94 Ch.94 Not Today!

'On the sixth day, God created man in his own image. What a load of crap that was... GOD, is a ball of light. I don't even remotely look like that, or does anyone else.'

'I'm not trying to offend anybody. But, Hey! I just got figuratively smacked in the face by God recently. So, you can't blame me.'

'I have been shown Gods greatest mystery. Now! It's up to us to figure it all out.'

'Right?! , Wrong! Good, Evil. In each of us is the capacity to decide what drives our actions. So what is it that makes some choose selflessness, the need to devote oneself to something greater, while others know only self-interest? Isolating themselves in a world of their own making?'

'Some seek love, even if unrequited, while others are driven by fear and betrayal. There are those who see their choices as dark proof of God's absence, while others follow a path of noble destiny.'

'But in the end, good, evil, right or wrong, what we choose is never what we really need. For that is the real cosmic joke. The real gift that God has left behind.'

'Sometimes I think William Bludworth had it all figured out. Talking about the grand design, the Tapestry. And his big speech about how pulling on the strings of fate to unravel the mystries, will only lead you to find yourself dangling on those very threads.

'Well I'm about to cut free from those threads. But, I can't seem to decide which scissors to use.'

[Kris POV]

'I, and my two companions are now at the door step of one, Zane Taylor. But Zane will not be the one greeting us. His currently busy being dead next to a washing machine, to answer the door.'

When Mohinder knocked at the door, I telepathically told Clear to follow my lead, and not say a thing.

As soon as the door opens, I knocked out the good doctor with my psionic abilities.'Never new I could do that before, not until recently when I trained with Mr.Bludworth.'

Sylar who was now dressed as Zane, was at the door and saw Mohinder crample to the ground unconscious.

He simply looks down at the doctor, and looks up to meet my eyes as he raised his eye brow.

I gave a small bow, at him and said,"Valar Morghulis, Brother. As all men must die. But, worry not. Your's is not this time. I mean you no ill will, or any ones for that matter... Shall we talk inside?"

'When faced with a situation such as this, I always slip back to what I know best... putting on a show. Some might say, I just have HPD. Hey! to each his own.'

He says nothing, and steps aside to allow us to enter the home of the now dead Zane. I walked around looking over the things on the wall, until I saw Zane's body, and said,"Ah! another one who has been given the gift."

Sylar just looks at me and shrugs, I turned around and walked to the nearest seat in the dining room.

As I take a seat, I said,"I know your blessed with glorious purpose, so I'll make it brief. You want to be different? Yes. To be special, unique."

Sylar just shrugs, and made an "eh so-so" gesture with his hands, and says,"I'm a natural progression of the species. Evolution is a part of nature, and nature kills. Simple, right?" then he saw Clear roll her eyes,"Ok. I might technically, be a seriel killer."

I raise both my hands, and said,"Hey! I'm not here to judge. I was like you once... But, my eyes were opened by the Code. So here I am now trying to write my own Code. You see brother..."

Sylar was about to say something, but I cut him off by saying,"Oh! We're not related or anything... It's just we're brothers in destiny, or kindred spirits of sort."

Seeing he did not have anything else to say, I continued.

"You see, I once strived so hard to be somebody. To be special, to be adored, to be someone... To the point where I could be anyone."

"But, you see when I was almost there... that's when the fear came creeping in. I was afraid... I won't make it... to my goal, to the finish line."

"A question kept me from moving forward... 'when I get there, what next?'. The closer I got... the worse, the fear got."

"The fear won in the end, and I became no one!"

"Now, I'm not afraid. What's there to lose when your no one?!"

I looked into Syler's eyes saying,"You're a dangerous person, I see a darkness in you. And when I look at that darkness, I see myself looking back."

"You see, This you?!" gesturing at Sylar "Is born in the long summer of your life, you've never known anything else... But, now winter is sure to be coming... and in the winter we must protect ourselves. And look after one another..."

Sylar looked at me with a skeptical gaze. But, I shook my head and continued.

"Or at least that's what my mentor told me. I was set on my ways, but he never gave up on me... cared for me... loved me... I know what I was doing was wrong but, he was always smiling at my antics. So, I knew it wasn't wrong. The rules were wrong. That's why we have the code."

"It's there so we can see 'the line' clearly, to know when we cross it."

"I'm still not seeing the point in all this, why don't you get to that part already... I still have a doctor's appointment to keep." said Sylar who was now getting impatient.

I sighed, and looked outside the window. While saying,"When change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it zugunruhe."

"A pull of the soul to a far off place..."

"Following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message that comes calling the kindred to take flight and gather together. Only then they can hope to survive the cruel season to come."

"When winter comes... the lone wolf dies, and the pack survives."

"I, like all men will die, but first. Valar Dohaeris... All men must serve."

It was this time that Sylar dropped to the ground unconscious...

"Like you will now... Brother..."

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