

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I am going to be late!'

You see a man in his twenties run through the crowd of people with a bag on his back. He stands out because of how tall he is, he is towering most people that he meets. As he runs through the crowd, most people would think that he is an martial artist that is going to go an do his training. Or even an thug but they would never guess where he is heading...

'I am going to be late to mine dance practice!'

Yes, this giant of a man, Haruko Takeda, that could beat up almost any person, is actually harmless. He was born with a sickness called myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy. But instead of it's normal version he was born with it's more advanced version and instead of twice, he has three time the amount of muscle normal person has. Because of that 'gift' his mother taught him to never use it on other people and that it's better to harm yourself then anyone else. Who would knew that this advice would bring him to his death?

As he runs further down he suddenly hears shouts, Haruko stops and looks towards them. There he sees a man running down the street with a knife to his side. Haruko's eyes widen and time slows down, adrenaline kicking in. Other people either run away from that man with knife or just look he would too but...

Remember Haruko, you are strong. You need to use it for others and protect them from any harm, that is the fate of the strong ones....

Haruko looks forward and sees that the man is heading towards a man and woman. Time runs again normally and Harkuo darts forward, he often helped people but never in situations like this. Another man pushes woman out of the way and is in the range of the knife, but before knife can touch him Haruko pushes him away.

He feels how knife enters his side making him cringe in pain, but he doesn't give up. Before the cutler can run away Haroku grabs him by the hoodie and gives him a powerful punch sending him to the ground. As cutler hits the ground, Haruko does too. Blood is flowing out of his wound and others ran to him, trying to help. He placed hand on his wound and looks up, seeing all of those people.

'Wow...So many people trying to help me...But, that wound burns! I hate it!'

Confirmed. Heat Resistance acquisition successful.

'Huh? Who is saying that? Ugh...It doesn't matter...I hurts..."

Confirmed. Pain Nullification acquired.

'Ugh, maybe if I was quicker or stronger...Or even had an extra pair of arms, maybe I could stop him...'

Confirmed. Enhanced Speed and Enhanced Strength acquired.

Creating a body with important extra limbs and organs for better performance...


Haruko feels then blood in his mouth. It has that metallic flavor in it, he knows how it tastes from all the fights he got in for others. He even started to like it...

'Huh, you again blood...It resembles me that meat that I had yesterday.. Ah, It would be awesome that power from anime that if you eat something you can regenerate. I would love to eat that meat...'

Confirmed. Consume Skill acquired and Enhanced Senses acquired.

'Heh, that blood resembles me of those Blood Arts from that anime...Ah, I didn't watch it fully yet, shame.'


Confirmed. Unique Skill: Blood Arts acquired.

With the lasts of his strength, Haruko moves to his back. Now feeling of overwhelming cold on his body.

'So cold...'

Confirmed. Cold resistance acquisition successful.

Acquisition of Heat Resistance and Cold resistance result in acquisition of new skill, Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

Haruko looked up at the people trying to help him.

'Huh, it would seem that they only care if I am dying. If something like this would never happen more and more people would use me....Like always...'

Haruko despite his strength he always was bullied and used. Adults and his 'friends' seeing how easy he was to use began using him for their own goals with him gaining nothing. His girlfriend cheating on him and everyone leaving him. Tears began to trickle from his eyes as he reflects on his past life.

'I was so stupid to follow mine mothers advises. She was a good woman that meant well, but she didn't thought about the outcome...I hate it...I hate it! If second life exist, I will be more aggressive and selfish!'


Confirmed. Enhanced Aggression acquired.

Acquisition of Consume Skill, Enhanced Aggression and Blood Arts results in acquisition of two new unique skills, Devourer and Greed.

Before Haruko closed his eyes, he smiled.

'Nah, in the next life...I will be god of dancing and music...Just like grandpa...'

Confirmed. Unique Skill: Dancing God acquired and Unique Skill: God of Music acquired.

'Just...fucking shut up...'


He drifted in void for some time, his whole life flashing before his eyes. He had good childhood but gripping onto his mother ideals was bad idea. With his strength he could have normal life, where he doesn't worry for rent and food. But, he got something that helped him in those harsh time. He got it from his grandfather, love towards dance and music.

Then he felt the hard surface beneath, he left his arms and legs ready to be moved. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a rocky ceiling.

"W-What happen...Am I alive?'

He sat up and place a hand on his head but he felt...something on the left side of it. He slowly moved his hand towards it and gripped it, it was a...horn? His eyes widen and he slowly stood up.


