

As the time came, twenty beams of light appeared in the terminal lobby. Each shining down on a specific spot.

Haven and the rest of the cabal made their way over to the beams of light.



Jax: How does this work, do we just go in... or what?

Yukio: Yes. You need to step into the beams. Make sure your entire body is inside.

Haven: Hm...

Izumi: Haven? What's wrong?

Haven: I'm just wondering if the beams of light would also allow human creations to walk through, and if so, do they have to stand in the same ones and their creator or do they need to stand in their own separate ones?

Yukio: Good question... but I don't think I want to risk Kino to check it out just yet. We can test it out, the next time if we all survive this mission.

Izumi: ...

Jax: ...

Yukio: I understand what you're thinking of right now but unfortunately there is no guarantee that we might come out of this alive. Out of all of us, Haven and myself are the only ones who have the highest possible chance of survival. This is not conjecture. This is a fact, whether you like it or not.

Jax: I know! Alright? I know. It isn't hard to see. He's the only one who can match you in power when you aren't in your transformed mode. We're nothing. We get it.

Izumi: But... it would be nice if you could wait for us. It's only a matter of time before we catch up!

Yukio: Don't worry. I wasn't lying when I said we're a team now. We're in this together.



With those final words uttered, we all stepped into our respective light beams. A moment of disorientation occurred before passing away. Our scenery changed from that of the Terminal lobby to... the inside of a...cargo plane?

Were are we?

Haven looked around and noticed his three teammates around him, looking confused. The transfer process was... certainly odd. It appeared even Yukio was slightly weirded out from the process of the transition.



Jax: Are we on a cargo plane?

Izumi: No. This isn't a cargo plane. This is... too futuristic. Where are we?

Haven: No...

Jax: Hm? What's the matter?

Haven: The newbies. Their numbers.



Jax eyes widened as he did the count for himself. There were 11 extra newbies altogether. Adding that to our numbers meant that this was a 15 man difficulty mission.



Yukio: This... isn't good.

Haven: (sigh) It doesn't matter. We'll live through this.

Izumi: Sure. If you say so.



Haven glanced at the watch on his hand to confirm the parameters of the mission. His eyes darkened as he read it over but a hint of excitement seemed to bloom even then.





RWBY, 15 Man Mission

[Story Plot]


MAIN QUEST: The Mission

[Objective 1: Kill Cinder Fall within 7 days.]

[Objective 2: Protect Main characters]


Base Survival Reward: 1000 Points.

Combat Mission Reward: 1000 Points and D rank reward


[Main Characters]

-Rube Rose - Negative 1000

-Yang Xiao Long - Negative 1000

-Blake Belladonna - Negative 1000

-Weiss Schnee - Negative 1000


-Jaune Arc - Negative 100

-Nora Valkyrie - Negative 100

-Lie Ren - Negative 100


-Pyrrha Nikos not included



1. Orientation - The first player to explain to the New Players the inner workings of Missions, Exchanges and how to return home will receive 100 points.

2. Hunt your prey: Killing enemies awards points.

Tier 1 Grimm: 10 points

Tier 2 Grimm: 100 points and a D rank reward.

Tier 3 Grimm: 500 points and a C rank reward.

Tier 4 Grimm: 3,000 points and 2 C rank rewards.

Cinder Fall - 6,000 points and a B rank reward. Can be shared by multiple people however contribution will play a factor in reward gain.



1. New Players - Negative 1000 points for killing a New Player.

2. Spoiler - Negative 10 points per Sentence.

3. Main Character Deaths - The death of main characters reduce points.

4. Execution - If the main mission isn't complete by the end of the 7th day, every player will be erased.




[Well now, that's going to be very problematic...]

Haven: I know. Cinder Fall is... very, very powerful. Considering how she defeated Ozpin and forced him to reincarnate.

[Indeed. Ozpin has a vast amount of knowledge... he's a lot more powerful than people seem to give him credit for. In all honesty, I am slightly amazed that Cinder was able to defeat him, even if she had the fall maiden's power at her behest.]

Haven: Will we stand a chance?

[A chance? Of course. Yukio's abilities now should be able to handle her without a problem. However, there are still several problems which I can foresee happening.]

Haven: Do you mean-?

[Yeah. Our existence changes everything.]

Jax: Yukio, Rwby's plot... I know it. A lot of bad things happen and a lot of people die.

Yukio: I've seen it as well. Up to the end of the 3rd season. Which begs the question... which part of the timeline are we in?

Izumi: Hold on. I haven't seen this... Rwby. What is it all about.

