
That Kite

That Kite

The kite was flying high above David as he was running after it to get its grip. He was finding much difficulty in running over the sand so quickly, but he was attracted by the bright red colour of that kite.

David had come for a vacation to the seaside with his parents and his little sister Sara. He had always longed to discover the unseen and know the unknown. David had visited many places since, but this vacation at the seaside was probably his most adventurous and wonderful experience.

David had come a long way from his parents, running after the kite. Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew the kite away from David's view. He stood near the sea food stalls, panting. He suddenly felt a hand on his back and was most astonished to see that kite in the hand of a boy almost of his age. The boy was holding out that kite to David with a beautiful smile on his face. David asked the boy, "Who are you? How did you know that I was running after this kite? Do you live here?" The boy was still smiling without giving a single answer to David's questions. "Come with me", the boy told David. Without another word of judgement, David went with the boy.

The boy took David to a place very close to the sea, away from the crowd. Both of them sat on the sand and then the boy took out something from his pocket and holding out his hand to David told, "Have you seen this before?" David asked the boy, "What is this? Is this some kind of marine animal?" The boy replied, "Yes, this is actually an oyster, and the glowing white little ball which you can see is pearl, real pearl!" David had never seen real pearl. He took it from the boy's hands and observed it astonishingly. "Come I'll give you a ride", the boy told David.

The next moment both of them were amongst the sea, speeding through the blue waters on the back of a dolphin. David had the most wonderful experience ever, and its witness other than the boy was only the vast, blue sky which spread like a roof over the sea.

When David wanted to bid goodbye to the boy, he could not find him. He didn't even know his name, so that he could call him. It seemed to David like the boy had vanished like a spirit. David found a small bag in his pocket full of real pearls. Suddenly, David saw that red kite lying on the sand. He went near it and saw a hand-written note - " I'm Sam. I'm a spirit. But don't be afraid, I'm your friend. Take this kite with you David, then you'll always remember me. I had no friend when I was alive, but I'm glad that at least you'll remember me as your spirit friend!"

David stood on the sand with the kite in his one hand and looking at the sky he thought about the untold bond of friendship that he shared with 'Sam'!