3 2 : Stagnation

Three days have passed since I last encountered another living soul. Although finding a town is still my highest priority, for facts of food and the extra weight I have gathered from the most recent group of bandits I have come across.

With a makeshift sled, I now pull the heavier items along throughout the forest trails. That could also be another possibility for why I might be driving people away from me.

"Ha… if it were the only reason," I quietly laugh to myself before setting down the sled and pulling free my small map.

I then sit on a stump alongside my equipment as I lift my mask to the top of my head. And while looking along the maps trails I begin to follow the trail I had been following for days now.

"Village… three-hour travel…" I mumble to myself.

A sigh leaves my lungs before I look up to the red and orange leaves hiding the crisp blue sky.

"Almost noon…" I let my shoulders droop before my head follows along with them.

I look at the map slumped over my thigh, these items should be able to get me a larger one… one that isn't just this uncivilised forests, but one of the entirety of this kingdom.

A puff of air leaves my lungs, "But then what would I do for food? Hunt? What for supplies?"

I refold up my map before slipping it back into its belt pouch. And one last look at the sky before I grab the chin of my mask and slip it back over. I then retake the reigns of my sled and flip up my weathered hood.

Then back to the tireless task of walking through the rooted over pathways. Basking in the ambient streaks of light which trail through the branches and glow upon the dirt path.

Silence accompanies me once more, and I embrace it with a joyous grin. Being alone is not always a bad thing…

And over the course of the journey, my mind wanders to a past too long to fully remember. Yet, before I know it the light of an open field changes the orangey-red scene to one full of vibrant green waves.

A small village stood not too far from where I was leaving the forest. The housing was made from seemingly stone and oak, however, the roofs were made from simple fashioned down straw. Yet, the entirety of the village was completely walled off by a wooden fence which itself was surrounded by stones both for support and for better protection.

This place must be more remote than the other villages I have passed, from the look of it… It would appear they're adapting to the outskirts fairly well. I look around the scenery not realizing I had stopped before leaving the treeline.

That is when I spot a small boy staring back at me from the village's gate, and yet before I can take another step; he turns and darts back into the homestead. A slight sigh slips through my lungs as I begin to pull my sled into the village streets.

Eyes-eyes, wandering stares, eyes-eyes… staring-staring… My mind repeats itself as I try to keep a cool head. Their wondering… outsider, you do not belong… eyes-eyes, staring-staring.

Yet, before I know it, I'm already standing in front of a hanging metal sign showing an anvil.

"Uhm… would thou'st, Outlander need the help of anotha'?" I bring my eyes down from the sign to meet the face of a brawny man wearing a charcoal ridden apron.

I then peer at my sled full of items, "Yes, I am in need of some supplies… would you be able to trade?"

"Why, yes… thou'st Outlander seems to have acquired some pieces, if thee will allow?" He gestures to the multiple pieces of strapped down armour and weaponry.

"If you will." I nod in agreement.

I then unstrap, and he looks over each piece individually. That's when I begin to realize the lingering town's folk watching my every move.

"Quite the collection, thou'st collected," he grins as his compliment brings my attention back towards him, "If thee will allow… how exactly did thee collect this quantity?"

"I would rather not say," I say while lacking emotion at the subject.

He only nods in response before rubbing the small goatee resting upon his chin, "What would thou'st say to forty-three denarius?"

"Forty-three… not quite what I had expected." I grin, "but I would be a fool to turn down a deal of that stature."

"So, thee will accept this?"

"Actually, I would like it if some of that could go to mending my armour and weapon," I state as he gives me a grin before grabbing, and dragging the equipment into his workshop.

"Ah, this would be a good conversation over a cup of tea, would it not?"

He then leads me into a slightly spacious room, however, it was still relatively small seeing as the building was mainly used for creating armours, rather than living.

"So… would thou'st like some tea? Specially raise 'ere by my wife, so it be fairly decent if I dare say myself," he asks while placing the equipment next to a workbench, and then ushering me to sit.

And only once I have fully settled into my seat, does he go and put a tea kettle over a small fireplace. He then lit the fire before sitting on the other side of the table.