Haven: Ill explain but, Izumi you should really watch more cartoons and anime, you know.

Izumi: Yeah... I haven't really had time to do so. My father owned a clinic and as his child I would always try to help him wherever I could. Due to my father never being able to find a decent worker to help, we had a lot of responsibility issues so a lot of my leisure time away from school would be spent helping him. After a while, it sort of became a habit of sorts, I guess. Old habits die hard huh?

Haven: Sure. But now that we are in this world... knowledge can also be considered as power.

Jax: Ugh, enough of that. Are you an old grandpa or something? Just get on with the explanation already.

Yukio: Haha!

Haven: (Sheesh. Talk about respecting your elders.) Fine. Rwby follows an interesting story development. The main character Ruby Rose, aspired to become a Hunter, a group of people who specialized in killing monsters which are known as the creatures of Grimm.

Izumi: Grimm?

Haven: En. Most Grimm tend to take on similar appearances to animals with the exception of them having black fur or bodies and white masks that cover their faces. Well, I say they resemble animals but they are much bigger, and stronger as well.

Izumi: They have white masks over their faces? Like Hollows from Bleach?

Haven: Yes except they do not have holes in the chests. In any case, huntsman do their best to protect the Kingdoms which they reside in by killing the Grimm that surround them. That's another thing I need to explain. There are four Kingdoms altogether. Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Atlas. Each have a force of Hunters as well as a military that supports it growth.

Izumi: The kingdoms basically function as a government of sorts right?

Haven: Yes. They do. Ruby Rose, an aspiring huntsman, stops a robbery in progress by one known as Roman Torchwick. Ozpin, the headmaster of the school, Beacon Academy, takes notice of Ruby Rose, due to her distinctive trait of having silver eyes. It was an old fairy tail of the past. Those with silver eyes are the bane of Grimm or so they say. In any case, Ozpin decided to enroll Ruby into this prestigious school alongside her half sister, Yang Xiao Long. Ruby Rose alongside Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona and Yang Xiao Long become a team known as RWBY, created by the first letters of their names. Now lets get on more into the story. One of the main antagonists to the show, who has a surprising talent at surviving death, Cinder Fall will invade the kingdom of Vale with the creatures of Grimm during an international event known as the Vytal festival. She does this to search for a certain hidden power that the professor, Ozpin was keeping underneath his school. the power of a maiden.

Izumi: Maiden?

Haven: Yes. Before I explain what a maiden is, I should delve a little into who Ozpin is. Ozpin is a very powerful individual, he is... what we might call a Reincarnator.

Izumi: A... reincarnator?

Haven: Aye. Every time he dies, he passes on into a new host and guides them into becoming a huntsman of sorts to stop an evil being known as Salem. The true villian of the story. You see long, long ago, in a far distant past, before Ozpin was blessed with the power to reincarnate and before Salem became evil, they were both lovers and sought to travel the world together. However Ozpin contracted a deadly illness and passed away. In sorrow, Salem went to the God of Light, in his domain of pure life energy and begged him to bring Ozpin back to life.

Izumi: Wait, what?! God of light?!

Haven: Yeah. Two Gods created this planet. The God of Light and the God of Darkness. They were brothers and ruled over separate portions of the world. Their greatest creation, humanity was they peace treaty modeled after themselves and given the choice of freedom. In any case, Salem begged the God of Light to bring Ozpin back from the dead. He refused her, stating that balance had to be kept. In despair she cursed him and went over to the God of Darkness's domain where death and despair was all she could see. She asked for help from him, carefully with her words, choosing not to mention that she had already asked the God of Light for help. The God of Darkness, surprised that a human would visit him, pitied her and was happy to bring Ozpin back to the realm of life. Unfortunately, at the moment of his resurrection the God of light showed up and explained to his brother what Salem had done. In fury of being tricked, they sentenced Salem with true immortality by dropping her into the pond of eternal Vitality to grant her an undying body. Her punishment was to never see Ozpin ever again.

Izumi: That's...

Jax: Quite sad. Yeah.

Haven: Indeed. However, Salem was angered at the gods. She plotted and lied to the kings of the world, stating that she 'stole' immortality from the gods, proving to them by committing suicide but never dying. The mortals became greedy and gathered at the realm of Light, wanting to 'take' immortality for themselves as well. The god of darkness was angered at their avarice and released his godly energy, wiping out all life on the planet. Salem however, was unaffected, having being immortal and all. She despaired and jumped into the pool of darkness, thinking it would strip away her life. If the pool of light gave her immortality, the pool of darkness was sure to take it away. Unfortunately she was wrong. The darkness could not extinguish her immortal vitality but instead it gave birth to something evil. Something... poisonous. Salem.

