

"Girlfriend huh? Let's see how this girl is gonna cope up with you... Who knows she might suffer a lot.. and her suffering will be her fate.."

At the dinning..

Both James and Emily enjoyed their foods and desert after that Emily bid goodbye and left on her own... James let out a hearty smile and waved his hand in..

"You really got some nerves to be here with your little girlfriend." The smile in his faded away in an instant and turned over to face the voice

"I don't think I need to have some nerves to be here...you know it belongs not only to you but for me too" James spat to his comment and held his arms crossing his chest..

A rude smirk appeared in Ed's face and he shoved his hands in his pocket and made his way closer to James.

James stood there with his clenched jaw and glared straight into his eyes...

"Still you haven't realised? What will happen to the one whom you are being close? Or you wanted that to happen???"

James eyes started pooling tears and his heart started to ache to think about the past happenings in his life.. it wasn't his fault but somehow it made him guilty..

James shook his head to wipe those guilt expression in his face and stared Ed's face "Just let her work here..this is the only safe place for her right now..!"

"And why's that?" Ed questioned him while crossing his hands across his chest demanding for the answer..

"Cause.. he laid his eyes on her.."

Ed's eyes which is squinting now returned to shock and looked down staring the ground..as he now founded the reason for her stay over here.

"I'm not ordering you to take her.. but just an request.. I can't trust any other person other than you for now!" Now it's James turn to lower his head while Ed's turn to look his lowered head.

"Tell her if she comes to work even a second late then she's done for.. there's no second chance for her"

And by ending his conversation he moved without uttering any other word.

James sighed in relief and made his way out.. he was making his way towards his car in the VIP parking lot until he saw an familiar figure leaning their back on his Mercedes.. his walking pace now slowed down as he doesn't want to reach near the negative vibration..it made his legs to stop right then and there which was few inches apart from each other..

"Didn't I say you to be careful? If you have heard what I said in the past..you would have made a right choice now! Now you have nothing to do to save her life...didn't I tell you to stay away from her.. because of her once again you and your family will suffer" the voice coming out from the person made his knee tremble in fear as he exactly knows what is going to happen in the future...that word 'right choice' pierced straight through his heart causing him to groan and clutch his chest ... The voice was neither stern nor soft but James felt uncomfortable in an instant when he heard him.

In a blink the person standing in front of James vanished but James doesn't seem to get amazed..

He sighed but that sigh was something ..that poking in his heart like an blunt object.

He drove his car off the building..on the way his hands started holding the steering so hard that his knuckles turned pale..his breath started hitting peak.. buds of sweat forming in his forehead and gliding from his temple.. he started feeling uneasy when the blunt object seems to poke his heart turned into a knife poking right through his heart...

The car stopped as he stepped on the brake..and opened the door in an instant craving for air to fill his lungs up..

He held his chest and started stroking his torso to relax himself up..

He closed his eyes tight to inhale air...

The view inside his blackened vision turns to an beautiful landscape..a girl in her long floral dress walking gently on the grass as her long hair flying smoothly caressing her neck then to her cheeks she turned her head showing her beautiful flawless face.. but something was missing in her face.. a smile in her lips and in her eyes.. instead of smile her eyes completely filled with tears... The tears started rolling in her cheeks...

By seeing that vision a pearl of tear rolled off James cheeks with his closed eyes..

He opened his eyes and tears started rolling in a flow without his concious..

"I'm so sorry..sorry.. forgive me..I'm sorry!!"James continued his mumble as he sobbed.

A few moments passed by the cars, trucks, two-wheelers and joggers passed him as he started walking to reach his car.. he sat inside and started the engine leaving a deep sigh he started driving..

Next day...

Emily opened her sleepy heavy lids squeezing her eyes tight to bring out the clear vision fighting against the sunshine lighting in her face...she grabbed her phone to see the time..it was 8:39 and she again dropped the phone again and grabbed her cover to cover her face...then a voice strikes in her head.. "If you are late...then kiss your job goodbye Emy!"

"Oh shit!!!! I'm late!!!!"then she started rushing to do all her work

She went to the bus stop and fortunately the bus was still there ...so she hopped in to her destination...

"No...it's 9:15... I'm late.." she bit her lower lips and crossed her fingers praying for herself. She stood there not knowing where to go...

"Are you Ms.Emily Geordan?" A soft polite voice heard and she turned to her side and greeted..

"Yes! I am!"

"Ok Ms.. Boss is waiting for you..so please hurry up!"

'what.. waiting...shit..I think I'm done..God.... please save me!' she thought to herself..

She hesitantly walked following the man and knocked the door as the man bid goodbye to her...

"Come in!" A voice heard, man! That scared her as her past memories with him rewinding..

She sighed deeply and entered,

He was standing near the window with his phone placed on the ear.. she dared not to interrupt him..so she stood still.





"Hey.. I heard you.. stop!"


"Gotta go! I'll call you at night.."


"Mmm bye!"

He kept his phone on the table and turned to the person standing far behind him near the door..

A small smirk plastered on his face ..

And stood there with his hands in his pockets..

"So. I think your work begins at 9.. but.." he looked at his wrist watch and looked again facing her  "and..you are late!. What's the reason? Care to explain!"

Her legs gave up on her and started trembling as his gaze was so stern and stared straight through her soul

"Uh.. that's I'm late..cause.." her words left her mouth like an air and later only mouthing not even air came out..

This is an impact caused by Ed as he started walking close to her as she walked backwards finally touching the wall behind...

"I can't hear you.." he said as their face was only few inch apart..

But she couldn't even leave a word out.. she felt as if a lump was stuck in between her throat and blocking her words..

Her heart beat increased as her breathing becomes unstable and started shaking under him..

He place one of his hand on her side across her face and the other placed in his pocket... He stared her like there was no tomorrow with his smirk...

He was staying like that for couple of minutes until he felt a sharp stab in his heart that made him close his eyes and his jaw clenched... His grip on the wall tightened...

That made Emily to look at his face as she felt something weird..

Her eyes narrowed as she faced him and started panicking...

"Sir, are you okay?" She placed her hands on his chest gently

At that instant...

His tightly closed eyes relaxed.. His grip on the wall softened...

His clenched jaw loosened...

He kept his hand above her's which was placed in his chest she attempted to take her hand back.. he held his hand tighter not letting it go...

He opened his eyes and looked at her with confusion...

"What are you doing to me?"
















To be continued!!!
