

Haven and the rest, crouched down to increase their stability. The Nevermore that attacked us kept shooting feathers into the hull, breaking away bits of the ship and knocking us to the ground.

Yukio cursed up a storm as he bounded towards the cockpit of the Bullhead. The attempt this time at breaking the door down, was successful. It flew off its hinges and crashed into the pilot seats with a loud bang.

He ran into the cockpit and froze in shock as he saw the scene inside.

The pilot...

There was no pilot?!



Yukio: What the hell?! Where's the pilot?!

Kinto: This bullhead's design is much more futuristic than our technology in the real world. Its possible that it was running on autopilot!

Yukio: Shit! I can't fly this thing, the controls aren't even close to that of a regular plane or a helicopter.

Haven:(Erin, do you know how?)

[I'm afraid not. My previous incarnations lived in fantasy genre'd worlds and as for my first life...]

Haven: Damn! We won't be able to escape the Grimm at this rate.



A few more giant feathers impacted the hull of the ship, veering it off course from its destination. From the window, Haven and I could see some smoke starting to build up from the engine of the craft.

We were lucky so far that the Nevermore hadn't aimed at the engines but at the random firing rate that it was shooting at, it was only a matter of time.



Kinto: Hey, I might be able to fly this vehicle. I don't know any of the controls but I'm sure I'll be able learn it in due time. Which is why, you need to buy me that time!



Before any of us could reply to his words, a dark shape hurtled across the left side of the craft. A moment later it slammed into the side of the hull with a massive force, successfully throwing everyone off of their feet and onto the ground.

The newbies cried out in fear and despair at situation. This wasn't even close to what they believed the meaning of life would be but in any case it was surely one that brought them to the jaws of death. Trash Mob, who had been unconscious at the sudden bullet wound and pain, flinched awake and started screaming.

Yin decisively rushed towards him and kicked him across the back of his head, knocking him out once again.

Yukio's eyes darkened as he glanced at the rest of newbies. He was fairly certain that aside from the three potentially new editions, the rest would only drag them down. They had no time to play babysitter and look after these fools.

The Nevermore, perhaps frustrated at the lack of reaction that the bullhead had towards it, swooped up onto the top of it and landed its giant body on it, planning to send it crashing down onto the earth with the momentum of its strike and the weight of its body. Considering that it was at least 3/4 the size of the bullhead, it was a decent plan.



Haven: Not good! Its going to send us down hard. Kinto we'll buy you the time you need. Do your thing! Yin, Yukio and I are going to need your support. Do so by covering us with support fire. We're going to fight it, melee style!

Yin: Wait. I work better in mid range. My sniping skills are decent but it isn't the best when taken to long range.

Yukio: It doesn't matter. Any type of support is still better than none. Jax, you've been training your skills as well right? Help her out with that.



They both nodded in agreement while stumbling around the aircraft. Kinto had already rushed into the cockpit to take control of the plane, so far he was having no luck of removing it from autopilot, however he was able to pull the plane back slightly from it dipping down to crash.

Yukio, taking the chance, unsheathed his sword and channeled Chakra through the blade. When it started glowing blue, he sliced open the door of the Bullhead and kicked it open. Air was sucked out as we were travelling at a fast pace, and thus created a slight vacuum, causing one of the newbies to fall out of the bullhead in the process.

Yukio ignored him however, and rushed onto the roof of the aircraft, using his insane agility to maneuver safely to the top. Haven, moments later did his best to follow him through the broken door.

When he arrived on top, Yukio had already jumped onto the Giant Nevermore's back, stabbing his sword into its feathers and flesh to gain a foothold. Once gaining a sufficient foothold he started making his way towards the Nevermore's beak.

Haven bounded after him, charging his body with Ki and jumped onto the Nevermore's back as well, grabbing ahold of the feathers with one hand and holding onto his sword with his other.

It seems he was just in time as well, as the Nevermore when it felt Yukio cutting into its flesh. screeched and took off from the perch of the bullhead. The force of its take off, sent the bullhead veering off-course and tumbling to the rapidly approaching ground.

Haven wasn't able to keep an eye on the craft however, as he was clinging on to dear life, literally. Looking forward, he saw Yukio had already reached the Nevermore's head. Yukio's chakra radiated off his body like a beacon. A moment later his muscles expanded from his skin and became vastly bigger. It formed an armor like shape over his body, serving both to protect him from attacks as well as enhance his strength to higher level.

He had activated Tier 1 of his Musculario form!

Yukio's abilities had drastically increased from the H.O.T.D. mission. He had explained to Haven that using his Musculario form severely drained both his chakra reserves and his stamina. He could only use his Tier 1 form for 9 minutes at best and if he was really pushing it, 10 minutes. His Tier 2 form was even more draining as he could only sustain it for 1 minute before.

When Yukio fought against the two evolved zombies, he had momentarily used his Tier 2 form while he was pinned to escape from the deadlock. After using it, he was unable to move for a short while due to his body experiencing fatigue, similar to an extreme cardiovascular workout.

