2 Gray

Alec pondered about his destination that morning, but his deep thinking wavered after seeing a large bird with a head of a woman. The width of a pair of its wings can be measured approximately as 3 meters. The bird encircled the chocolate hill next to the place he was staying at and landed at one of its trees. He was intrigued; It was his first time seeing something like that. He heard about Satyr and such but he never saw one until he came to this world.

'What would it taste if fried?' He suddenly thought but got shocked soon after. His facial expression was in dismay, he must be thinking about cannibalism at that moment. He suddenly lost the appetite for the breakfast he ordered minutes ago...

He tilted his head and looked downwards, his mouth immediately turned into a grin after seeing the rich male guy who came yesterday, It was wearing a white robe now, unlike yesterday, and was holding a staff. 'A magician,' he thought. Ah, he suddenly stops at a thought. The same new guy handed a sword to the barn owner. Is he a dual cultivator?

The staff looks weird, it is like some sort of long torch but the handle is wavy but might have been designed for hard grip.

He heaved a deep breath and grabbed all of his stuff, and jumped from the second floor. People exiting the barn were startled to hear a long wail of screams, in addition to the loud thump heard from the back of the barn, must be a fight? Who knows? That's a common thing in a barn full of drunken people. Some just scratched their head, some cursed for being startled, and some acted as nothing happened. Later on, a large group of train sounds leaves the place.

Alec whimpered before trying to get up, his fall hurts so much. He wants to lay down and just watch those flying furry cats in the sky, from its size, it might have been an alternative for clouds... if he only has good reflexes, he would land handsomely. He pouted while patting his butt.

'Alec, what are you doin'?' A female voice was heard.

The time stopped as if the wire connected to the plug was cut off, and Alec was forced to exit the game. He blankly stared at the wall for a minute, organizing his jumbled world. Ah... he doesn't even want to go back.

Step by step, he walks through the hallway and turns right to see the dining area. A sense of loss is written on his face, making the father figure in the family enraged. Alec has always been an odd child, even though he is sometimes ace at academics, he mostly stares at nowhere or sleeps the whole day. He mostly talks about different things, creating a whole new world where Earth's physics can't be applied.

He was abnormal.

'Alec, you need to go down when it's time to eat,' a mother figure said. The dinner happened silently, with common clatters of utensils sounds and chewing. The awkward moment started and it makes Alec's appetite churned. He doesn't like it, people, to be precise. The suffocating atmosphere on his own home makes it worse. It must be nice to be in a different family... or world. Who wouldn't want that?

He suddenly remembered the encounter he had earlier. What's that guy's name again? He didn't get a chance to ask. He'll leave sooner or later if he, Alec, did his best to finish his food fast. He giggled and gobbled everything he had. Completely clueless about his mother's expression.

'You plan on raising that kid further?' The father figure broke the silence after the child's silhouette disappeared in the hallway. The mother figure sighed and nodded. As long as she could make him normal, she would. The father figure then gripped the chopsticks harder. Idiot! Who would want to raise that kid? He never changed, and never in the future. That kid kept on straying further from normality!

The mother figure already pondered about it. She knows the reality, and her son might not have a chance to be normal. She could place him in mental health institution to help her child at least, but who're parents want to admit that their son has a problem in his brain? Even if she wants to raise that kid, maybe, it's only because of the responsibility as a mother.

The dinner continued for both adult figures in the so-called home, much quieter and deep in thoughts.
