

People say that our fate is written by those twinkling stars that grace the vast expanse of sky, the people we meet, the things we do, the things that happen to us, each and everything is written, already planned. Call it a story or just another false belief but there are people who believe in such legends. One such legend is the Red String Of Fate.

The Red String of Fate is an East Asian belief originating from Chinese legend. According to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. Often, in Japanese culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger. The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

Though there are many stories to tell, many of which are unique, some are quite interesting while there are few that were left incomplete. Out of all these, there is this one story that stands out among all of them. Story of those three brothers who were different in many ways, similar in few and it was their love for each other that kept them together. The mind, the body and the soul.

This story is of the Xu brothers, Xu Huang, Xu Sheng and Xu Yang, and their journey of finding the one true love, their soul mates.

Xu Huang - Relationships are formed only with those who are similar in status, money and power. This love thing looks appealing only in books, dramas and movies.

Xu Sheng - The only thing that is must in a relationship is trust; a relationship should be based on truth. There should be no corner left for lies. Then it doesn't matter if there is love in a relationship or not because this perfect kind of love, perfect marriage only exists in stories.

Xu Yang - Love? Every girl! It depends only on how she looks. True love and soulmates? Huh! These are only rumours; in reality, there is nothing like true love or a pair of soulmates. How can a person spend his or her whole life centred around just one person?

That's what they think about love. Just think what will happen when the will actually find their destined partner, the mates to their souls, those women with whom they are meant to spend their whole life with..?

Join me and the Xu brothers on this journey. They are an important part of each other; these are three anecdotes of one story.

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