.

"Don't be mistaken, we are not demons. Rather we are Dragons. Far more dangerous than Demons. We are possesive and prideful beings. Volen have directly insulted our Lord, thus, as a consequence we shall burn the whole country down."

Adrigal said, as if it was a matter of fact , further fueling the flames of fear that ironically spread a chill down their bodies.

'So this is why He is called the Dragon OverLord. Being the master of someone who called such a large number of Dragons by the title of Hord is truly the Lord of all Dragons.'

Such a thought passed George as with all the humans having similar thoughts.

"Now then. Since my work here is done I shall be leaving now."

Saying that Adrigal casted fly on herself as she slowly levitated upwards.

"Let this be a reminder to any who wishes to challenge My Lord in the future. If you are ready for eternal death, then be our guest."

Saying that, Adrigal released a blast of Magicule saturated aura that puched the humans several feets back as they covered their faces momentarily against the dusts.

Looking up, they say large swirls of black clouds formed around Adrigal as occasional flashes of white light passed the cloud.

Soon, a large roar was heard from the cloud as all the flying dragons above too joined the roaring as if they were feeling happy.

Just then, a large wing, the length of at least 60 metres long was seen from the cloud as the next second a long tail double the length of the wing emerged.

Exhaling a black flame mixed with white hue a large Dragonic head came into view with two pairs of horns curved on its head. With a single flap of its wings, the black mist instantly dispersed showcasing The large dragon in its full glory.

The Dragon who was 150 meters long was Adrigal in her Dragon form. She exceeded even Veldora, the true dragon's length by 50 meters, making her by far the second last longest dragon in history only toped by the true dragon Sisters, Velzard and Velgrynd.

Her size might make anyone mistake her for a True Dragon but her power could only be half that of them and even then she lacked in the large Magicule quantity and unique skills department. But that would all be solved with her master's evolution.

With another flap of her wings , Adrigal instantly joined her Hord flying at the forefront, rapidly flying towards Volen.

In a matter of minutes, the whole Army of Dragons was disappearing in the Horizon with echos of ringing bells heard from Volen's side.

"Are we this weak?" A general rhetorically said. He and everyone present knew that they were indeed weak, pitifully weak.

Their gaping mouths and fearful eyes was the only indication needed to confirm their helplessness.


In Volen.


*Boom!!* *ROARRR!!* *BOOOM!*

*Ring ring ring!* *Boom*

People shouting at each other as they ran in vain to escape this apocalypse, warning bells ringing for a moment only to be destroyed by stray fire breaths blowing up the tower it stood on.

Such was the scene all over the kingdom of Volen. Nowhere they will go, was safe. It was even more worse in the Capital of Volen.

A huge hundred and fifty long black obsidian dragon with hundreds of smaller dragons flying in circles above attacked the capital.

To any Game of Thrones fan, the only way to visualise the scene would be to multiply Daenerys's dragon destroying king's landing

to an exaggerated degree.

Watching from a large glass window, the council members were striken with fear. They knew not what came upon them to even order this meaningless war, or even the fact that they challenged the Demon Lord.

It was true that some called this kingdom a place for lunatics but that doesn't mean they were retarded enough to anger a demon Lord.

"What have we done..." Whispered one of the Councilmen.

"You did what your destiny was. And it was perfect." A deep voice was heard from the corner as a figure emerged from the shadow.

"Gil? Was this all your doing?" One of the Councilmen asked.

"No, it was the Dragon Lord." Gil answered as a masked figure emerged from Gil's shadow.

"Enter the Gate.", Darkseid ordered the Councilmen as well As Gill as they entered a trance like state, while a gate soon opened beside Darkseid.

"As you wish master." A unison of affirmation was echoed as everyone lined up and entered the Gate where on the other side their entire remaining Torturous lives awaited them.

As the gate closed, Darkseid also disappeared leaving the domed room empty.

Completely silent, contrary to the muffled screams of humans, roars of dragons and destruction outside echoing inside the room.


As Bael exited the Gate, he walked before the Throne of Dragons. He sat upon the throne while overlooking the Guardians present bar, Adrigal and Darkseid.

'Start the evolution Gabriel.'

[Understood. Removing the barrier.]

[Report: Evolution of Individual Bael Draconio Armenon From Dragon Lord To True Dragon  Commences... .....]

An ethereal voice was heard by the residents of the world as a celestial phenomenon occurred. The evolution of a Demon Lord as well as the Birth of the Fifth True Dragon has now begun.


A/n: I will be separating the Evolution part in another chapter.

Either way, two chapters will be released.