Yukio: He killed them all?

Haven: Yes. The gods then left this world and tasked Ozpin to uniting the mortals under a singular banner. They gifted him four relics and the ability to reincarnate, stating that if he were one day able to ever curb the stupidity of humans they would once again come back to the planet to rule once more. The relics were the key.

Izumi: Wow. Thats...

Haven: Yeah. Ozpin would later find Salem again and for a time they were happy. However he would always come back to the words the gods spoke to him. He fought with Salem due to being unable to agree with her views and died in battle. over many reincarnations he would continue to try to stop her conquest and fail many more times.

Izumi: Thats a very terrible story. Two lovers cursed with immortality of some kind and forced to hate each others views.

Yukio: Yeah.

Haven: You're right. Ozpin... spent many reincarnations in anguish but he would always pick himself together and choose to fight on. One reincarnation in particular, he gave away his powers to four maidens. Embodying an aspect of the seasons. Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter.

Izumi: Maidens? Powers?

Haven: Yes. Powers. Every time a maiden dies, her power is passed on into the last person, a girl, that he thinks of. Cinder Fall was told of this power by Salem and wanted it for her own. She ambushed a woman named Amber and stole away a portion of her power. Fortunately Qrow Branwen, Ozpin's ally passed though the area and witnessed the battle, saving her in the process. To keep her safe, Ozpin and his cabal of followers kept her in a machine under the floors of beacon, to prevent her from dying and letting the maidens powers to go to Cinder.

Izumi: Oh. So that's why Cinder attacks beacon huh?




Yukio nodded in understanding.

Haven went on to explain the various intricacies of the plot towards Izumi, and Yukio who had only seen up to season 3.

The turn of events seemed to shock Izumi ever so slightly, seeing as how the show becomes dark with multiple character deaths strolling around.

Yukio however smiled.



Yukio: Its good though. You said her attitude changed, didn't it?

Haven: Yeah. Ruby Rose... matured I guess you could say. The naive girl who believed the world was milk and cookies, had her views shattered when things didn't go as planned and her mindset continued to evolve furthermore and forever.

Izumi: That's ... kinda sad.

Haven: It is. In any case, the newbies are waking up.



Newbie 1: Who are you people, what's going on?

Newbie 2: Where... huh? What the-

Newbie 3: The last thing I remember... the button?



Yukio gestured over to Izumi to explain to them and so she did. She told them all about the mission worlds and the exchange system in Gods dimension, stating that they were here to certain goals and put through various scenarios to experience growth.

The newbies were quiet throughout the explanation but one of them decided to speak up and interrupt Izumi.



Trash Mob: Hey, hey. This bullshit has gone on long enough, don't you think? God's dimension? special abilities? Points that we can exchange? You really think I'm gonna believe you? No one here is stupid enough to think that God himself is going to kidnap people for this... bullshit experiment.

Izumi: What? But I am telling you the-

Businessman: Shut up! Who are, really? You think I'm just going to give over control over my company because you kidnapped me? Think again, bitch!

Izumi: What?! How dare you! Im just trying to tell you that-

Yukio: That's enough, Izumi. Did you get the points?

Izumi: Wha- yes. Yes I did.

Yukio: Good then we can completely forget about these fools who wont take our warning seriously.

Trash Mob: Hey! Who are you calling a-



Yukio didn't bother replying. He merely pulled out his gun and shot Trash Mob in the leg. Yes. I named him Trash Mob because he doesn't even seem to be worth calling a normal mob. With that kind of attitude, you were bound to die early on.

He screamed out in pain and fear, from the bullet that lodged itself deep into his leg bone. He probably believed that he was in control over the situation and had any say in the matter of our lives. A shame that he was bound to be trash.

I noticed however, that there were three newbies that seemed more collected than the others. One the three potentiates was an asian girl. She had high cheekbones, wore framed glasses and had a very athletic figure. At first glance, she appeared to be an athlete but the glint in her eye suggested that she wasn't. She was... 23? 24, maybe?

The second newbie that caught my eye, surprised me ever so slightly. He had a dangerous glint in his eye, almost as if death was a common occurrence where he was from.

The third one seemed relatively normal. A bit more like Haven, before we got sucked into this realm. He didn't appear to be very athletic, nor did he have an air about him that screamed experience.

What he did have, however was calmness.

In an unknown situation such as this, he didn't panic nor did he conform to the norm of what most people seemed to have done, a.k.a. Trash Mob.

