
That time I received a name and evolved into a Twilight Noble Devil

Porcelain skin, dainty deep crimson lips, black and silver hair tied into a ponytail, petite in stature and slender in figure, and a modest height.

Her face might have been hidden by a mask, but it couldn't conceal her beauty.

The Hero.

The hero provoked one of the four true dragons not out of hostility but to be interested in people.

Her presence was so dazzling that the eyes of one of the only four true dragons in existence couldn't help but follow her every movement.

The true dragon was completely charmed.

They fought each other in a fair one-on-one match and the hero won.

Using her Unique Skill [Absolute End] she tore through the defenses of the true dragon.

At the end of the battle she used [Infinite Prison] to seal the true dragon.

The true dragon lost, but it wasn't its first defeat, yet it couldn't recall any fight where it lost so one-sidedly.

His arrogance assuming it was utterly unstoppable because of being born at the peak of all existence was completely shattered.

Yet instead of getting angry after its defeat the dragon was instead impressed that it wanted to battle the hero once again, once it was freed from the imprisonment.

But sadly human lives are short, assuming that the hero is a human birth, she might be able to live for centuries, but it is nothing compared to a true dragon who can live for eternity.

300 years is so long, many things could have happened, the hero either died to someone else or from old age.

"So, you were defeated because you were so distracted by her beauty, is that it?"

Shiro added after hearing the full story on how the mighty Storm Dragon Veldora was sealed 300 years ago.

"No, it goes without saying I was not charmed."

Of course, Veldora is a tsundere, the guy wouldn't dare admit the truth, denying is second nature to him.

"The way you described your fight, the way you specifically emphasize her every feature is a clear indication that you're completely charmed during your battle, unless you're just a creep ogling her during your battle, you should at least admit you got charmed."

Shiro was grinning from ear to ear inwardly, acting all tsundere before him is no use.

He is used to dealing with such people.

Would you rather choose to admit your true feelings or be labeled as something worse? A simple mind game is enough to corner a tsundere.

And sure enough, Veldora's expression became utterly complicated that Shiro was giving his all to hold back his laughter, the true dragon couldn't decide what to do.

"Don't be hard on yourself. I know what you feel, and if she's just like you say, I probably end up charmed, just like you."

Shiro added, nailing it.

"*Hmph* it can't be helped, she should be grateful that she caught the eye of thyself."

'So easy.'

"Right, we forgot to introduce ourselves."

Shiro awkwardly reminded Veldora.



Veldora after realizing this fake a cough copying Shiro.

"Indeed it seems we did forget to introduce ourselves."

"My name is Veldora, the Storm Dragon, I am one of the four true dragons in this world."

Veldora is literally screaming so loud as he introduced himself making the cave tremble from his loud voice alone.

"Did I scare you? It can't be help."

'You scared no one, damn-ass.'

Shiro retorted in his head.

Unlike Rimuru whose head is defenseless for Veldora to read in their first meeting, Shiro's mind is heavily protected from any outside interference and abilities.

Earlier, the moment they met, Veldora began babbling about how he was sealed after a glorious battle where he accidentally burned a city and a gorgeous hero appeared to save the day, defeat and seal him and how bored he was for the past 300 years doing nothing.

The two forgot to introduce each other, Shiro literally forgetting it's their first time meeting due to how carefree both they were while Veldora is too enthusiastic to have someone to accompany him after being bored alone for the past 300 years.

"I'm Shiro, though it's my former life's name, before I was reincarnated as a unique demon in this world, at the moment I should be nameless."

"So you're a reincarnated person from a different world."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"This type of phenomenon is very rare."

'I already knew that.'

Veldora began sharing knowledge about reincarnation, otherworlders and summons.

"How about I gave you a name?"

Veldora suggested.

'That was my plan in meeting him in the first place, but never did I expect him to bring up the topic.'

'I also like Veldora as a character, so I also planned to befriend him, and it appears that everything goes well as I expected.'

Shiro thought.

"Are you sure about that? You should know that I'm no ordinary being, the amount of magicules you'll be spending after naming me should be enormous, wouldn't that hasten your death."