However once he exchanged for Perfect Chakra Control which depleted all his points, he was able to sustain his Tier 1 Muscular form for a longer period of time. Almost reaching 50 minutes, in fact. Not only that, he was able to reach a higher level of muscle augmentation, a Tier 3 and even a Tier 4. He could sustain Tier 2 for 35-40 minutes, Tier 3 for 25 minutes and Tier 4 for 10 minutes. There was even a possibility of achieving a Tier 5 however he would only be able to use that form for 30 seconds at best.

Yukio was very glad of his choice in power as it allowed him to reach a level of power that vastly exceeded human limits by a large margin. He was so excited that he punched straight down onto the Nevermore's beak with a gigantic force, successfully stunning it and knocking it towards the ground.

The sudden change of momentum cost Haven his perch as he lost his grip on the feathers of the Nevermore and started free-falling through the air.

He panicked ever so slightly but tried angling himself in midair to grab onto the giant Grim before they could all crash land.



[Relax, turn your body slightly towards the right and dive down.]

Haven: To the right?! But it's going to the left!

[Just trust me.]

Haven: Shit! Alright.



Haven listened and angled his body towards his right, falling further away from the Nevermore's flight path.

His breathing turned erratic and his pupils dilated ever so slightly from the view of the rapidly approaching ground.

The Nevermore's cries resounded through the air, shaking it with the might of its voice. Haven's body was no where near it by now and the ground was becoming increasingly closer to him.



[Spread out your arms, catch the wind... in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... now!]



He did as told, and spread his body out to receive as much air resistance as possible. His descent slowed ever so slightly, but the force of the whipping wind pushed him to close his eyes, thus he never noticed the rapidly advancing mass of feathers and flesh closing into his flight path.

He slammed into the falling Nevermore with a thud, rolling across its back and struggling to get ahold of its feathers.



[Haven. Kick off of its body.]

Haven: What?! Why! My body's strong but it can't handle the impact!]

[Don't worry. The force of your jump will counteract the force of gravity. You might get a bit hurt, however you'll be ultimately fine in the end.]

Haven: Shit! Got it!




Just as the Nevermore slammed into the ground, crashing through the terrain of trees and rocks, Haven kicked off of its body with as much force as he could muster, and successfully negated almost 60% of the initial damage of the impact. The impact left a sharp crack in his shoulder.

He rolled across the ground but quickly got up and regarded the situation in front of him. Yukio had landed a few meters away from the Nevermore, unhurt due to his Muscular form soaking up the damage.

He jumped forward and punched the beast once again before using his other hand to slice down onto its chest. Unfortunately, the Nevermore was slightly smarter than its younger counterparts thus it was able to react appropriately to Musculario's attacks.

It curled its wings around itself and spread them outward with the force of a gale, knocking Musculario away from it and shot its feathers all around it. Musculario was forced to revert back into his base form to avoid the unnecessary attacks from the razor sharp projectiles and duck behind a rock.

Haven wasn't within the trajectories of the feathers thus had no need to dodge its attacks. He rushed as fast as he could into the fight to aid Yukio against the Grimm.

The Nevermore seemed to see through Haven's plan and rose into the air to fly away. Against Yukio it wouldn't stand a chance in CQC, however if it were to wear them out by shooting feathers at them, it would be able swoop in for the kill.

Yukio, however was unwilling to let it do as it pleased. Instantly his mind was made up. He transformed straight into his Tier 3 Musculario form and jumped after it. The force of his leap, shattered the ground and sent him flying up to a height just enough to grab onto the Giant Nevermore's leg.

The Nevermore was unwilling to let Yukio climb onto its body once again thus it started bucking its legs in an attempt to throw Musculario off however, Musculario only gripped harder to keep a hold.

Suddenly a shower of Grimm blood exploded from the Nevermore's head, causing it screech out in pain and anger. The bullet allowed Musculario to jump onto the Nevermore's back.

The bullhead we fell from came into view, hovering with a few jerks in its flight. With Haven's enhanced eyesight he could see, Jax and Yin stabilizing a sniper rifle that was slightly smoking from its muzzle. Kinto must have taken control over the bullhead and removed the autopilot setting.

The Nevermore noticing the bullhead, swooped after it in an attempt to smash into the ground.



[Haven. Use it.]

Haven: Use what? Wait do you mean?

[Yep. Ki Bullet.]

Haven: We haven't tested it our properly and it takes too much Ki to use, practically 1/10th of my reserves.

[Its fine. I'll be helping you out. Remember, I can use your Ki as well. Now, aim for its wing. It will cripple the Nevermore and allow Yukio to finish it off.]

Haven: ...alright.



Haven raised his hand in the direction of of the Nevermores flight path, predicting its movements. An enormous amount of Ki energy flowed through his hand and pooled at his fingertips, creating a green vortex of energy.

It condensed into a ball-like shape and started to spin in a circular direction.



[Fire it!]

Haven: Copy that.




The force of the blast pushed him back ever so slightly and blasted the fallen leaves and gravel around him away.

The giant ball of Ki energy flew through the air and smashed against the Nevermore's wing with the force of a cannonball, cracking the bone inside and twisting the Nevermore's body in a circle.

It's flight was once again cut as it crashed into the ground and a few tress in the surroundings.

Yukio, seeing Haven's attack, had jumped high into the air, before it hit the Nevermore. He channeled chakra through his arms and plunged to the ground with the force of a meteor, crashing against the downed beast.

An explosion of dust and soil flew through the air.

Next chapter