The rest of the newbies flinched and backed away from Yukio. One girl even started screaming in horror that they were about to be threatened or the like.

Our enhanced hearing, as a werepire was put through tremendous stress from her shrilly shrieks. Luckily, Yukio saw our distress and pointed his gun towards the screaming girl, next.

Her mouth immediately shut close, taking the hint he was trying to convey.



Yukio: Truly a shame. If we don't lose out on a 1000 points for each newbie we kill, we probably would have killed off most of you idiots.

Izumi: Yukio...

Yukio: You'll understand sooner or later, Izumi. Right now... we need to survive. A fifteen man difficulty mission is a lot harder than you might expect. If we aren't careful, we'll all team wipe.

Haven: Indeed, especially since I think I've figured out where we are.

Jax: Oh?

Haven: In Rwby, a form of transportation that everyone uses is called a Bullhead. A flying plane that is able to lift cargo and transport people and weapons alike.

Yukio: A bullhead, you say...



He glanced around the interior of the bullhead then walked over to the pilot door. His hand twisted the knob to open the door however it refused to budge open. Frowning he attempted to kick it down. His kick impacted against the door but no damage was dealt to it.

He sighed.

It seemed we were in an enclosed space but we were unable to interact with the environment in any way. It was just like the last mission. The beginning always appeared to have immortal, indestructible objects surrounding it. It was God's way of giving us time to prepare for the mission.



Yin: Excuse me...

Haven: Yes? What do you want?

Yin: Well, you said that this mission... is done in Rwby, right? So, this God's dimension thing, the kidnapping to this cargo hall and all this is merely a way for us to... do what exactly?

Haven: ...It's simple. People who have given up on their lives, they wish to acquire a new leash on it. To find the meaning of life... this dimension... it does that for us.

Yin: Ah, I see. Thanks.

Haven: No problem. What's your name?

Yin: I am Yin. Li Yin.

Haven: I am Haven Crest. The violent man over there is Yukio, the girl is Izumi and the retard there is Jax.

Jax: What the f*ck did you just-

Yin: I see. It seems like you have acquired a powerful team to help you face challenges.

Haven: True. You two, over there. What are both of your names?



Haven called out to the other two potentiates that showed promise.



Kinto: My name is Kinto. I suppose... its nice to meet you. For what exactly did you call out to me for? I doubt its mere pleasantries, or am I mistaken?

Haven: Er... well... you're reaction to what Yukio did wasn't like the rest of them so I thought that you showed promise-

Kinto: Ah! I can deduce what you are trying to say from those words alone! If I had to guess, you four seem to be a team. Earlier you mentioned to us that your previous mission, H.O.T.D. was a relatively easy one in terms of difficulty but Yukio over there still had to bust out all of the stops to kill off some of the higher leveled zombies. You also mentioned earlier to Miss Yin over there that God wants us to find the meaning of life and from what you have just told us, I can deduce that he is allowing us to find that answer by putting us through various life and death battles? Perhaps it is a type of God that expects some sort of mental growth when exposed to high pressure situations? Also since you said my reaction was different from the others and considering what Yukio has just said to us, I believe that you are trying to recruit me for a specific role?

Jax: Wow. You're pretty smart. Im actually sort of impressed that you were able to say all that in one breath.

Kinto: Yes... I have had practice, I suppose. In any case, I should tell you a little about myself if we are going to be working together. I work in the military. I am part of the strategy and intelligence division where we are required to come up with solutions to many problems. Despite my youthful age, I was very recently promoted to Vice Commander of the division due to my merits. I can contribute best if I were to be given a position similar to the one I had before.

Haven: Hm... tempting, but for now, I'd rather wait and see if you will survive this current mission first. If you do, I'll consider it.

Kinto: I understand, I shall prove my worth.



[Great. We have a smart one.]

Haven: (A smart one? Is there something wrong?)

[No. Not necessarily but... be wary. Sometimes things might seem beyond what you think you realize.]

Haven: (Beyond what I think I realize? I don't understand... wouldn't it be safer to have some sort of strategist on our team? Our future battles could go much easier.)

[Im not saying its a bad thing, Haven, but remember what I've said before. The river of time will keep flowing in a certain direction. No matter how big the rock you throw into the river, it will merely flow past the obstacle. This... is fate.]

Haven:(Things that are bound to repeat huh? But I still don't get what you're trying to say.)

[You'll... understand in due time, I guess. Or rather... I hope. You don't have all my memories of Terror Infinity, however... never mind.]

Haven: (... Are you going to explain?)

