

[3rd POV]

A bright yellow light shone throughout the realm. It was like the sun had descended on that dark desolate place.

After a while, the light died down to reveal Thanos who towered over Hela who was kneeling on the ground as she took in huge breaths as if she was on the brink of passing out due to exhaustion.

Thanos let go of his hold on Hela and she flopped on the ground in absolute exhaustion. It was not a physical exhaustion.

Thanos realized she was immortal and he could not harm her physically.So he went for another route, the mental route.

A person did not only live through physical energy alone but mental and spiritual energy as well.

What Thanos just did was sap away all of Hela's mental energy/psychic energy, leaving her mentally drained as her mind was now weary and exhausted.

"To possess and wield not one but two infinity stones. That would essentiallymake you one of the strongest creature in the Universe." Hela said between chuckles as she tried to get up.

"Who the hell are you?"

Thanos grabbed her by the neck and held her up in the air. His hands wrapped tightly around her neck, ready to snap it.

Hela was too tired even to conjure her divinity so if he broke her neck, she might actually die.

"I am Thanos." he said and brought her small face closer to his.

"And I have come to make a deal with you."

Hela's pale face was becoming paler as Thanos never loosened his grip on her neck. Her legs waved limply beneath her as she tried with all her grit to not pass out.

"Hela-" He was about to continue but he was cut off.

"I-if you want a partnership." She choked, "Then spare me the dignity of introducing myself."

Thanos stayed silent and contemplated her words. He could just make her subservient to him but with Hela's character, it would never work.

So he would partner with her until he eventually disposed of her.

He freed her from his grip and she fell on the ground, gasping for air. Thanos walked away from her and stood with his arms folded a few feet away.

He waited for 10 full minutes until Hela had recovered enough to stand up and speak.

"As you are strong, I shall hear out your deal but first let me introduce myself." She said. It was an important tradition that upheld dignity and pride

"I am Hela Odinsdottir, Odin's firstborn and commander of the legions of Asgard." She said and took a regal and royal posture even though she was extremely exhausted.

"The rightful heir to the throne and the Goddes of Death." She immediately loosened her posture and sighed after she was done with her introduction.

"Now you may speak, Thanos." She said to him as if she was talking to someone below her.

Thanos was dumbfounded at her arrogance. She must know that he could end her at a moment's notice but she was still acting so arrogant and superior.

But he guessed that's just her character and he was not petty enough to mind it.

"I can help you escape from this realm and also aid you in your battle for the throne. But in return I would like a weapon forged in Nidavellir and be an ally of Asgard." Thanos said.

"Who said I need help to escape or to take back what is rightfully mine." Hela scoffed.

"Do not let your pride fool you, Goddess. Asgard has an army behind it and there is the other sons of Odin and the All-Father himelf. You cannot win against all of them."

Hela stayed quiet after that and thought about the proposal.

"And you have an army behind you?" She asked.

"The most powerful in the universe." He said.

She scoffed, "I doubt it." she said, showing her pride as someone who had lead armies before. 

"1/3 of all civilization in the known galaxies are under my authority." He said, letting it known that he was someone with power and rule as well.

Though Hela was impressed, ruling Asgard was still more mighty in her mind.

"And why would I trust a purple alien that I met just now. What if you went back to your words? I couildn't put my trust in a foreigner." She said. If Thanos was an Asgradian she might trust him but he was not.

He was a foreigner.

Thanos shook his head and walked towards her, "You seem to be gravely mistaken here, Hela."

"Asgrad will fall with or without you. It would just be a convenience to have you by my side as that would allow a ruler who is on my side to sit on the throne and be accepted by the people."

"If you reject my offer, that just means I would have to slaughter any Asgardians who would reject my rule and it would be a waste. That's the only thing I need you for." He said.

"I admit you are strong Thanos, but you are no strong enough to bring ruin to a place like Asgard. The All-Father will stop you." Hela said that with a knowing smirk.


A heavy pressure descended the realm as Thanos unleashed the power of three infinity stones. Hela shut her mouth after that.

Two infinity stones were strong but she thought in Asagard, Odin would be able to defeat him with Odinforce but if Thanos possessed three infinity stones, then that changed everything.

"Think again." Thanos said.

Hela got quiet and she looked at Thanos in a new light. Someone who wield power that equals Odin himself.

"I still can't trust you, what if you discard me after you achieve your goal? I demand something as a proof." She said.

"What do you want, a promise? A contract?" Thanos asked.

"I propose a marriage. Then I would be able to trust my husband and work with him." She said.

Thanos was a powerful entity, if she were to ever find a husband, Hela wouldn't mind it if it was him.

"Denied." Thanos said instantly. 

Hela growled as she felt her pride took a hit. Shouldn't he be happy to have a chance of marrying a Goddess like her?

"Why not?"

"You wouldn't want it either, I am married." He said.

Hela paused, indeed she could never share a husband with some girl. She was too prideful and possessive for that and it would be humiliating. 

"Kill her then. I would overlook it this time if you do."

"Your arrogance knows no bounds does it." Thanos asked her.

Hela cursed whoever it was that was married to Thanos. She was about to say something else but Thanos grabbed her by her throat again and slammed her on the ground.

"I am tired of this. If you don't want to work with me I shall end you right here and now to avoid future inconveniences," he said.

He tightened his hold on her until Hela finally submitted.

 "Fine!! I shall agree to your terms!!"


Author : I dunno if this is god or not but I am too sick to care

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