
MY Death

It was a cold, chilly, October morning. I had just got my things for math class and was heading downstairs for my fourth period. I was in the middle of the hallway when it happened, "Code Blue, I repeat this is a Code Blue. An intruder has entered the building. Everyone get to safety immediately." As soon as I heard this i bolted down the hallway to my math classroom. It was locked. Every other room I tried,




I could hear gunshots upstairs, so I went downstairs and tried every single door until a thought came to me, the library didn't have a lock. I ran to the library and entered, in there I already saw the kids that were in the library earlier huddled underneath the table and other places. I quickly dashed to the back corner table where i thought I couldn't be seen.

Five minutes passed, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, and everything was calm that is, until some more gunshots came from down the hall and a girl in the library released an ear piercing scream.


I heard the heavy footsteps of the intruder, "Clunk, clunk, clunk." Down the hallway right up to the library door. The person opened the door and that's when i saw him, a scruffy looking man who looked to be in his mid 30's to 40's with wild untamed black hair. He had a large beard and baggy dirty clothes and a psychopathic grin. Then, I looked at his eyes, those bloodshot red, slanted eyes. It was enough to make me almost pee my pants, and that's what one girl did, the yellow liquid sprawling across the floor.

Boom, she died just like that. A guy that was under one of the tables shouted and rushed at the guy.


That's when everything started going into chaos. People running around and screaming, blood liquid running everywhere.




Until I was the last one left. The guy looked at me, and we made eye contact. You would think that he had guilt or remorse in his eyes, but nope, he was happy killing us, he enjoyed it. We kept eye contact and then he said something to me, something I will never forget, he said, "Goodbye little one."


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