1 Prologue

Hello there, reader. My name is Erin. I am what you might call, a reincarnator. Every time my body dies, I travel to a different body in a different version of the planet Earth. Many of these world have energy sources such as Mana or Ki.

Some even have powerful entities that are practically worshiped as gods. Which brings me to my current situation... I... have somehow or rather, lost almost all of my memories regarding my previous hundreds of incarnations.

Only odd instincts and brief flashes of scenes sometimes flicker through my mind.

You see, every time I die, my soul enters into a separate plane which I have likened to dub, the "Spatial Chaos." The best thing I can describe it as, is a Wormhole.

In any case, through the transfer of this Spatial Chaos, my soul attaches itself onto a body of a recently deceased being and assumes it's identity.

Well, this has happened every time except for my last reincarnation.

Traveling through Spatial Chaos is a very burdening experience. In essence, it really, really, hurts. Im not sure how I can feel in my soul form as I've lost almost all of my previous memories, however, this time as I traveled through it, it was different.

It hurt MUCH more than usual.

And due to that... it seems that something went wrong with the transfer. Instead of reincarnating into a body of a deceased human, I reincarnated into the body of a living one...

That's not the worst part.

My soul merged with his partially, which allowed my mind to reach his. This is very, very bad due to a main reason. Because of this partial merging, I'm afraid that if I die one more time, I might not reincarnate anymore.

Also, for some reason or another, I have absolutely zero control over this body's motor functions. Instead, the most I can do is communicate with him mentally and experience things from his perspective.

In a sense, I am merely a simple voice in his head.

Fortunately however, my "host", Haven Crest was a pretty "chill" guy. He accepted me for what I was after freaking our for two weeks and realizing that he does not have schizophrenia.

We good?





Haven: *huff* *Huff* Erin, this is getting us nowhere!

[Well excuse me for trying to get us out of this situation!]

Haven: And I'm thankful but we are going to die at this rate!

[Hold on for a moment, Im analyzing our surroundings. Perhaps we can use something around here to our advantage.]

Haven: Well analyze quicker!




Haven bolted through the construction sight, dodging the falling beams and ducking whenever he heard the sounds of gunfire echoing around him.

Sounds of of a mini war echoed around the area, pushing Haven's mind into overdrive. His adrenaline spiked, bringing his perception to a greater height.

Suddenly, around a corner, a group of people carrying weapons such as guns and knives charged out in front of him.



Criminal 1: Hey, stop right there kid! Give us the location of the package and we can all go our separate ways! If you don't... heh. You know what's waiting for you, don't you?!

Criminal 2: Give it up kid, the gig is up. You got nowhere to run.

Criminal 3: We're already being nice enough letting you live. Lets all walk away from this happy, huh?

Haven: Ah... haha. Carren's group I assume? I er...



Before Haven could finish his words, a different group of people rushed out from behind Haven and aimed their guns towards the people in front of him.

All Haven could do was raise his hands into the air and grit his teeth hoping that these people wouldn't shoot him.



Haven: Well shit.

Mafia member: Hah. You people think you're going to take away the source of our futures. The kid's package is ours!

Criminal: You better put down your weapons or things are gonna get ugly.

Haven: (Erin, what do we do?!)

[Look behind you. There are a few fallen concrete beams. When they inevitably start fighting hide behind those pillars. It... should prolong our lives by a small amount.]

Haven: Dammit.



Haven jumped backwards the moment he saw one of criminal group getting trigger happy. His decision appeared to be the right call as just as he jumped, the two groups started shooting at each other, cursing and running around to avoid shots.

Haven vaulted over the two pillars and crouched behind the fallen concrete slabs, flinching every time he heard a body fall to the ground.



Haven: Dammit, how did the situation devolve into becoming this bad?!

[Well... there are too many actions that you did that caused it. However i really think you shouldn't have even opened the file that your parents left you. It's what got us into this mess in the first place.]

Haven: Erin... that was a rhetorical question.

[Sure... in any case. We need to get out of here before they all kill each other off. I suggest using "it."]

Haven: No. That isn't an option! You know that, Erin.

[...look. If we don't do this we are going to die. Im not sure about you but I'm not wiling to test out the limits of my new mortal life.]

Haven: Oh shut up. You don't even know if you're mortal now. It's all speculation. You might be completely fine even if we die.

[Okay... now you're just being ridiculous. You WANT to die?]

Haven: No! Of course not... but... I just.... I can't use it, Erin.

[Wake up, Haven! Do you even understand what's happening right now? We are in the middle of a war between the Strider mafia and the Red Leaf criminal group. If we don't do something, we are going to die. Now, take out the gauntlet and use its first ability.]

Haven: ...Shit. Fine.