"Don't worry, I won't perish just from naming a single unique demon."

"Do what you want."

"How about this. You think of a name for both of us and to embed the same symbol in our souls."

'EH- wouldn't this change the timeline? Wait, so long Veldora stays in the cave he'll surely meet Rimuru and name him. I can swallow him up just like Rimuru did, using my [Abyss] but. *Ugh* never mind, let's just go with the flow, and I won't be swallowing him. I leave the guy to Rimuru's care."

"You say you're the Storm Dragon, right. How about Tempest, that should do."

Shiro couldn't think of anything else, or more like he was too listless to think of any other name and just went with what Rimuru had chosen.

"What a good name."

Veldora began screaming once again.

'I hate too much noise, but I can't really hate this fella.'

Shiro thought, enjoying Veldora's enthusiasm.

"Starting from today onwards I'll be known as Veldora Tempest and as for you… I'll give you the name Shiro. You seem to like your former name, so I feel bad changing it, you can use Shiro Tempest as your name."

Shiro felt it, within his soul something changed, something was engraved, as if a puzzle had been completed, his magicule also doubled in number.

[The master's magicules had doubled.]

Similar to Mei, Shiro undertakes metamorphosis.

[Evolution from Twilight Devil -> Twilight Noble Devil, successful.]

[Notice. Pain Resistance -> Pain Nullification.]

[Notice. Spiritual Attack Resistance -> Spiritual Attack Nullification.]

[Notice. Instinct Skill [Infinite Regeneration] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Physical Attack Resistance has been acquired.]

[Notice. Magic Resistance has been acquired.]

[Notice. Natural Elements Resistance has been acquired.]

[Notice. Mental Attack Resistance has been acquired.]

[Notice. Negative Ailments Resistance has been acquired.

[Notice. Instinct Skill [Temptation] has been integrated into Extra Skill [Love]

Congratulations, Unique Skill [The Love] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Extra Skill [Perfect Memory] has been integrated into Unique Skill [Abyss] successful.]

[Notice. Unique Skill [Destroyer] has been acquired.]

[Notice. Sub Skill [Omni Perception] -> [Omni Universal Perception] successful.]

[Notice. Unique Skill [Destroyer] resonates with Unique Skill [Dead End]

Congratulations. Ultimate Skill [Shiva God Of Destruction] has been acquired.]




True Name: Shiro Tempest

Species: High Chaos Spirit: Twilight Noble Devil

Blessing: Storm Crest

Grace: Twilight's Guidance

Title: Personification Of Calamity

EP: 2,200,000

Ultimate Skill: [Shiva God Of Destruction]

Unique Skills: [Destined Dream] [Forlorn Sage] [Abyss] [The Love]

Extra Skills: [Vengeance] [Darkness Manipulation] [Light Manipulation]

Resistance: [Pain Nullification] [Spiritual Attack Nullification] [Physical Attack Resistance] [Magic Resistance] [Natural Elements Resistance] [Mental Attack Resistance] [Negative Ailments Resistance]

Instinct Skills: [Universal Shapeshift] [Omni Parallel Existence] [Infinite Regeneration]


- Space Spirit Magic

Magic Arts:

- Teleportation

- Gate

- Spatial Severance

- Spatial Storm

- Dimensional Pocket




[Shiva God Of Destruction]

It damages the target by the direct annihilation of reality, concepts and laws, completely ignoring any types of defensive measures as it directly attacks the origin source of an individual.

It cannot be defended, It can only be dodged.

• Sub Skills:

{ Essence Of Destruction }

The attacks brought by the user will cause 5 times more damage.

Destruction caused by the user cannot be fixed, healed or reversed unless the user desires so.

Each attack causes direct damage to the soul.

{ Causality Dominion }

User possess authority to manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how.

{ Soul Domination }

User possess authority to create, shape and manipulate the soul, the incorporeal and immortal essence of all living things.

{ Law Dominion }

The user possess authority to create, rewrite, redefine, delete, apply and generally manipulate any law which affects anyone and everyone as the user sees fit, allowing them to decide what happens under which conditions.