"To get right down to it, I be guessing the armour thee be'ith wearing now is the one thy wants repaired?" He raises an eyebrow as he crosses his arms.

"You would be correct." I nod before taking off my cloak revealing my dented, and scarred armour.

"I dare say that is not much to work with…" he chuckles as he sets his forearms on the edge of the table, "however, with travelling, and combat alike, not being loaded down is always an advantage. Anyway, if thou will…"

I nod slightly before I begin to take off each piece of armour plating. Which thankfully I had clothes on underneath all of my armour, so nothing would have to be exposed. However, I held onto my much larger two-handed blade, or as some would call; claymore. Mainly because it has not been needed of late, so it doesn't need to be sharpened or repaired.

Secondly, only someone like me could repair, or sharpen it, with the needed resources of course.

"If thou art willing to stick around, there be a tavern down the way, to the left." He smiles before handing me a small pouch of around twenty-four denarius.

"Thank you," I do a slight bow before turning towards the exit.

"Ah, before thee leaves, I dare to ask…" He talks as he places my armour on his workbench. "What be that mask for? Why would someone as seemingly nice as thyself wear such a thing?"

"It reminds me of days long past…" I look down at the floorboards.

"Guess all Outlanders 'ave to 'ave something for there solemn travels?" He more or less states as I look up at him, "thou can now be on thine way if thee wishes."

I then bow my head once more before leaving, then I follow the man's words. And before I know it, I was already at the door of the tavern.

The door creaked as I stepped through rendering the air inside the building motionless for a mere second. Yet, to my surprise on a group of three people sat in a corner booth, and only one of them passes me a glimpse as they carry on their conversation.

"Welcome, welcome!" The bar-maiden waves from behind the counter with a toothy smile. "Take a seat whereva' thou deems fit!"

I then nod before laying my blade up against the wall, and sitting at a table on the other side of the room from the other group. Would not want my identity getting out while I eat… that would be most unfortunate.

"What would thee like?" The bar-maiden asks with a cheery tone.

I then look at the menu I hadn't notice was in front of me. "If you would not mind it, could I have some more time to decide?"

"Why yes, of course. Take thine time," she answers with another smile before gracefully trotting off to tend to the others.

I the look down at the thin plaque in front of me. Seems this village is not as ancient looking as it is on the outside…

And as I place my hand on the menu only then do I realize how many scars lay present. It was as if the colouring on it was disfigured as there were too many discoloured lines to tell where one started and another began.

Guess I cannot heal those markings back to perfection as I use too anymore.

A solid thud pulls my attention away from my thoughts, and a small sigh left the menu to droop onto the table.

"I 'aven't seen a lass quite like ya-self 'ere in these parts before?" A clean-shaven man with a long scar across his face grinned widely at me.

However, in response, I roll my eyes and re-lift the menu to where it would appear as if I were reading it. And yet, my eyes remain on him, watching his every move.

"Gonna play 'ard to get are we?" He chuckles to himself.

My eyes follow him as he slips himself into the seat on the other side of me. And so, I let the charade go on a little further by bringing the board closer towards me.

"Why that mask a yer's? Why wear such a thing?" He raises an eyebrow at me, and I furrow my own.

"Would ya not insult the poor lass?" Another gentleman yells over the tavern.

"Ah, come on now, I just wanta' know what she look like?" He leans over the back of the chair and shouts back at his companions. And before they can respond he looks back at me, and I huff out air as disgust fills my chest. "So, why were a horrendous thing anyway?"

Anger boils in my blood, and without thought, I draw the dagger attached to my right hip. And I almost leap over the table then press the cold blade to his throat.

"Creatures like you disgust me," I whisper with anger in my voice.

I then pull away and resheathe the blade before grabbing my claymore. Then I walk up to where the bar-maiden stared at me with fear in her once gleeful eyes.

"Sorry, for the inconvenience…" I apologise as I place three denarius coins on the counter. "Your kindness was much obliged."

She hesitates before taking them, and I simply leave the establishment before anything could be done or said. And only once the door finally closes can I hear the yelling of the people inside.

"Seems I will have to make haste to leave this place."

