

Haven: Evolved?

Yukio: Yes. I don't know why they're here but it's going to be a huge problem if we stay here any longer.

Haven: Can you... kill them?

Takashi: Wait, what do you mean by Evolved, you mean the fast ones?

Haven: No, not the Runners. Takashi, the zombie Runners which we encountered earlier apparently aren't the strongest mutant ones out there.

Takashi: What?!

Haven: Come on, lets go save that girl, I'll explain on the way.

Takashi: Wait! Haven. Wait for me.



We had just enough time to inform everyone about the situation before rushing out. Yukio followed Takashi and Haven while Jax was decided to help Izumi to get the Humvee in the garage ready.

As we opened the gate and jumped out, we noticed the amount of undead in the area. Yukio readied his gun and stared rapidly shooting into the mob, thinning them out to allow us to pass through.

With the sword in his hands, Haven kicked off the wall and pulled Takashi over, helping him up. Over ahead, Kohta kept sniping down undead near Alice Maresato.

Haven increased his pace of movement when he heard Takashi curse behind him. An undead had tried to grab his shoe. Just like in the anime, they decided to use the walls of the houses as their gateway through the mob.

Yukio, with his increased agility jumped over the undead and sliced through the mob with ease, occasionally using their heads as stepping stones.

When he reached over to where we were, Haven shouted out a question.



Haven: How far are they from reaching us?!

Yukio: Fifteen minutes at most. Are you really going to rescue that girl? There are a shit tonne of undead here, you know?

Takashi: I'm not going to just leave her to die!

Yukio:(muttering) I hope you're right about this.



We rushed above the horde to Alice's location, slicing through the regular zombies in our way. Notifications kept on ringing out informing us of the points we had obtained.

Soon, Haven reached Alice just in time to push a zombie away from taking a bite out of her. She cried out in surprise seeing that someone had rescued her. After seeing her tear ridden face, even Yukio's cold hard eyes softened slightly.



Haven: Kid, get on my back. We're leaving now!

Alice: (sniffling)W-who are you?

Haven: Haven Crest.



He smiled at her.



Haven: The protagonist of this story!

Alice: W-what?

[Hey! What about me?!]

Haven: Er...



He ignored Erin's protests and tried his best to ease her emotions. Haven might not have been the most handsomest person out there but when someone smiles, they tend to ease other peoples nerves. Thus when he did, Alice stopped crying instantly and ran to hug him.

After seeing her father pass before her eyes, she must have been sad, probably wanting emotional support in the situation.

Yukio and Takashi who were holding back the mob, shouted at Haven to hurry up. But before he could reply, an UNGODLY roar resounded throughout the surroundings.






Takashi: What the F*ck was that?!

Yukio: Shit!! They're here already, the gunshots probably attracted them faster.

Haven: And whose fault do you think it is?!

Yukio: Shut up! GO!



Most of the mob was already cleared off due their teamwork and the few zombies that were left, were flung away and run over by the Humvee driven by Shizuka.

Haven, without wanting to waste anymore time picked up Alice in a princess carry, and jumped over the wall with his increased parameters to get her to the Humvee. When he arrived, he passed Alice to Saeko and glanced back at Yukio.

A moment later, something... huge smashed into the asphalt in front of Yukio, cratering the ground around it.



Haven: What the F*ck? Is that the Armored Titan?!

[Idiot of course not!]



Although Haven's scream was somewhat nonsensical, it did have some merit.

It looked more like the hulk but instead of Green Flesh, it had Grey a grey skin tone and massive bone plating that grew around its body like some sort of armor.



Takashi: Holy...

Saeko: F*cking...

Saya: Shit.

Haven: Scatter! Go now!

Jax: Wait, Haven what about you?!

Izumi: Get on, dumb ass!



The evolved zombie stared at Yukio unmoving. It seemed content to wait without a single action. Haven glanced back and saw something he never would have expected to appear on Yukio's face.



Blood lust.



Yukio: Haven! Runners are about to converge to this location. Keep them off the main characters while I handle this guy.

Haven: Shit! Alright. I'll do it!



Before He could move closer though, Jax jumped off the vehicle to follow him. Izumi wanted to get off as well but Saeko pushed her back.



Saeko: You, you're going to die!

Takashi: Guys! Get on!



Before Haven could reply, he noticed movement approaching from the corner of his eye. Perhaps it was instinct or perhaps something else but he jumped forward to push Jax over to the side. A moment later, a runner sprang onto him.

Thankfully he was already prepared, as such his blade came forward to block its savage leap. The sharp blade of the sword dug into the corpse's body, halting it's sneak attack unto Jax. The momentum of the runner's jump, however, caused Haven to stumble backwards.

Before it could reposition itself to leap once again, Jax slid forward and sliced into one of its legs, crippling it. Haven took the chance to finish it off, stabbing his sword forward.

Unfortunately before he could complete the motion, something slammed onto his back. Unprepared, he fell forward and slammed onto the floor, his sword clattering away.

A sharp pain suddenly transmitted itself onto his left shoulder. He screamed out in pain, feeling a burning sensation spread slowly from the wound. He rolled over to his side to see a runner zombie attaching itself to his shoulder via its mouth!

In anger, he used his left arm pulled the zombie off him, and grasped for his sword. Feeling it in his hand, he slammed it down onto the runner's neck, severing it from it's head.

The other runner was killed off by Jax while Haven was fighting the one that bit him.



Haven: F*ck!

Next chapter