He then began to move his all four hands around to feel up his body and find something that would be out of normal. After few second of checking, it would seem that besides the horn everything was ok. Wait...FOUR HANDS!? He looked down at his outstretched hands and he confirmed it, he had four of them. He looked around and saw a pond nearby, he run up to it and tried to see his reflection. What he saw shocked him.

He saw a creature with pale skin and white, short hair. One red horn was sprouting out from the left side of his head, it was similar to the horn of a young deer. His irises were burning orange and sclera was black. He also had two small tusks showing out of his mouth, matching his wild look. His build seemed to be the same like from the old world, tall, muscular and wide.

"What happen to me?!"



He became frightened as a voice spoke in his mind, the same one from the time he died.

You were killed and were reincarnated in new world as an Ogre.

"Ogre...Actually that is pretty sweet! I always like races like that! But wait?! Who are you?!"

He spoke to the voice and answer came to him not even second later.

Answer. It is an effect of unique Skill, Great Sage. Now that your ability is established, you are capable of reacting more quickly.

"E-Ehm...that's neat..."

He chuckled, not wanting to ask about the arms as he thought that it's just racial thing. But he really was surprised, he just got reincarnated into new world where magic and other races like Ogres exist! It's amazing! Before he could do anything else his stomach began to growl. He patted it before looking around.

"Well, I need to eat something. I would kill for some meat....Huh?"

Suddenly he realized how he started to drool only the thought of meat.

'Why am I drooling so much!?"

Answer. This is the side effect of unique skill, Devourer.

He managed to calm it down with some water before sighing and sitting down on a rock, for now ignoring his hunger.

'And does this skill do?'

Answer. Unique skill, Devourer allows you to gain abilities of the opponents you consume flesh of or any other alive being like plants while also it speeds up regeneration of wounds. Side effects are that while you don't feel eternal hunger you will prefer meat then anything else and you will prefer it raw, as this is the only way to gain a skill.

'So, I can gain abilities from alive creatures and plants but I have to eat them raw...It will probably taste horrible and I will get sick...'

Answer. Other, lesser, side effects are that everything you consume and happens to be inedible because of it's taste, will taste very good. And if you consume enough specific plants you have chance of gaining Poison Resistance.

'That is quite...cool and useful. But it will look weird for me to just eat raw meat. Welp, I have to work with what I have.'

Then he stood up and jumped down from his place of awakening and now was walking among beautiful white flowers. He crouched down and took one.

'That voice said that I can gain abilities even from plants. I wonder If I can gain anything from it?'

Answer. Plant needs to be eaten in order to analyze it.

He cringed and sighed.

"I hope I will not die from this..."

He opened his mouth revealing his sharp teeths that were made to tear meat. And in one bite he eat the plant, gulping it down. He waited few second to see if anything was happening but seeing that nothing happen...

'So? Analyze it.'

Analysis completed.

Hipokute herbs. A valuable herb that only grows in areas rich in magicules. Used as an ingredient in salves and healing potions.

New skill will be available after more of them is consumed.

He scratched his head with one of his hands, he had two questions but asked the one about magicules. He got explanation about them and how they work.

"Hmm..And what about that skill? What is that?"

Answer. If more herbs are eaten, one of skills from Blood Art series will be acquired.

"Ah, I se-! Wait! Blood Arts?!"

Answer. Before you died, series of unique skills that only you can acquire were created. They can be acquired by you, if you eat a being that will give you skills that are needed to do it. They work by usage of magicules in your blood.

"Interesting...Like from that anime..."

He sighed before he began to eat more and more of those herbs. While doing it he suddenly became saddened that he doesn't have any music he can listen to, he would love to listen to shamisen. Memories of his grandfather, and how he was teaching how to play came to him. His grandfather was a known musician that had a big number of fans. Haruko many times visited his grandpa who taught him how to play shamisen and his mother taught him how to dance. As his thoughts wandered back to his old world, they were suddenly disturbed by the voice of Great Sage.

Number of herbs consumed in order to acquire new unique skill is filled. New unique skill acquired, Healing Blood.

He looked down at his hand and few thick veins that were seen from under his skin glow with faint green glow before it disappeared. He wondered if it's going to hurt or how is it going to fully work. He scratched his horn before stretching all of his arms, something new that he does a lot.

"Ho? What do we have here?"

Suddenly he could feel giant aura and it's owner glaring at him. It would seem that while thinking he walked somewhere he wasn't supposed to. He looked up and his blood run cold.


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