
Terror Infinity: Glitch in the System (Edited Version)

This is a Terror Infinity fan-fic, obviously... But, now that I'm in it, things might go differently. Yeah just a heads up, I haven't actually finish reading TI cause of the bad translations. Hope you enjoy like I will. This is a story of a messed up guy, that tried to cope with society by emulating what is known to be the norm. Using a set of rules or code taught to him by his mentor. But, as he enters God's dimension... He will come to a realization. P.S. This is a version taken from the raw one I wrote due to boredom in the quarantine so for those who had read the raw one... sorry you had to read thru that cluster F*ck.

Om_Nom_Nom · Others
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4 Chs

Dark thoughts...

The entrance to the Hive began to open, revealing the pitch black corridor that leads to the subterranean facility.

"JD", " Zhang Jie". Number One whispered, and made a few hand signs telling them to proceed forward.

A merc went in along with Murder-Death-Kill holding a semi-automatic rifle.

'So, that's his name... Jie! If I remembered correctly, his suppose to be the guide. But, his also the current leader of Team China, and yet somehow his both. Which isn't supposed to happen.'

'But, because of a screw up in the previous mission, now he's kinda having an identity crisis.'

'Later he will have no choice but to help the MC get the leader privilege. Right now though his doing everything he can, to avoid that. Knowing he will be erased if he accomplishes that task.'

'To sum it up, our team. Yeah, I'm in on it now... Is in a major handy cap.'

'And, all that is due to just this one guy. Hmmm...'

'I'll have to fix that?! But, how???'

Kris, now having identified an obsticle to his continued survival. Began to scheme and weigh his options.

'Wait! Now that I think about it... what is my biggest advantage in all of this? Isn't it my fore knowledge?'

'Then going by that thought, shouldn't I eliminate Zheng 'cause eventually he will be cloned in Team Devil and become the greatest threat there is? But, the question is... is it worth it killing him now, and changing everything I know about the future?'

'But, doesn't that mean me being here had already changed things?'

'Arrggh! Let's put a pin on that for now, and see if anything else changes.'

Back to the HIVE situation...

'I know for sure that as long as the AI of the place is ON, for now there's no serious danger.'

Kris then looked thru the information on the watch, and confirmed that other than surviving until the alotted time. He could not go more than a few meters away from Number One.

'So all I need to do is keep up with Number One and the mercs or I'll get eliminated by the system.'

'It's basically saying that I must follow the plot for now.'

As Kris only stepped in thru the entrance leading to the Hive's main lobby. After the female merc said it was clear.

He then over heard Matt, and Zheng who went in before him talk about the windows simulating the view of a busling metropolis.

Kris watched Zheng reached out his hand awkwardly to shake Matts hand, while the guy motioned to his cuffed hands. He couldn't help but laugh in side as this happen.

Kris then saw the merc working on the elevator shake his head. Understanding that the lift was a lost cause.

Kris moved towards Zheng, and Matt saying "Hope you guys worked on your cardio. 'cause we're taking the stairs"

He then whispered so only they could hear "I knew it was a good Idea to not wear heels to work today." He was expecting a laugh out of that comment.

But all he got were odd looks.

Kris just shrug his shoulders thinking,'Well, tough crowd...'

At this time Number One turned to everyone saying, "We will go through the stairs, we must reach the bottom in ten minutes. Everyone follow."

'And, there it is the start of the amazing race.'

Kris followed closely behind the mercs, keeping up with the highly trained personnel.

Five minutes in, he heard Jie muttered,"One down..."

When Kris looked behind him he saw that the chubby dude was gone.

Only, Zheng, glasses girl, and a wimpy looking kid were keeping up behind the mercs. But, the kid doesn't look that good.

What he found amusing was that glasses girl was grabbing Jie's shirt holding on for dear life. As Jie half dragged her along the stairs.

They then reached the floor where the laboratories were located, and everything was flooded.

Kris arrived behind the group, with relative ease. He wasn't even panting let alone sweating compared with everyone else.

Which he found weird, since he could vaguely remember himself not having such a fit body in the past.

'Wow! That could only mean this body is in top shape. That makes me wonder, what this guy did before I came along?'

Spotting the mercs below the stairs, He could hear sighs of relief behind him. As the stairs ordeal was over, and they had a chance to rest.

Kris could only shake his head at his companion's antics.

He then looked around the place checking if he could find some loot.

Until he was drawn towards a lab window, he started staring at the floating corpse inside the lab that was filled with water. Contemplating the fragility of life, and the horrors he have to face from now on.

Kris somehow blacked out for a minute, as he watched the body of a female scientist float around.

Because the next thing he saw was Jie and the other merc coming back saying that the whole area was flooded.

So, Kaplan proposed another route that goes around the flooded area. Going thru a place labeled Dining Room B.

'Which means we're going to be seeing our first zombie soon, and the area where they keep the lickers.'

One barked some orders and they ended up following behind the mercs, while Kris stealthily manuver himself at the center of the group... where its safer.

'Hey I'm not scared, I'm just ill equipped. So, I picked the best vantage point at the moment.'

Finally, the mercs stopped in front of a metal door. They opened the door with a hand held computer and cautiously moved in while holding onto their guns.

This room was filled with many metal cases. Anyone who watched the movie should know, inside those cases were Lickers.

'Once the central computer shuts down, they would be a hundred times more dangerous than the zombies.'

Kaplan looked at his computer to double check if they were in the right place.

"Dining Hall B. That's what it says on the map."

JD said,"Maybe your reading it wrong."

Number One walked over to him, while Matt chimed in saying,"Maybe the corporation's keeping a few secrets down here."

Number One looked at Matt without answering, "JD, Rain, and Jie keep the prisoner here, and secure the exit."

After hearing that Kris eyed Jie thinking 'Hmmm... Didn't he have a hypnotism ability? I'm sure he used it on the mercs. As Number One seem to give him an abnormal level of trust.'

Kris was very suspicious at this due to him knowing that the system doesn't give that much detail into giving the players a background story.

'Shyte! That's equivalent to having a cheat!'

This is when glasses girl went next to Jie and whisppered something.

She must be asking about changing the plot like in the OG. Kris could only sigh at this thinking.

'It took all this time for her to realize this.'

Out on the side though, Zheng was evesdropping on their conversation.

Kris could see that contemplative look on his face.

'This must be the moment where he hypothesized about side quests. And the perfect time to get rid of him... if I was that kind of person.'

The medic then reported,"Sir, Halon levels are non-existent in this room. The system might have malfunctioned."

"Ok, there might be survivors in the area. I want you to maintain a searche line. But, keep it tight. I don't want anyone straying off alone. The rest follow me."

After giving out instructions to everyone , Number One moved forward.

They went through a labyrinth of Licker cases, and finally arrived at the control room's door.

Of course the AI has been observing them this whole time. The computers in this room could no longer control the whole laboratory 100% as the AI began to make things difficult for them.

'And, this is where things will go to shyte.' Thought Kris as he step to the side, and approached Zheng.