

Even with everything that had been thrown at him, I could still feel that Maarbrom was still very much alive, although he didn't feel as strong as before.

I waited for half a minute for him to crawl out from under the shattered meteorite and the remains of the avalanche, but he was not moving. I knew for sure he wasn't dead however, so… was he feigning death? Or was he too weak to crawl out?

Whatever it was, I didn't have much time left under the Second Genetic Constraint, so unsheathing Shiroishi, I made my way through the absolute devastation I had created, which was considerably easier for me as I was much smaller than the dragon.

I found Maarbrom buried several meters below ground, and he had actually reached the icy water below the glaciers.

The moment I arrived, he turned his head to look at me, and I finally got why he wasn't moving anymore.

Half of his head was smashed in, his second wing crushed, and the water had already turned red from all the blood he was losing. For the dragon to still feel so strong after this, I had to say, it was damn impressive.

"You should be proud, Alexander. You have defeated I, Maarbrom, the Terror of the North. I do not feel like I am facing a brethren, yet you fought like you wielded the Thu'um. Are you a Dovahkiin?"

Since I knew he wasn't in a state to attack, I didn't mind answering, "I am no Dovah, nor can I use the Thu'um. I suppose you could liken my magic to Tonal Magic, in the sense that it manipulates reality like Dragon Language does, but mine does not use words."

Maarbrom hummed with its gravelly voice, before saying, "Thank you for quenching my thirst, Mighty Alexander. I hope we meet again once I return, and we may share another conversation."

I nodded, approaching his chest, "It was a pleasure," before I stabbed Shiroishi into his heart.

Maarbrom still, while my Second Genetic Constraint closed as I used Death Surgeon.

Using Death Surgeon on Maarbrom was particularly complicated, possibly because he was capable of the Thu'um, which worked rather similarly to the Force on a level, but Maarbrom was also surprisingly cooperative, showing no conscientious resistance to me absorbing the Force Seed I had put in him earlier.

It only took me two minutes to get the Force Seed, along with the majority of Maarbrom's lifeforce, into my own body, leaving only scraps I couldn't get within the dragon. But even those were draining away by the second as Maarbrom was moments away from physical death.

So, I asked him the question weighing on my mind, "Why did you not struggle?"

Maarbrom unexpectedly laughed, "Why should I?"

Those words seemed to drain the last embers of lifeforce left within the dragon as it finally died. But while the physical body died, I felt the world seemingly get stronger for a moment, before returning to normal. This, I suppose, was the dragon's soul returning to its origin.

Breathing out, I sheathed my sword, and closed my eyes as I put a tight seal on the Force Seed within my body.

It took time to absorb one of these, time I did not have right now, so I instead opted for sealing it for later.

Once this was done, I swept my hand to the side, sending the rubble around flying and making myself a way out as I felt the exhaustion of the fight settle in. The aftereffects of opening the Second Genetic Constraint had gotten better, but not to the point where I could just walk it off.

I still managed to float back towards the city however, where a hoard of people were waiting for me. On one side were the guards of the hold, and on the other were mages of the College.

They all looked at me with… suspicion.

Well, I suppose I don't look like the friendliest guy around. I was back in my Akatsuki Coat and Shuten Doji's Mask.

After a moment, I decided to take off my mask, and greeted, "Greetings, Arch-Mage Aren."

The Dark Elf Arch-Mage looked surprised, but he still showed proper respect as he greeted back, "Greetings… Pardon, but what might your name be?"

Approaching Sarah, I replied, "My name is Alexander, but you probably don't know about me."

Savos Aren scratched the back of his head, looking at the other mages from the College, unsure of what to say, before a High Elf woman, probably Faralda, whispered something in her ear seeing me approach Sarah.

Savos' face lit up in realization as he asked, "Are you and your companion looking for entry into the college? I assure you, you did not have to kill a dragon for that!"

Sarah and I laughed at that, while Savos looked relieved. He probably didn't want to piss me.

I sent a look at the guards, who looked ill at ease in the presence of so many mages, and said, "I think we are making some people uncomfortable."

Savos smiled and said in a friendly tone, "Where are my manners, follow me to the College!"

The mages made way for Sarah and I as we walked to Savos' side, while they walked behind us. I could feel their curious but cautious gaze directed at the back of my head. I could feel that if I tried anything, they wouldn't hesitate to attack.

Savos, on the other hand, looked much calmer as he asked, "That certainly was an impressive fight, mister Alexander. I must admit, I am quite surprised I never heard of a warrior such as you. Or are you a mage? You certainly made it hard to figure."

I shrugged, replying, "A bit of both, I suppose."

Savos was still enthusiastic as he added, "If you don't mind me asking, why did you come here? You don't look like someone who would need our teachings. Are you perhaps a member of another magical faction here for an exchange?"

As he said that, his eyes quickly flickered to Sarah, before turning back to me, making it clear that he was mainly afraid I was here because I was angry Sarah had been rejected the first time she came here.

I alleviated his worries by answering, "I am independent, from another province, which is probably why you never heard of me. As for my reason for being here, it is indeed for an exchange. I would like to study some of your magic, and of course I will let you study mine in return. Oh, and if my companion could gain entry into your college, I would be grateful."

Savos looked relieved at the first part, but his face tightened hearing the second as he sent a tactful look at Sarah, "I heard you were already tested once-"

He quickly stopped as Sarah's hand lit up with a bluish light as she fired an icy wind forward. Keeping it for a moment, she stopped and said, "I have already mastered all the Novice Rank Spells I could get my hands on, so I should qualify for entry, right?"

Savos looked surprised though as he asked, "But I heard you knew no spells a month ago… Did you learn this in only a month, and on your own?"

Seeing Sarah was handling it just fine on her own, I stayed silent and let the two of them speak.

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