
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

116 -=Hinata and Kaede=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Kaede was currently walking around the Hyuga clan while pouting

"Stupid Neji, what 'I need some time to think?'


And I was just trying to help him get stronger..."

Yep, Kaede was all pouty because Neji didn't accept her offer and instead asked for some time to think...

She wasn't even rejected, just not instantly accepted by Neji and was all pouty and annoyed

But... what did you expect? she literally never had anything not go her way since she was 'born', and that was never a good thing to say about someone

Looking around for a bit, she remembered that some time ago, like, more than a year ago, she decided to give Hinata a new eye and as such a smirk appeared on her face

It seems that she can still have some fun


Hinata was taking a bath

Not that she wouldn't go to the fourth Hokage's memorial, but...

what's the point?

She can do more by doing literally anything, she still has a pile of new books to read that Tsunade gave her, so she has no time for such stupid traditions

What do they even expect? that the fourth Hokage will revive to save them when they need?

Oh wait... that actually could happen...

moving on

"Mou... they grew again..." Hinata pouted as she said that, recently she has been a bit more aware of her body changing, her new medical knowledge and all

For certain, her mother gave her the genes that many girls desired, but to a ninja that was nothing more than a burden... most of the times

luckily for her, Tsunade who was her teacher also dealt with the same problems, so she had someone to help her with that

"That they did" A new voice said

But, contrary to what many would do in that situation, Hinata didn't even flinch

"What are you doing here, Kaede?" She asked, not even glancing at Kaede

Which isn't true, by the way, Byakugan and all

'What the fuck is wrong with this Hyuga clan? first Neji decides to talk with a nukenin, and now Hinata doesn't even care that I am here?

What a stupidly boring place!' Kaede screamed internally

She moved close to Hinata, who noticed she was also naked, but didn't comment on that

"Nothing really, I was just passing by" Kaede said with a smile

"That is such a blatant lie..." Hinata commented

"Oy!, that's not true, didn't you know you can tell if someone's lying by looking into their eyes?" Kaede asked, approaching her face to Hinata's, for her to be able to see her eye

"... I know that, but you can't really tell with dojutsu users" Hinata said, blushing a bit

Maybe remembering her last talk with Kaede a long time ago

"I see...

Anyway, since I can't prove it to you, then there is no problem, but I was really just passing by

But since we are talking about Dojutsus, I have a deal for you" Kaede said making a pose, which only served to make Hinata more aware of her current clothes, or lack thereof

"A-And what is that?" Maybe she had been thinking too much, as Kaede didn't even say anything about that, she immediately went into 'bussiness mode'

"Well, you see..." As soon as she said that, Hinata sighed in relief, glad that Kaede didn't notice her behavior, because she remember that Kaede teased her by anything before

"...Recently, I found a better eye than that stinky Sharingan that my stupid clan was so proud about" Kaede said, making her eye change its pattern to her [Seinaru me], making Hinata almost jump in surprise

She could tell the strength behind those eyes, for some reason, and also feel a subtle connection with them

"So" Kaede's voice brought her back from the trance she was in, strangely though, the passive effects of Kaede's eyes didn't affect her

"I was thinking of giving you one of my old Sharingans, since I think you could make good use of them, but that would depend on you overall..." Kaede said, smiling

She could have given Hinata the byakugan she took from Toneri... but... that may evolve to a tenseigan, and that is NOT her intention

Hinata had a thoughtful face as she didn't know whether to accept it or not

On one hand, she knows that Dojutsu transplants have some drawbacks, but she also thinks that is a very good opportunity to have

Sharingan and Byakugan are both great dojutsus that are famous for being of the 3 great dojutsus

which makes no sense since no one knew the rinnegan existed before pain showed it, they thought it was a legend

but, not my problem

Anyone of her clan wouldn't agree, their pride would speak louder, but she didn't care

would pride be able to save her family from tragedy? no? then it is useless

"Are you sure about that, Kaede?

It is YOUR eye after all..." She didn't decide, and since she was still not sure about it, she decided to ask some questions to Kaede, maybe that would give her some insights?