[Perhaps some other time. For now, focus on the mission.]

Haven:(...Sure Erin, what ever you say) Anyways, Kinto I suppose that you show some promise. If your brain really is as brilliant as it seems, we might have a spot open for you as a strategist. Now, last but not least, what is your name?

Shuai: I am Shuai. Im a first year college student. I'm afraid I might not have any special talents or the like but I enjoy playing video games and I do have a bit of knowledge regarding RWBY. If you allow me to contribute, I will... do my best?

Haven: I wouldn't worry about contribution factor for now. That can all be built up. For now though, just prove your worth.

Shuai: I understand.

Haven: Which remind me, Yin, what are your talents?

Yin: I am a mercenary. An international mercenary, to be specific. I usually get special jobs that require a bit of expertise in combat. I am trained in all sorts of weapon, from guns to bazookas and even swords. I am, however, most experienced in mid ranged combat.

Yukio: Good. Here take these weapons. They might prove helpful in a pinch.



Yukio brought out from his bag, a few guns and some cartridges for ammo. Earlier on before the mission had started, Yukio and Haven had used the last of their points to exchange for common military weapons. Guns, ammo and even a few combat knives. Haven as well had exchanged for a regular sword to use if he ever needed to fight in close combat.

As we started discussing the intricacies of the plot, a screen on the side of the bullhead flared to life. A newscaster started reporting the current state of events outside.

It was most likely God's way of informing us that the mission was about to start



Newscaster: Im Lisa Lavender here, reporting on the upcoming 7 day Vytal festival! Every kingdom has sent in representative huntsmen and huntresses in training to secure the title of Vytal champion. Not only that, it is said that several other teams have been making waves as well during the Vytal tournament. Tune in next time for more info on the Vytal tournament. On further news, reports have been coming in that the creatures of Grimm have been acting... odd of late. Many of them appear to be heading towards Vale. Teams of Hunters have been sent in to take care of the situation before we have a massive horde on the loose. This can be attributed towards their ability of sensing negative emotions and the Vytal festival being a large gathering must have had an impact on them. The authorities however, appear to have everything under control and are urging citizens to enjoy the festival as best as they can. Once again, I'm Lisa Lavender and this is Remnant News Network.



Yukio frowned as he stared at the screen. After the newscaster had reported the incident, it turned off and and made no other noise.

Kinto rubbed his chin in thought as he started analyzing the information given.



Kinto: I think im starting to get a clear picture on what's happening, now.

Yukio: Do tell.

Kinto: Well you see, the Vytal festival, is set to be a festival in remembrance of a peace treaty signed after the Great War between the kingdoms. it was set in a small island of the north of Vale, nicknamed Vytal. Cinder Fall, will use the opportunity of such an event to call upon the forces of Grimm and invade Vale together with the terrorist organisation, the White Fang.

Haven: We... already know this...

Kinto: Ah, but think carefully what the newscaster said and keep in mind what exactly the mission entailed. She said that the creatures of Grimm were acting oddly and were gathering towards Vale. Now, in the original series, the Vytal festival was only a 3 day event at best. Im curious as to why it why the newscaster said it was a 7 day event. Something might have changed with the plot.

Yukio: Something changed? What do you mean by that?

Kinto: Well, if you think about it, there are several factors which will not allow us to directly confront Cinder Fall. We do not know where our location is. We could be heading away from Vale as we know it or we could even be somewhere in Vacuo. Secondly, the authorities. They are very powerful, with most of them having their aura unlocked and as Cinder Fall is probably registered as a contestant of the Vytal tournament, they would be more than likely to arrest us if we ever seek to fight her.

Haven: I see... time and place matter huh?

Kinto: Indeed. Also, the factor of our identities remains in question. God has not explicitly given us any cards of identification or the like. We might not be registered as citizens in any of the kingdoms, and if say, Ozpin or Ironwood gets wind of this matter, they might believe that we are a part of Salem's forces. Unfortunate as it is, we wont be able to warn them of Cinder's plan as well due to the amount of points a spoiler would create.

Yukio: ...

Haven: Hmm, that's going-




The bullhead shook, disrupting our balance. A loud screech resounded through the air, Haven and I recognized the sound of it from the Show.

It was Giant Nevermore.

It was attacking the craft, likely drawn from the negative emotions of the newbies. This... might be bad.



Yukio: Take cover!

Haha... yeah. Sorry. I had exams...

I... apologize?

Next chapter shall be written soon? I still kinda have exams. Relax, you dont need to worry about me abandoning the story.

I wont.

Eriniescreators' thoughts
Next chapter