Haven removed his backpack and reached inside to remove a piece of equipment shaped like a gauntlet.

It was a technological marvel, a prototype that had 4 different functions in built. It was so advanced that people were literally trying to kill each other to obtain it. And... well you might have guessed it but... this thing was what got us into the mess in the first place.

Cryne was its name.

Without further ado, Haven equipped the gauntlet onto his left hand, flexing his hand as he did so. Immediately, the metallic plates around the gauntlet shifted around to suit his arm, creating some type of unknown armor like substance.

Blue glowing power lines formed atop the Cryne. It started humming with an untold might as its inner mechanisms shifted into a perfect state.

Haven clenched his fist and rushed out from where we were hiding. At this point, there were only five people still fighting. The rest were either dead or heavily wounded. In any case, they wouldn't pose a threat for now.

The men who were still shooting at each other caught sight of Haven trying to make a break for it. One of them noticed the Cryne that wrapped around Haven's arm.

He shouted at his companions and they all started aiming their weapons towards Haven. The only reason they had kept him alive was to find the location of the Cryne. They couldn't kill him off without finding it, now could they?

Fortunately, the kid was stupid enough to bring the weapon to them! Or at least... that is what they believed.

You see, the Cryne was a futuristic weaponry that should have only been possible to construct 70 years down into the future. It was a marvel of its time and also the last clue/inheritance that Haven's parents had left for him.

They had built in a techno-symbiotic organism and merged it into the form of a gauntlet. It had four major abilities that would allow a person to transcend the limits of humans.

The first, Force field!

The air started shimmering in front of Haven, it formed into a slightly glowing blue shield like projection that was big enough to cover Haven's entire body.

Haven couldn't help releasing a grin as he saw the work of what his parents had accomplished. Before he could admire it more however, bullets started flying towards his direction!

Haven instinctively flinched as he saw the flash of gunfire. Fortunately, the force field was extremely sturdy and held against the onslaught of bullets being ejected at him.



[Project the shield to cover your back as you run!]

Haven: Gotcha!



Haven raised his arm behind him as he ran forwards, barreling past the two battling parties and vaulted over the fallen debris, taking off with a mad fervor to his step.

The two groups, seemed to come to an agreement at that very moment. It seemed killing each other wasn't as important as acquiring the piece of technology that Haven was housing.

Immediately, they chased after him, shouting and yelling at him, while occasionally trying to shoot him down with their guns.

Fortunately, Haven had already positioned the rectangular force field behind him, blocking and deflecting all of the bullets that were heading towards him.

Haven's eyes dilated as adrenaline pumped through his veins, seemingly making him run faster than he ever had in his life. He huffed as he glanced around his surroundings.



[To your right. Jump!]

Haven: Are you insane?! That's a dead drop!

[No, there are boxes down there. You'll be bruised but you wont die.]

Haven: ...shit!



Deciding to blindly trust the decadent voice inside his head, a stupid decision if some were to ask, Haven ran off the edge of the partially constructed fourth floor and jumped with all his might.

As he plummeted through the air, time seemed to slow down slightly, and he just barely caught sight of the shocked faces of the mafia group and the criminal syndicate.

Haven couldn't help but to grin and send off a mocking salute towards them.

Time seemed to come back to normal as he felt the familiar feeling of falling course through his veins. Before he could process the feeling too much, his back impacted against a pile of cardboard boxes.

The impact hurt and managed to successfully drive away the air from his lungs



Haven(groaning in pain): Well holy shit. I can't believe I actually jumped!

[You are welcome.]

Haven: Yeah... f*ck you too Erin.

[How rude.]



Haven quickly got off from his perch and hurtled forwards like his life depended on it... which in essence, it really did.

His path soon brought him away from the construction site. The force field had also been deactivated to save Cryne's energy.

Immediately, before he could relax and find a safe place to hide away until things blew over, he heard the wailing of siren that blasted around the area.



[Cops. We need to hurry or there's going to be a whole lot more problems to deal with.]

Haven: Shit.



Before Haven could say another word, multiple police cars started rushing around the corner. Catching sight of Haven, they stopped and rushed out of their vehicles.



Police woman: Sir, you need to step away from this area! There has been multiple shootings and...

Police-man: Jess, that man...



The police woman took another look at Haven. His appearance seemed slightly ragged with bits of dust, dirt and some blood flecked around his clothes.

In addition to that, his left arm was covered with some type of armor that had glowing blue lines that seemed to pulse with a futuristic light.

Instantly they grew much more wary of him, believing that he might have been involved in the reports of gunshots.




Haven: Dammit Erin, I know!

[Use Cryne's second ability, now!]

Police(reaching for their holsters): Sir, we're going to have to ask you to come with us.

Haven: Shit.