"I am

You see, I quite like you, like, we are both older sisters that care for our little sisters a lot and that's something I can respect"

As soon as Kaede said, 'I quite like you' Hinata blushed fiercely, but Kaede didn't notice it and continued

"Both? I didn't know you had sisters..." Hinata caught the meaning of Kaede's words and commented

"Yeah... HAD is the right word..." Kaede's expression made Hinata understand

She felt guilty for making Kaede remember such a thing, but Kaede quickly recovered

"Anyway, As fellow old sisters, I respect you, very much, I like the way you seem to be able to do anything for your family, even going as far as breaking some Hyuga traditions, and I don't doubt you would sacrifice this whole village for them" Kaede said

"...Yeah... but... the whole village is quite an exaggeration, no?" Hinata asked

"And as such, I want to help you out that's about it for the reason" Kaede promptly ignored Hinata's question

Looking at Kaede's eyes, Hinata could somehow tell she wasn't lying, the eyes are the mirror of the soul they say

Hinata nodded in understanding, there was only one last thing stopping her from accepting

"But... who would do the surgery?" She had a lot of theoretical knowledge, but she was under no illusion that an eye transplant was above what she could do, and she was sure no one in Konoha would do it

"Are you underestimating me, Hina?" Kaede asked with a glare

"Hina?" Hinata was caught off guard by the sudden nickname

But Kaede ignored that, she extended her hand, touching Hinata's face, covering her missing eye

'You know... I was going to give a random Sharingan to her, but... make it mine Ceres, I think that would be interesting' Kaede said in her mind

<Sure... But that may end up altering Hinata's own eye because you have an eye that is a fusion of Byakugan and Sharingan, do you proceed anyway?> Ceres asked, already knowing the answer, Kaede was very like old Rimuru, doing anything for fun

'That's even more reason to do it!' Yep, exactly as expected

<Okay then, Do you want to get rid of the Curse of Hatred first or not?>

'Let it be, maybe it will mutate into something great' Kaede decided

A bright golden light covered Hinata, and she felt... nothing...

Her senses all disappeared in a moment, she felt actually horrified by it, but before she could panic, she was back to normal

well, normal is not the best word... she felt weird

she could see 360° like always, but in such detail... such clarity... it actually gave her a big headache

"Ugh..." She groaned, and that made Kaede understand

'So that is what would happen had I not have you Ceres?' She asked

<Humpf, It was about time you understood how great I am> Ceres said in fake pride

Honestly, that couldn't actually happen to Kaede, she's a slime, and as such every cell of her body can act like a brain cell, so she could cope with it... probably

'Indeed you are, I never said you weren't' Ceres was actually stunned, she expected Kaede to rebuke her, so she could 'begrudgingly' explain what I just explained

<...Thanks> There it was, once again Kaede was giving her credit for nothing...

'I am not lying, you know?' Kaede was so accustomed to doing so, she didn't even remember it was to improve her skills Ego, but it was always true, so yeah, sure

Touching Hinata's eye patch, that was her gift actually, something Kaede took note about, Kaede's finger glowed as she made a weird drawing on it

Suddenly l, Hinata felt her overwhelming senses dimmer, something that confused her

"What did you just do?" She asked in curiosity

"It's a seal" Kaede answered with a smile

'So Kaede can also use Fuinjutsu...' Hinata took note

another thing she considered learning, but only Hiruzen and Jiraya had any real mastery on it, and one was teaching someone else, and the other left the village

"Maybe I could teach you someday, if you want to that is" Kaede said, looking at Hinata with a big smile

'Satoru Hinata... no, Hyuga Gojo? also no... man, how can I fuse their names?' She thought while having a silly smile on her face

She did indeed have her fun

Hinata was actually about to agree to Kaede's suggestion, but she stopped herself

'It's not good to show too much enthusiasm, Tsunade sensei taught me better' She thought, but then she noticed Kaede's silly smile

"Why are you smiling?" She asked, tilting her head to the side

But how could Kaede say 'I was fusing your name with a character'? So she quickly thought of a reason

"You have my eye now, so we are technically connected, no?

That's awesome" She came up with that on the fly

Hinata widened her eyes, she looked away hiding a tiny blush

"Y-Yeah... I guess..."

'That's so embarrassing!' Hinata screamed internally, remembering where they are, and their current lack of clothes, suddenly having a harder time fighting her blush